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6:41 PM
@Jas3.1 But you just said God allowed it. Is there really a difference in allowing evil that you can easily stop and doing it yourself? Is not inaction to prevent evil as bad as action to do evil?
We are commanded to love God and others, yet, love is not evident when God had no pity or mercy for Job's family when he let Satan slay them.
Was God a good Samaritan then? Is He now?
If God is omnipotent and omniscient, then he is not only walking by occasionally while we lay wounded and beaten on the road. He was there when the robbers beat us and is still standing there now, doing nothing.
The only way this contradiction can ever make sense is to redefine love through God's eyes, but that has apparent issues.
1) Love is already defined and I think the Almighty falls short on some of those points.
2) We have examples of love that we must adhere to, such as the story of the Good Samaritan, but God, being more able to help and supposedly holding a higher standard, again fails to follow those examples.
3) Humanity at large already has a deep seeded opinion on what love looks like that has existed for millennia, and is likely part of our very psyche. God redefining it to something else make little sense and is disingenuous. Redefining common terms is a hallmark of cults to convince masses to join under false pretenses. They are baited with real love, then switched to the redefined "love," and told it is better.
Before you start off again on "Sin is man's fault," think about what you are saying. The God who forgives, forgets, gives freely, loves unconditionally, etc., is apparently holding a grudge and giving us the cold shoulder. The omniscient God turns a blind eye. The omnipotent God is unmotivated to act.
Job attempts to resolve the problem of evil, and the answer at the end is not "Well, I do love you Job and all this horrible stuff was for your good." The answer basically was, "I do what I do because I am the Almighty and you are no one to question it."
The inability to resolve the problem of evil should lead every rational mind to conclude that if there be any god, Christianity does not accurately describe him.

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