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10:26 PM
@vzn no... just because it hasn't been proven doesn't mean it isn't useful... and BTW, i think MM said that there is some in vivo data in the chat long time ago...
10:37 PM
ofc. its useful but tentative.
would like to hear of any in vivo evidence. seriously doubt that right now.
@vzn I have been reading an article on it... in vivo evidence at room temp I think but it is on green bacteria.. still, there are the same processes..
@vzn here's the link:
@vzn here is another article too:
@vzn it can be very useful if proved.. it could help us make open quantum computers...
interesting refs. the 1st sounds more like "in situ".
or maybe not that, but at least not "in vivo".
10:53 PM
@vzn still, the second one is in vivo, isn't it?
the 1st ref seems to be using something like estimated chemical analogs.
@ThomasKlimpel hello.. u available?
@vzn meaning?
@vzn full house today, huh? lol
(nice refs but dont wanna sign up to researchgate at moment to read em. real open science, a longterm goal sigh)
@vzn interesting... I am not a member of research gate (I think) but pressing the link downloaded the article onto my computer...
oh! simple enough
11:02 PM
@ThomasKlimpel how r u doing? I remember asking u a question.. can u help me pls?
wonder what those purple bacteria are doing with light-harvesting antenna. article doesnt seem to explain it. maybe for some light-sensitivity behavior mechanism...?
@vzn yep.. what do u think of the article?
@vzn well, they have similar systems as well... afaik, purple bacteria do photosynthesis as well..
great refs! trying to understand why MM recently said there was no in vivo evidence in his answer.
see he said "barely any". guess that still fits.
@vzn I guess that was the only use of the discover article.. had to search up the names of researchers mentioned in the article and found some articles...
this field is moving quickly in some ways.
11:09 PM
@vzn yep...
looks like an area of strong physics-biology overlap & hence big interest from two major fields.
@vzn I am interested in photosynthesis bcos of its applications in quantum computing...
? not sure what you mean by that
"applications of photosynthesis in qm computing"?
@vzn yeah.. before this field was something people thought was crazy but now people are doing many experiments in this field and making models...
one "application" of photosynthesis study is solar panel optimization.
11:12 PM
@vzn since this subject is about exciton finding the fastest path to the reaction center using superposition and possibly entanglement, we can use these ideas to make open quantum computers...correct?
there is maybe some connection but have never heard anybody speculate on one. that seems "far out" right now.
in qm computing there is a (huge) idea of "qbit transport," but havent heard its been shown to have any connections to excitons.
@vzn that's what it said in the article..
which article? discover?
@vzn yeah...
ah see there is some stuff. think its a bit exotic though.
11:18 PM
anyway, gota go... bye @vzn ! NIce talking to u as always! ttyl!

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