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4:10 AM
@all When we say Last n day. For example data for last 7 days. Does/Should it include data for current day (today)?
4:53 AM
5:04 AM
thank you
6:02 AM
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND datetime >= '2015-03-21 00:00:00' AND datetime <= '2015-04-20 23:59:59'' at line 1]
AND datetime >= '2015-03-21 00:00:00' AND datetime <= '2015-04-20 23:59:59'

SELECT SUM(amount) as amount, DATE(datetime) as date FROM wp_roi_revenue WHERE campaign_id = 1 AND type = 'revenue' AND context = 'company' AND datetime >= '2015-03-21 00:00:00' AND datetime <= '2015-04-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE(datetime)
I don't see anything wrong.
Did you mean date>= '…'?
the column name is datetime
6:47 AM
but SQL cannot use the >= operator on a string. Or is it a real date?
both sides should be a date()
4 hours later…
10:29 AM
string compare of datetime can be done if column is datetime time. stackoverflow.com/a/5786722/550907
10:59 AM
found the mistake btw, was a silly one
1 hour later…
12:14 PM
trying to wrap my head around marketpress.com/support/topic/get-master-item-give-term-id and Mlp_Content_Relations
12:30 PM
looks like i want Mlp_Helpers::load_linked_elements instead
1 hour later…
1:50 PM
have a plugin that needs to flush rewrite rules? it's... INTERESTING in multisite, go read https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/issues/2239#issuecomment-94454528
such a mess :(
Stop telling us such things. You're scaring me already before my first adventure in multisite-land.
har har
2:21 PM
WP SEO isn't multisite compatible at all. There should be a warning on the plugin site.
I guess it is safe to assume that the standard for plugins is to not be compatible with multisite unless explicitly stated and proven.
Depends on what they are doing. If they touch rewrite, post meta or user meta, they break often. Other things are not so fragile.
Good to know
@toscho or you could tell me everything that is wrong :)
Post meta update doesn't check for ms_is_switched(), admin pointers are shown again and again on every single site in a network
@Rarst Do you work now fulltime for Yoast?
2:28 PM
is there issue open for post meta? pointers are marketing, that's not compatibility :)
@Rarst When a user has to click away the same pointer multiple times: that's a bug, not a feature.
I do things and invoice after :) that's more or less the process, external team
Don't know about the state of the issue tracker
it's pointless to argue about marketing things with Yoast plugins so I just don't :) if there is a technical issue, I am happy to hammer it out
the technical issue is that the state user has seen that thing already is not stored network wide.
2:31 PM
ok, for specific user that does make more sense
activate WP SEO network wide, then go to each site and enjoy the same pointers everywhere. It's a nightmare, especially when you are out for something else and cannot use a mouse.
I forgot, where do you even store network wide stuff?
@toscho what is a "same pointer everywhere"?
@Rarst haha, there is no real API, you have to use the site ID from the main site
...and one is supposed to ship that in public plugin how?
2:39 PM
don't understand the question
how the heck would I even know something like site id of main site?
site means network here.
Looks like we really have "scare people away from multisite"-day...
maybe I should write down slides.wpkrauts.com/2015/prague-multisite with more details. one day …
@Rarst In wp-seo-main.php line 327 there is a hook add_action( 'wpmu_new_blog', 'wpseo_on_activate_blog' ); ... wpmu_new_blog is fired after WP internals has already switched backed to the main blog, so even though the rules are being flushed, they are no-longer in the new blog context. Just a thought...
2:53 PM
@userabuser I know, it's not the only problem...
@toscho more details on meta?
4 hours later…
7:20 PM
@Rarst, use user meta to store per user data, get/add/update_site_option to keep site wide settings.
This kind of issues are the easier ones, the more complex arise from site design questions like what kind of network is it. Is it one site that is subdivided into several sections for whatever reason in which case you might want to have a site admin setting page in which it can configure how SEO works for all the sub-sites or whether the subsites are more or less independand from each other
I am very wary about adding things to plugin that ships to three millions installs :)
any batshit crazy edge case there is — someone hits it...
:) just tried to add knowledge, didn't mean you have to use it :)
yeah, just explaining my attitude :) as in pointers might suck, yet making them behave on multisite doesn't sound like an easy story so far
7:40 PM
I have some technical problems with the way the plugin stores the FB image, but I don't think I can push it to a status of actual bug ;)
problems like?
it doesn't store the attachment id for it, or at least not in the somewhat outdated version I have on the site
need to manipulate the size of that image for other needs and have to find the attachment with the same guid
(don't ask me why they don't use feature image for that, you know clients are crazy ;) )
you mean they put URL into field? well, that might not be WP attachment at all
don't rely on guids, that's a mess. just attempt to reverse URL, there is an answer from me on that on main
A: Turn a URL into an Attachment / Post ID

RarstMassively improved function developed for plugin heavy on images: if ( ! function_exists( 'get_attachment_id' ) ) { /** * Get the Attachment ID for a given image URL. * * @link http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/7094 * * @param string $url * * @return ...

7:58 PM
yeh, didn't like the guid solution but since it was pippin's solution for doing it I decided I can live with it especially since I don't believe this site will ever be migrated to another domain
still not a reason not to save an attachment id when relevant ;)
3 hours later…
11:05 PM
Hey guys, if I use conditional tags in my header.php to load different spreadsheets based on the page that's showing, will this eventually cause page loading problems as I add more and more conditionals to it?

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