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1:09 AM
I just came across a Hot Network Question that made me think of the idea of putting a QR code for the Publications post into DoA-MY (presumably at the bottom of the last page, under "If you liked..."). I doubt (based on the answers there and in the linked-to UX.SE posts) that many people will use it, but some may well, I don't see any harm in it, and if even one person visits who otherwise wouldn't, that's a Good Thing. Thoughts? cc @IsaacMoses
1:26 AM
@msh210 I snuck a QR code into P-MY, I think
@msh210 I think that our situation would fit into "no," according to that chart.
1:48 AM
A QR code (linking to the downloads post on meta, I presume) seems like it could help and can't hurt, despite the whiteboard flowchart. People who get the book digitally won't need it (they can use the link), but all the people getting this on paper will otherwise have to type a URL in, and while it's short it's also unusual, which may increase the error rate. We've got room for it on the last page, so why not? @msh210 @IsaacMoses
4 hours later…
6:05 AM
@IsaacMoses But what if...
@MonicaCellio Yes, I agree completely; my posting the flowchart was for the humor, not because I agree with it.
2 hours later…
7:45 AM
Okay, I should be sleeping, but here goes... copyediting. (Some or even all of this may duplicate what others have said; if so, excuse me. I'm not keeping up with the chat room.) I'm basing my remarks on the current edition of drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TqzcduQYHTWW9JVXJpSzdoUDg/view
Page 0 (PDF page 2, but I'll omit PDF page numbers after this one), paragraph 2 is about what to do on RH/YK and para 3 jumps right to discussion of the URL. Sounds like we're recommending d/ling on y"t. Perhaps change "will take you" to "will take you (after yom tov!)".
Pg 2 para "I suggest": insert a dash or colon before "from the root".
Pg 3 1st Q - omit the hyphen before "at the conclusion".
Same para - "Can anyone tell me something" sounds stilted. Try "Can anyone tell me anything".
Pg 3 para "So in short" - I would write "Taz's", not "Taz'", but I'm not sure I'm right.
Pg 4 "You could answer: Really, could you?" -- both "could"s should really be "can"s. And I'd probably change "to the online version of this question" to "to this question online". "Online version of this question" sounds like it's different from the paper version of the question, which may be true but is not something we wish to draw attention to.
Pg 4 para "Michoel answered" - spacing issues at the Hebrew quotation. (There's a space seemingly between the open quotation mark and the Hebrew.)
@msh210 I pointed that out too. So that makes two of us.
p19 - in the credits you write 'please remove my account' with quotes, but without quotes in the post itself. Consistency? Same with 'not-allowed to change my name' (p33).
8:05 AM
Pg 5 , GG's answer - This is a weird one.... I caught the apostrophe after the S in "S'e" and figured it shouldn't be there because the word is שֵׂה... but then I thought "maybe it's some other word" so I figured out the gimatriyaos and they don't match up (for שה) (unless in my tired state I added wrong) . So I figured I'd check TH for the words -- and I don't see anything like this there at all.
Pg 6 Michoel's answer, first block-quote - the single and double quotation marks should be the Unicode HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH and HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM characters (IIRC the names) instead.
... respectively.
Same quotation - the Hebrew uses plural for "should not eat... faces" but the English switches from "one should not" to "faces". The English should be fixed. I'd just change "one" to "they".
@msh210 They both added up to 494 for me. תפוח = שה עקידה
@Scimonster This is what happens when you do it in your head when tired. I counted the דה as 11 for some reason. Three times.
@Scimonster Thanks.
@msh210 I pulled out a calculator. :)
p19, Danny's answer. It has "Selichot under your control" all in italics, but Selichot is in italics for a different reason (foreign term) than the rest (emphasis). Is this a problem/confusing?
Pg 6 bottom para - "get the custom annulled" sounds like it means generally. Perhaps "the"-->"his".
And add a comma after "preparing" in the next (last) paragraph (p19).
8:13 AM
Pg 6 bottom para - I think clarify what the alternative to Magid Mesharim would be. Perhaps "relegated to Maggid Meisharim (even though R. Karo wrote influential halacha books)" or something
Pg 6 bottom para - "is only an appropriate approach for rare individuals" --> "is an appropriate practice only for rare individuals" . The "only" should modify what's being limited, and "appropriate approach" is just too appro.
p20 - "13 attributes" to "13 Attributes of Mercy"? The second is more familiar, and used later on the page.
Pg 7 para "The Leader" - is it okay to start a line with a dash? I suspect not but dunno for sure. Also, it looks like a hyphen to me.
p20, Aryeh's answer: the quote marks in the Hebrew are all backwards. And there's a lonely quote mark towards the end of the English quote.
Pg 8 top para - use Hebrew quote marks again
Ph 8 2nd para ends with quotation marks - strip them. Also, the first internal quote in that para starts with lowercase "why" whereas the second starts with capital "When". Be consistent. (I like the capital better, personally.)
p21 - "[see B’Kol Torah Elul ג”תשס Page 7]." -- I think the year should just be written as 5763, because we don't translate the rest of the title.
There's a space either before or after רבונו on that page -- i can't quite tell which way it's supposed to be going. :) I think it's between the open quote and the word.
8:20 AM
Pg 8 bottom para - change "would slaughter him, his pain" to "would slaughter him [dash] his pain" for grammar's and readability's sakes.
Pg 9 first block Hebrew quotation - same issue with the quotation marks
same para - is missing a single geresh character at the end
Pg 9 para "R' Menachem Mendel answers" - their-->his
p23 - i feel like when you have such a short quote and translation (derech eretz...), they should go on the same line.
Pg 9 para "Jews" - the double hyphen should be a dash
Pg 9 para "R' Menachem Mendel actually" - change "adds, that" to "adds that," .
Pg 9, Hebrew block quote at the bottom - again, should use Hebrew quote marks. I'm gonna stop pointing these out now.
@msh210 No, don't stop. This way we'll have a list.
@Scimonster Eh, it'll probably be in every other Hebrew quotation or so. And I may miss some. But okay.
Pg 10 para "And some" - I'm not sure what type of dash should be before the citation at the end of the para, if any. Perhaps do this:
... hold back." (Cf. Gen. Rabbah 55:4.)
Pg 11 para "Alex" - the hyphen before "which" should be a dash
p26 - As the footnotes says, the text is in the plural, despite usually being seen in the singular. However, the translation is in the singular. It should be consistent.
8:32 AM
Pg 13 - I don't think the footnote is necessary.
More of those Hebrew quote things at the top of p27. Also, the Hebrew has no period at the end.
@msh210 See here and later conversation. I take your position, but @Isaac thinks it should be there.
All of the footnote numbers in the main text look very small to me. Their bottoms are where they should be, but the tops look too low. Maybe it's just me, though.
Jul 22 at 7:44, by Scimonster
And somehow a couple spaces that were online disappeared: "Kol Nidretook on", "Talmud,Bava Basra". Not sure how that happened.
p28 - the problem is still there
pg 14 - I'd probably put footnote 3 at the end of the quote rather than at the end of its intro, and (in that case) precede the quote with a colon rather than a period.
pg 14 bottom para - I think a comma rather than a hyphen between section number and section name.
pg 14 bottom para - is it okay to start a line with a dash? I suspect not but dunno for sure. Also, it looks like a hyphen to me.
p29 -- "Avinu Malkeinu - middle verses said out loud by the Chazan" -- should be a dash.
8:39 AM
pg 15 top heading - I think the yod should have a dagesh
... same in the ToC
That's it for now. I need to sleep!
@msh210 The TOC updates automatically.
@msh210 TZT. Thanks for the review!
p30 - "That's" doesn't have a curly quote.
Add italics on p31 - Rashi, Devorim, Gemoro Sukah, Bereishis, Rashi.
Somehow "“Would that Yishmoel would live before you” (Bereishis 17:18), Rashi there adds “in Your fear.”" is a link. It shouldn't matter when printed, but it's odd anyways.
Add a period before "Rashi there adds" (instead of the comma).
Italicize Yoma.
And maybe add the Hebrew term for עינוי?
p32 italicize Mishna, Beis Yosef. 33: Yoma.
p34 - no need to abbreviate by "Mishneh Torah, Hil. T’rumos"
"Biblical or rabbinic" -- let's have some consistent caps.
"itself derived from Daniel, 10:3,12)." -- remove the comma after Daniel.
p35 italicize Eiruvin, Shibolei Haleket.
p36: Shulchan Aruch, Magen Avraham, Chayei Adam, and Mishnah Berurah, Mekor Baruch, Magen Avraham (x2).
FWIW i've done the opposite of Gershon's answer there, and made kiddush on YK every year before eating (when i was that age).
p37: “Asher nasan...,”, (Otzerot Yossef
And since we're spelling the name as "Yosef" in that sentence, maybe spell it the same way in the book title.
p37: Italicize Yona[h] in several places. And Unetanneh Tokef, haftarah, Shacharit,
"does such a true teshuvah" -- is teshuvah a noun or verb? I thought verb (so "a" should be removed).
p38: Shlah, Sefer HaTodaah, Yonah (several), Abarbanel, Rashi. p39: Malbim.
Maybe expand some of the roshei teivot in the Malbim quote there. Specifically כמ"ש and שכ"ז. Just because there's enough space, and no need to abbreviate there.
p40 - Tosfot, (Brachot, Rashba, (Shu”t. Also:
Just realized how hard it is to transliterate איבעיא — Double AA ♦ Sep 27 '12 at 5:14
^ so maybe just don't transliterate it.
p41 - extra space before ברוך שם...
and in several places on p42
several italics on p42 - Koheles, Devarim, Bava Basra, Chagai, Shemos, Vayikra
כבוד - Honor -- should be a dash
"Rav and Shmuel, one said it means it was larger, and one said it means it stood longer." I dislike the grammar of this translation, but i'm not sure what exactly about it.
p43 - "מלכות - Royalty" -- another dash. "Nishmas, in “ ’ה לך" -- loose space. "Nefesh HaChaim Sha’ar ג Chapter יד" -- translate the numbers. Italicize Yaakov Avinu and Moshe Rabbeinu. p44 - "the Tefillah of asking for that increase" -- maybe just translate it: "the prayer asking for..."?
I would say that the Glossary header is a bit scrunched against the text, but there's so much text, i don't know if we can afford more space! It does look like there's a bit of room at the bottom though, so it might be possible to shift it down a drop.
Lone ending parenthesis at the end of Imrei Noam in the glossary.
Kiddush: pluralize "blessings".
Orach Chaim: not sure about the colon in "also: OC".
Have to add @msh210 to the credits for proofreading. :)
And there's tons of space on the back cover, so i'm pro adding a QR code to s.tk/miyodeya
9:59 AM
And since there's so much space, maybe put a couple "feedback on previous Mi Yodeya publications" quotes:
This is the coolest thing in the world... I love it! — Joel Spolsky ♦ Mar 22 '13 at 18:42
"I started looking at this and it's very impressive. Thanks very much to Mi Yodeya for this. I'm always looking for some new tidbits and "meat" for the Seder table - this looks like it should do nicely. It's highly accessible, yet it also seems to be pretty rigorous." -- Philip Setnik, Hagada - Mi Yodeya? reader (secondary source; could not find the original)
"Thank you ... for giving me something to think about. Well done. I confess I have never thought of some of these questions." -- anonymous Chanuka - Mi Yodeya? reader (source)
"This is a great project! Keep up the good work." -- anonymous Days of Awe - Mi Yodeya? funder (source‌​)
And after that put the "We would love to hear your feedback on any aspect of this publication." lines.
I also notice that we're now at 52 pages including the covers. Is that going to make it more expensive?
3 hours later…
12:47 PM
@Scimonster Yes; probably a bit less than 4% (thanks to fixed costs) than previously estimated.
@Scimonster there is aesthetic value in having a great deal of whitespace on the back cover
1:02 PM
@Scimonster @msh210 Our translation-sourcing on MY and therefore in [this version of] this pub is imperfect. There are other translations in this pub that are ours and that are not ours (e.g. Soncino, IIRC) that are currently unattributed. I think the ideal would be to attribute any translation of significant length. Short of that, I think that preserving the attributions we've got is better than nothing, despite the inconsistency.
That said, when the derisha vechakira is over, I'll follow the majority opinion.
1:17 PM
@Scimonster ... when the human remembers to tell it to do so
1:29 PM
@IsaacMoses Oh? I thought it was an automatic thing. ("magic TOC")
@Scimonster Right-click "Update Field." Automatic from there.
@Scimonster and @msh210, thanks very much for all the edits. The proofreading step due Monday night is now 1.5X complete. I'm going to leave it open in the project plan, so as not to discourage additional proofreading. Depending on domestic circumstances tonight, I may be able to incorporate what we've got so far and produce v0.2.
I figure that it would be good to incorporate the benefits of a full run-through by @Scimonster and, if possible, one by @msh210 (though a half-run is great too) before asking @TRiG if he'll take a look. One way or the other, B"H and without promises, I'm pretty sure I can commit to having v0.2 ready by Sunday night at the latest.
1:48 PM
@msh210 @MonicaCellio @Scimonster In principle, there is a cost to putting stuff in/on the book, even if it's taking up otherwise-empty space. That said, a QR code on the back of a book would not look out-of-place.
What do you think of injecting a bit of whimsy (which has been the main function of QR codes in my limited experience with them) and incorporating @Scimonster's self-promotion idea by using a QR code for this instead of s.tk/miyodeya ?
Link-safety: If the comment is deleted (as simulated here), the link fails over to just displaying the page, from the top.
2:28 PM
Q: Are QR codes used? Alternatives?

PhilI know that QR codes are used a lot in some cultures (e.g. Japan) but are there any statistics on world wide and/or country specific usage? To be honest, I've never seen anybody use a QR code where I live. Background: We're thinking about implementing QR codes on a classified website (customers ...

Q: Are QR Codes good UX?

jonshariatI have been falling in love with QR Codes, the little nerd in me jumps with joy at all the possibilities and even the action of interacting with physical things with my digital device is enthralling. However, when I discussed QR codes with a small group of web designers they did not like them ve...

2:38 PM
@Scimonster I found the link and added it.
@IsaacMoses I agree. We don't have everything we'd like, but let's try not to lose information.
Q: Is the use of a QR code worth the space it requires?

ScottI recently had a discussion with a client. He asked me if I felt a QR code on a marketing piece would be beneficial. I asked him, "What would the code contain? What information would the code convey?" His general response was "contact information". To which I replied, "When was the last time yo...

3:08 PM
Oh, yeah. If you see any Holy Names as you go through the draft, please flag them. We bear even more responsibility for these this time, since we're actually making prints and sending them around.
@IsaacMoses פ17
some א-ל מלך on p20
I did a couple searches; that's all i came up with.
@Scimonster I don't see it.
@IsaacMoses In your answer. P17 of the document, not the PDF.
@Scimonster Oh. "Our God" in Hebrew. got it. Thanks.
@IsaacMoses The double yod too.
3:20 PM
Tricky, because the same quotation also contains an "Elokeinu"
@Scimonster That's not a Holy Name any more than "Hashem" is. It's an intentional de-sheimosizing mechanism.
@Scimonster Searching is difficult because of nikud variations. That's why I'm asking for anyone who reads through for proofreading to also keep an eye open for sheimot.
@IsaacMoses What about the aleph+lamed ligature? Also not sheimot?
@Scimonster Correct. At least, no more than "'ה" is
We can't avoid the fact that the booklet is full of holy content. But we can at least avoid including the specific Names that mustn't be erased.
> Those names are: Shem havaya, adnut, E-l, E-loah, El-him, Sh-dai, Tzev-ot
(My transliterations, since the Hebrew didn't copy)
3:39 PM
@IsaacMoses No, it's better, that way we avoid sheimot. :)
@Scimonster The original Hebrew was intentionally de-shemiosized to begin with, using dashes, and in the first two cases, descriptions
Skimming through and looking at all the Hebrew i didn't find any more.
@Scimonster Thanks
3:59 PM
@msh210, @MonicaCellio, and anyone else sharing the review draft with rabbis, if they point out the Sheimot concern, please let them know that we are going to remove all instances of non-erasable Sheimot before we finalize and publish.
2 hours later…
5:55 PM
300 shekels for 25 copies. 52 pages, b&w, with the cover in color, and 3 staples down the side.
@Scimonster So, about $3.20/copy? Not bad. Thanks.
@IsaacMoses It's actually a drop less; my parents were there today and rounded up a drop. But yeah, close enough. :)
@Scimonster Close enough for budgeting estimations

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