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11:53 AM
@radouxju - we may end up using your LC data sets after all
and then long term come up with our own using landsat 8
11 hours later…
11:02 PM
@Federico discovering the right keywords is often the hardest part for me. I'll never forget finally learning after some weeks researching that cnc and rapid prototyping are what you search for (if you want relevant results) when looking for physical 3D model software/printers/companies. (This was before 3D printing achieved mainstream mindshare.) There is absolutely no way to bridge that gap without a knowledgeable person to assist!
Switching topics: Something is very rotten in my environment. import arcpy; arcpy.env.workspace = r"x:\data\someplace.gdb"; arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() is taking over 40 minutes to return results (424 feature classes present in that gdb, and nothing else there). :( :(
ArcCatalog takes 8-10 seconds to show the contents of same gdb (which is already too long in my opinion).

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