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11:43 PM
@Daniel I remember reading that, in Islam, there are thing allowed in Quran previously forbidden in Torah? Could you explain a bit further why Islam is not a superset of Judaism? Thanks.
@mezhang nothing is allowed to be changed in Allah's laws. if they are changed, it means that it is not a divine book
@MoriDoweedhYaAgob Ok, could you explain a bit why Islam is not a superset of Judaism? (Suppose you believe in Islam)
@mezhang i dont believe in islam
@MoriDoweedhYaAgob I know. umm, so you believe Islam has nothing to do with Judaism at all and Quran is not a holy scripture? What about David's Psalm and Jesus' Gospel?
@mezhang no i dont believe in quran as holy scripture. nor do i believe in the gospels. the pslams of david are not like in quran which claim it is revealed to him. in judaism it was songs inspired but the love david and many others had for Allah
that is why they wrote songs
not all psalms are from david
some are from moses some are from the sons of korach some are from solomon
and others
11:52 PM
@MoriDoweedhYaAgob I see

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