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ok, its confirmed. r}h is non-terminating in java version
Terminates instantly for me.
you want the code to try ?
27 bytes shorter than mine? Can't say I'm not curious. :P
I made it longer to use less memory at any given time of execution
I've got a new idea as well, but I didn't have time to implement it yet.
@randomra there are four possible orientations?
@MartinBüttner bot ends of both strings, 2*2
but isn't swapping both strings the same as not swapping either? and swapping one string the same as swapping the other?
ab - cd
ba - cd
ab - dc
ba - dc
@Optimizer Got a few bugs. The words aren't case insensitive. Also, it doesn't print the original word if it can't fix it.
they all meet at different pair of letters
@Dennis oh, must have missed those two bits. But, is it terminating for you ?
First test cases terminated instantly. The other one is still going.
in the other one, have just 1 word in the second line..
@randomra do they? for ab - cd and ba - dc, I've always got a paired with c and b paired with d.
@Dennis What case do I output the corrected words in ?
you don't match the whole strings just the overlapping part, e.g. 1 letter
I think I don't understand what you're actually doing then
oh, anything.
Also, i just found out that I don't have to take care of punctuation. So much scope for golfing when you read the rules :D
try to match abbbbbc with axx, xxa, cxx, xxc; you will need 4 kinds of comparisons
I would have thought you tried the following if you already have a string *** and wanted to check how much you can overlap ab (which does not depend on the orientation of ***):
  ***      ***
ab       ba

  ***      ***
 ab       ba

  ***      ***
  ab       ba

  ***      ***
   ab       ba

  ***      ***
    ab       ba
@Optimizer Doesn't matter.
Second test case terminated.
yeah.. figured. 70 bytes after corrections
@MartinBüttner good point about the empty program and stripping the leading 1.
@Dennis oh. for me, it was running since 5 hours. (although it had the result)
you don't need the empty program though
@Sp3000 golfing help would be appreciated. Like I said, I'm not really practiced in python golf.
I know I don't need the empty program, but stripping the leading 1 is a lot shorter than my current method for generating inverted programs
Well for starters, semicolons saves on indents
Now, I have a choice of golfing it further to 60 bytes, only to require a RAM of 30GB+, vs posting 70 byte version that runs in 4 gb ram.
indent once, semicolon the whole block?
And you can use x+=y instead of x.extend(y) (also x+=y, for x.append(y))
@Optimizer I use non-standard memory limits for the JVM. THat might help.
You won't be able to do the whole block (like while/for/if/etc)
@Dennis I gave it all of my 8 gb. Still the 60 bytes one gave OOM
@MartinBüttner I don't go through the whole boggle-string, just try to push in from the two sides
But b=bin(g)[2:];p=[[0],['',''],[b],b];c=''.join([str([1,0][int(c)]) for c in b]);q=[[0],['',''],[c],c];P.extend([p,q]);g+=1;N=list() is a start
@randomra oh okay
(also list() can just be [])
yours might have been a little simpler
@MartinBüttner 98 byte BCT interpreter in CJam is pretty much exactly what I predicted from that challenge. Good job.
@Optimizer I give it 16 GiB.
@randomra if you did, that might help a lot with adding in smaller strings later
@Dennis let me give you the shorter one to run then.
01101000010000101 is the largest slashes program I've identified that halts
@Sparr I was gonna do /// first, but escaping is annoying.
yeah, a couple more points maybe
if I will put some logic in it might as well think about it beforehand... like can I find the optimal 1d solution
@Sparr I would really like to see the output from the BF submission
can't you run it?
@Sp3000 the most annoying thing for me in python is the inconsistent reference vs value behavior
In 1200 letter I will probably only find the length 2 word
What do you mean?
(actually that isn't in the input again, so probably not even that)
I'm trying to manipulate the contents of the list during the loop
for [a,b,c,d] in P:
I want to modify P[0][0] by modifying a
but if P[0][0] is an immutable type then I can't, because a becomes a copy, not a reference
but if P[0][0] is a mutable type, like a list, then a is a reference, and I can write into it
the easiest workaround I've found is to make a itself be a one-item list
I guess you could do for x in P: and then modify x[0]
right now what I'm trying to do is replace P as a list of a,b,c,d with P as a dict of d:a,b,c
P={d:(a,b,c)for a,b,c,d in P}
in a TC system... if I remove a finite number of possible inputs and/or a finite number of programs, it should still be TC, right?
@Dennis can you try this one ? lelS%_Sf++:D;r{el[_:XS+\\]:e!:+La\Dm*{~.=_YYb-!\0e=2<*}=W=Xe|Sr}h
@Sp3000 nah, I'm trying to build it as a dict in the first place. It's working now
P[b] = [[0],['',''],[b]]
I'm just annoyed that I have to put 0 and b in a list
so that I can easily modify them in the loop later
Hmm I'm not sure what you're doing exactly, unfortunately
then later for d,[a, b, c] in P.items():
I want to be able to modify c inside that loop
and a
Is the unpacking in the for line necessary?
I have to unpack it somewhere
otherwise I'll be referencing into the list repeatedly
@Optimizer Running (a lot slower).
Well you could unpack it the line after, so for x in P.items():d,[a,b,c]=x
@Dennis of course :P
Longer, but it should allow you to modify x then, right?
Oh wait
@Dennis in previous one, I calc 1 perm at a time and exit early. in this, I calc all at once.
If it's a dict you can just modify P[d]...
sure, but then I've got to write it that way
@Optimizer Not enough memory.
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO: os::commit_memory(0x0000000634980000, 907542528, 0) failed; error='Cannot allocate memory' (errno=12)
and modifying P[d][0] is even longer than modifying a[0]
Er... I'm assuming if you did P[d] you wouldn't need to put things in a one-element list any more
right, but a would be P[d][0]
if P[d] is [a,b,c]
... oh, I see, right...
anyway, it's working with the dict
which shortens it a lot
I'm gonna re-golf and post an update
If you're using it that much, you could set a=P[d] then modify a[0] that way?
@Dennis figured...
still won't be even remotely close to the cjam solution :/
Er... actually rather than that, just for d,a in P.items():
then the old a[0] is now a[0] again... AND b and c are now a[1] and a[2]
@Sp3000 posted a new version, down from 640 to 500 bytes, thanks for all the tips and help
Well it depends on how you want to use them. If you need to use b and c in arithmetic a lot, then you can do for d,L in P.items():a,b,c=L
But for modification, either way you would need to do something like L[0]=x, but by doing this you don't need the one-element lists
check out the new version
@Optimizer I think I got a solution with 76 bytes. Still a lot longer than yours.
@Dennis I don't think I can post 63 one. And the other one is 71 now.
@Sparr I mean something like this (not sure if I missed any, but take a look)
Is that shorter?
@Optimizer Not sure. The question doesn't specify time or memory limits.
Assuming I did it right, yes
I mean, I have ,[a,b,c] in one place
and you have a,b,c= in another
I'm assigning to a[0] and you're assigning to L[0]
I guess you've trimmed a bit off my c[0] and s juggling?
Stuff like if a[0]: becoming if a: get trimmed, and also with s yes
thanks, I'll try to incorporate that
although I'm less motivated now that @MartinBüttner's CJam solution is in
you're supposed to compete with other Python submissions, not with CJam :P
^^ that
Also Javascript
(Damnit Javascript...)
@Optimizer Got down to 72 with some sloppy golfing.
posted mine
Just saw it.
the 71 byte one can be golfed a lot. I am doing a lot of variable initializations in there
Yeah, me too.
hm, if I encode BCT in weird syntax I can shave off 6 more bytes
but then instead of 101 0 programs look like [[[1 0 1] [0]]]
@Dennis an input for which your algorithm gives suboptimal result:
although there might not be similar situations in the actual test cases
@MartinBüttner well, I think I'm doing OK with my subleq entry, then
I need to golf the subleq entry with @Sp3000's tips
p.append(defaultdict(int,enumerate(list(int(x)for x in reversed(str(g))))))
@randomra Thanks. I'll see if I can fix that.
I hate that line
The fact that you're using defaultdict itself is pretty suspicious
Even in the worst case, the builtin functions dict.get and dict.setdefault should suffice
@Sparr Looks like you're opting for an automatic award. :P
But usually it's actually shorter to check if the key is in the dict in the first place
I had to use get or in 14 times without defaultdict :/
@PhiNotPi "You are also allowed to create a language to test, as long as you can show why it is Turing-complete." That's a bit dodgy. I could define a new language that is a string substitution of BF, where each character is replaced by the CJam code interpreting that character.
(Also, the optimal subset for BF only needs either - or +)
I don't think that would work
You don't look like you index that often though...
are you also trickily defining the alphabet to be multi-bytes?
otherwise, you'll have more valid programs than just the BF programs
you'll have many valid cjam programs :)
@Sp3000 p[i+p[i+1]]-=p[i+p[i]]; if p[i+p[i+1]]<=0:a[0]+=p[i+2]
but I'm defining a language that just has 5 multi-character tokens
yeah, multi-character tokens are a serious stretch
any CJam code that cannot be split into these specific tokens is not a valid program in the new language
@Sparr right, but they aren't normally
any non-esoteric language has multi-character tokens
@Dennis Your latest version seems to just print the first line (dictionary) as is.
ahh, defining "print" and "int" as two distinct tokens, rather than 5 and 3 tokens?
@Optimizer did he golf it down to l?
@MartinBüttner sadly, no
@Sp3000 7 right there in those two lines
@Sparr yes. or think of them as keywords goto and while
like TI-BASIC where they really are one byte tokens :)
#5 and #6 happen after #1 and #2, so there's really only 5
@Sparr it's not even like TI-BASIC... it's like python... unless you define new variables you can't just put any string in your code without getting errors
you can only use known names or define new ones
@Sp3000 why don't 5 and 6 count?
I've got it down to 269 bytes still using defaultdict. I'll try removing it...
It's just p[i+p[i+1]] again, so if you've already set it, it can't be nonexistent the second time
The CJam-BF language would also be allowed under the "Turing-complete subset of a language" rule
oh yeah, and that
so is stuff like that actually legit for the challenge?
ok, so using in doesn't seem like a savings
I end up with something like if i+1 in p and i+p[i+1] in p:
Turing-complete subsets would definitely have to be allowed, wouldn't they?
because that really seems to defeat the point of finding a Turing tarpit that can be interpreted as easily as possible
@Optimizer Rolled back, thanks. Shouldn't post these things when I'm in a hurry.
@PhiNotPi you could just disallow eval maybe... that should hopefully close this loophole
I guess I'll do that.
disallow eval'ing anything taken from the target program
allowing eval of a codeblock from your interpreter's code seems valid
yeah that
like the python bf that has python code in a string
that still means I can change the language's syntax to match the string representation of my code's internal representation of the program though, right?
@Sp3000 also, I can't use -= if I'm using .get
(as I said about "instead of 101 0 programs look like [[[1 0 1] [0]]]")
we do that all the time for 'define your own input' challenges, right?
eventually someone needs to make a standard list of examples for that sort of thing
I think in one of my recent challenges I said that delimiters were fine, but no operators
@Sparr that's true actually
(ignoring that [] is an operator in some esolangs)
Hm point... would it be okay if you posted what you have so far?
A: Output every halting program (write a parallel interpreter)

Sparrsubleq OISC in Python, 317 269 bytes import collections g=0 P={} while 1: P[g]=[[0],collections.defaultdict(int,enumerate(list(int(x)for x in reversed(str(g)))))] g+=1 for o,[a,p]in P.items(): i=a[0] p[i+p[i+1]]-=p[i+p[i]] if p[i+p[i+1]]<=0:a[0]+=p[i+2] ...

Just a side note/rule of thumb for imports: > 6 or so bytes means from collections import* is shorter
good point
will take advantage of that if I can't eliminate defaultdict
269 is a size I'm rather happy with, though
this solution still has the one-item-list-for-referencing
I looked at bitbitjump but it's not turing complete
I learned a lot more about different computational classes while looking through the esolangs wiki
hmm, didn't know you can assign hierarchically like a,[b,c]=1,[2,3]
it works with * too a,[*b]=1,[2,3]
I knew about the first, but I didn't know about [*b] until a few weeks ago
what does [*b] do?
In the above example, unpacks the [2,3] into b (Python 3)
it irks me that I can't do a=(b+=1) in python
Programming-wise I'm grateful for that actually, but it does make things annoying for golf...
and you can't assign in condition, the same applies to it ^
there's a whole duplicated p[i+p[i+1]] in my code that I wouldn't need in C
I actually got sloppy with writing sometimes writing = instead of == as I haven't had to fear of the consequences...
not sure if it's good or bad (for me)
@Sparr it's even more fun in Ruby, where you can do a+b=c
@Sp3000 I'm not going to use from collections import * for the stupid reason that I don't want to figure out how to tell the pylint plugin for my editor to ignore the unused import warnings
(sets b to c and then yields a+b)
Er... is it possible to switch that off somehow? pylint's going to be pretty annoying if you have it on while golfing...
@MartinBüttner is it like C, but with different precedence?
@Sparr Before we go any further, can you take a look at this and see what you think?
@randomra yeah pretty much
and in declarative languages you can write a+b=c+d and it does what a non-programmer would expect
@Sp3000 yeah, that change to use of L matches what you did in the slashes program. Looks mostly good.
Hmm... well here's one further: link
ooh, nice use of map
I've gotta go offline for a bit. Will incorporate these changes with credit later.
@Optimizer Your latest version doesn't correct dnger.
Hmm yeah the -= makes throwing out defaultdict a bit trickier, but surely...
@Optimizer Also, dargen gets corrected. Only adjacent characters may be swapped.
I wish python had references :(
and now I'm really going
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiEntropy Golf This is a scoring system without a challenge. My idea is to score entries based on the total Shannon entropy contained within them. This provides an incentive to both use fewer unique characters and to have a shorter program overall. Given a string of characters, the score is c...

@PhiNotPi It's not letting me add you. Probably because of this. I'll look for a workaround
@PhiNotPi Added you (by disabling online mode)
@Sp3000 Sorry if I kicked you off just now, had to restart
Ahaha no probs, these cows are a pain to herd I can't be bothered
Tell me when it's back up?
Right now! (should be)
It says I'm not whitelisted :(
Hmm, try now
Hmm nope :(
That's weird. I can't get on either. Though it says we're all whitelisted
It works when I reenable online mode. I'm not sure Phi will be able to get on now though
Maybe it uses online mode to check the whitelist.
I might just be motivated enough to buy the game now.
I was about to suggest that :P It's not like it's a ripoff
But... I actually have to leave right now... bad timing with my schedule. Maybe in 6 hours or so.
Hope to see you in Minecraft!
@Calvin'sHobbies Hey Calvin, would it be okay if you hopped on an told me your coords?
Sure, one sec
nvm I fell
X=60 Z=240 if still needed
saves message permalink to bookmarks
are you guys working on anything specific or just doodling around?
@MartinBüttner Kinda doodling, but I'm up for something more ambitious.
@MartinBüttner Join us :D
I'm afraid :D
Even if you're a noob, your PPCG fame will keep you revered
Well, respected
@MartinBüttner ^
@Calvin'sHobbies no I mean I'm afraid of how much time I'll spend on that :P
(and I don't really have that time over next few weeks while I'm moving back to Germany)
Well I can kick you off if you play too much :P
Q: Make HTML page as complex as possible

user41401<!Doctype html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <p><b>Challenge!</b></p> </body> </html> Take this simple page above and make it as comlicated/hard to read as possible without changing the output. Rules: The output has to look like the page above It must be written in a browser based langua...

Perverse SE Incentives, #372. If I revoked my upvote and turned it into a downvote, I'd get a gold.
wow, -2 before the bot saw it
@Sp3000 Is that building with the redstone and hoppers meant to be a autofarm of some kind?
Cuz I want to work on an iron golem farm but don't want to redo something you're already planning
I want redstone codegolf challenges...
minecraft players already try to minimize circuit size, especially for circuits that get reused in blocks
@Sparr Want to join our new PPCG minecraft server?
probably not
I'm delaying getting back into MC
@Calvin'sHobbies Can I change usernames after I purchase a copy?
@PhiNotPi On the server? Sure. I'll just whitelist your new username
No, like my legitimate minecraft username, after I set it.
Oh. Yes you can. I've done it. Though there are limits to how many times etc.
once every 30 days.... that's fine
What's the IP address?
for the server?
Vanilla 1.8.7
(latest version)
Oh, it had a version number next to the server with a red X
port number?
Sorry what's the problem? I don't see any numbers next to the server listing. You will need to update your home game to 1.8.7
I found the port number above, when I added it, it connected, but I wasn't white-listed.
Username "PhiNotPi"
I have to leave now anyways... Bye!
@PhiNotPi I'll try re-whitelisting
It should work now
Still not whitelisted
That's weird.. try now
What's the port number?
Not whitelisted.
Try now? Not sure what's going on :/
PhiNotPi correct?
It's weird that when I do /whitelist add PhiNotPi your name shows up on the list as phinotpi, but Sp and my names still have their capital letters
Yes, PhiNotPi
Actually must leave now....
I need a feature on my browser that will disable Stack Exchange whenever I need to get something done.
@PhiNotPi Ok. My only thought is that you need to change username because it already saw the illegitimate PhiNotPi trying to log on
@PhiNotPi Tell me when you're back and I can work on it more
I kind of want to just buy Minecraft for him to avoid the configuration weirdness.
we could set up a Kickstarter campaign
As I understand it, he did buy it (if no then I don't think there's a way to be whitelisted)
No he didn't
He told me yesterday
@MartinBüttner Or since it's not that expensive I could just do it. :P
he did earlier today
2 hours ago, by PhiNotPi
I might just be motivated enough to buy the game now.
Oh!! See, I'm so far out of touch with reality that I don't know when Phi makes purchases.
How is the server going, @Calvin?
@AlexA. Good. Come help me get cows and brewing stands
4 mins ago, by Alex A.
I need a feature on my browser that will disable Stack Exchange whenever I need to get something done.
Applies to Minecraft too ;)
And so of course I'm on Stack Exchange and have just logged into Minecraft.
@Calvin: Says I can't connect to the server.
@AlexA. Seriously? ...
I'm not seeing your connection attempts in the console
In the Play Multiplayer screen, it says "Calvin's PPCG Server\nCan't connect to server" with a red X over the signal strength.
It just let me join anyway
Holding tab just shows me though, I assume at least you're on too.
Yeah, it says you joined
> Whirl was designed with the following state-of-the-art features in mind:

- Inheritence
- Simplicity
- Ease of use
- Maintainability
- Polymorphism
- Flexibility
- Power
- Subtraction
- Grilled Chicken

Unfortunately, none of those things made it into the final product.
@MartinBüttner Hahaha
Maybe this will entice @Martin
in the wumpus game it seems like the number of humans killed by wumpus/hunters doesn't increase at all if you increase the round number
Total rounds: 715000
Humans killed by arrows: 3
Humans dead by starvation: 356699
does anyone know why?
@randomra Clearly the wumpus and hunters are too busy eating all the food.
@AlexA. that's a bit counter intuitive based on the number of starved to death hunters
@randomra Okay, the wumpus was eating all the food.
(I don't remember the challenge spec at all)
Maybe they used genetic algorithms to evolve arrow-resistant hides?
I think implementing the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and its inverse would make a nice code golf. Has that really not been done before?
@Dennis I don't know what that is. Does it go by any other names?
If not it might be safe to claim that it hasn't been done before on PPCG.
And as an aside, I dislike the fact that our icon says PCG rather than PPCG.
As soon as we get our questions per day up to 10 we can change all that
To get there, either we need more good users to post challenges or a bunch of riff raff to post crap.
Yeah, but I think it'll only work if we get good questions...
I don't think we're in danger like Beer.SE. I joined that close to its debut in public beta. I haven't visited in quite a while and as I understand it's become something of a ghost town.
We're in no danger at all, we just have to live with an icon that says PCG. I can deal with it... :)
Would it help to have some suggestion of what challenge types (tags?) people would like to see more questions for?
I think code golf is our bread and butter.
Yes, but is that what we're short of?
If so, more golfs it is
Not really, but I think it's what generates the most traffic.
I wonder if someone should post on meta?
for increasing PPCG traffic :P
I'd be happy if the traffic stays at its current level
I think communities are the most fun when they are the size of a small town
Me too, I just dislike our icon.
@feersum 100% agreed on that
I like the feel of our community where everyone kind of recognizes everyone

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