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9:21 PM
Ok, here we go:
I think, since the elections things have definitively gone bad at physics SE, even though I have just discovered that there must have happend really bad things even before I was on Physics SE, bad things that made sensible knowleadgable people like pho wanting to delete all his contributions and leave. That really shoked me since I always thought until the elections, things were not that bad on physics ...
I think the current worst problem we actually have on Physics SE, is that Manishearth has been elected as a moderator. (I hope you move stuff as soon as somebody else peeks in too ...). Manishearth has almost immediately, as soon as he has been elected, started to dominate everything. To me it sometimes seems he has completely taken over the site. (I hope the trashbin will get emptied from time to time). He has neither the experience nor the knowledge nor the ability to listen to people who know
better to be a good moderator for physics. Him wanting to delete the popular-science tag is a typical example of his behaviour as a moderator. He personally dislikes it and/or how people could use it, and therefore he wants to get rid of it by all means ...
All these comments can be moved, as soon as you have seen them.
This is my observation too, he sometimes even explicitely neglects any differences between the communities of SO and other large computer sites and physics SE.
He has no clue about how an academic (online) community, such as TP. SE has been works, and he clearly has no clue about too many physics issues, even things like the scientific method for example, etc ...
And he clearly favors the community interested in popular and very basic questions at the expense of the needs of the experts that are still there. Dimension10 suggested a popular-science site on Area51, and he wanted to immediately close it as a duplicate of physics SE (did I already say this here or only in the mail I wrote to Lumo). So this clearly revealed that he'd like physics se to be a popular science site where experts are at most needed to answer these questions....

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