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Hello All
Hi, the theme you gave me won't work. It cannot be uploaded for some reason.
@RolandTaylor On FTP??
It cannot be uploaded. Period.
It has an error in it.
Are you using FTP?
Why? Wordpress has a theme upload function.
I think so some Premium Themes
require you to upload via FTP
I will give it another shot, and if it doesn't work then we'll find something else.
i also have a Plan c
and D
okay okay...
The answer to all other plans is NO!
Need to keep a level head, not get carried away :)...
PLAN B is cool ,right @RolandTaylor
I'm still working on Plan A
@RolandTaylor wordpress.org/extend/plugins/really-static We are looking for a way to cut some of the visual (and browser load) fat. Any ideas?
Not sure yet, btw let's move to our chat so we don't crowd this one with "off-topic" stuff :)
@MarcoCeppi Move some messages please :D
21 years later..
James moved some msgs the other day...
I need to find out how to do that.
You need to be a room admin
click room>Message Admin
*PS Do you have a Spare Arduino Uno?
Trying the theme...
I don't have an Arduino board.
Anxiously waits for george
ewwww that theme is broken
Looks cool, but it's broken.
Plan B
2 years later
Amith : Plan ZZZZ
Roland : Its broken
I've found some other themes (free)
that I'm checking out
@Amithkk ?
we mean our discussion -> 2b room
(sorry typing with one hand)
33 messages moved from Ask Ubuntu General Room
3 hours later…
posted on July 21, 2011 by Rolandixor

This is more a “tweet” styled post. I just wanted to point out – since it has been brought up as an “issue” with us “Omgubuntu is so much better than your site” doesn’t matter to us – cause we aren’t trying to be someone else’s site . In fact, being famous isn’t on our … Continue reading »

posted on July 21, 2011 by Rolandixor

SparkleShare, our favourite cloud backup software, has finally landed an indicator applet, bringing support for Unity to a new level . If you have already added the SparkleShare PPA, support should land soon.

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