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2:18 PM
2:51 PM
@MarcoCeppi The map is designed for 1.8 so have the server set on that.
And everyone else have you clients pre-release free.
@RonanForman Oh, I'm hosting the MC server too?
I thought you said you were, 1 sec.
NBD, I thought it was on Thomas's server. If not, I'll setup a mine.stackgaming.com in a few minutes :D
@MarcoCeppi Thom can't actually make it, it'd be a bit rude to ask him...
@RonanForman that's fine, I can lend my MC server for the cause :)
2:56 PM
@MarcoCeppi Thanks!
@MarcoCeppi So you're lending the mumble server and the minecraft server? You get first pick of teams me thinks!
@RonanForman No big, I've got cycles and resources to spare. I suck at answering gaming questions so this is my contribution
@MarcoCeppi I suck too, I don't own enough new games.
3:11 PM
Server is up to date. It's got my SMP world on there now. Tomorrow evening I'll switch it over
@MarcoCeppi Don't you want to switch it later so people don't mess with it? Or am I just paranoid?
Unless that's inconvenient of course.
@RonanForman Hum, good point. How difficult is it to "reset" a map in MC?
I've always just used git to track all my worlds, and run git reset --hard to restore to last "checkpoint"
@MarcoCeppi You'd have to re-put in on the server.
What's the port to the server, I can't connect.
@RonanForman for Mumble?
No the MC server.
3:17 PM
It's the default port, I just haven't setup an address for it yet
Okay, mine.stackgaming.com is setup to point to the server
Where can I grab the map?
@MarcoCeppi That is so awesome.
@MarcoCeppi I'm going to use that as my new gravatar from now until Halloween
Minecraft server is mine.stackgaming.com Mumble Voice Server is mumble.stackgaming.com

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