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9:32 PM
@Stephie I am not worried at all. I just know hearing that what you are doing is the BEST thing a parent can do. I know the little voice that keeps whispering 'get back to the world of work or else'...helps to reduce any worthless guilt ruining a single second of your HOUSEWIFE time. Horrid label! Grins!!
@Stephie Whoa. YOU are being bugged by that dang voice! One of the worst problems affecting our primo countries is money and the status money confers. Leaving the raising of our kids to strangers, teachers or themselves is just wrong. Tell that voice to shut the f... up! Teaching them independence is far more tricky than just getting a job to leave them independent! How many pups do you have Ms Stephie? Motherhood is the most important job of all jobs! I MISS that time hugely.
I feel strongly that by the age of 18 our kids will know everything possible about independence. To include making money to support a car they purchase, the insurance, a college education. No one helped me one little bit, didn't even expect my folks to pay a thing... Save the money for when they are older and truly need the money. Otherwise, we rob our kids of self confidence and the ability to use critical thinking to solve problems. If we can't care for ourselves by 18, good luck at 30!
@4-K What do you mean RED? Red soil is either full of IRON or red volcanic pumice. Neither is good. If this soil is sterilized potting soil, you shouldn't have to add a thing. Later, putting decomposed organic matter on top of the soil in the pot will feed your soil organisms just fine. All I use is potting soil for pots, period.
@4-K Organic matter is already a large part of potting soil. It is the only additive I will add to any soil to improve any type of soil for drainage, life, air. But pots are different. Imagine a 'terrarium' which is essentially what a potted plant IS. You need to provide the best but most people overdo and kill! Just bagged potting soil!!
@Stephie HANG on...tar buckets? Where did I miss that bit? 4K, absolutely no tar buckets...how do I miss these things? Grins!
@Stephie Allowing your kids to make mistakes is so dang valuable for your kids. Most parents give money, things and control the kids' lives to an extent those kids need to rely on the parents. To be the objective parent in the shadows is an incredible parent skill! Baby birds, baby bunnies...those moms PUSH them out of the nest to fly or die, to run zigzags and fast or die. Telling them is never as good as allowing them the experience, never! The lesson from other animals is clear!

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