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5:33 AM
@chl @andyw It's something I'd love to look at doing myself, but I really have no clear understanding of what its boundaries are for topics.
However, it would definitely be worth raising.
6 hours later…
11:56 AM
@Glen_b - I think I've said something in the past along the lines of "Content that doesn't fit easily into the mold of Q/A, but is still of interest to our community." in terms of trying to define the scope/role of the blog. Which is quite broad.
I'm personally ok with opening it up to the majority of the community for whatever topic. I'm more concerned about participation though, no point in continually beating a dead horse to ask for participants.
We are all busy, and it is only supplemental to the Q/A portion of the site itself, so maybe time is not best spent on the blog anyway. I enjoy it, but that is not a reason to cajole people into keeping it alive.

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