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8:46 PM
@stormy - re the ID question where whitebeam's been suggested - I don't wanna get into an argument with Brenn, he doesn
doesn't like me at all, so he'll only get all aerated and I can;t be doing with that - to answer your question, I ain't convinced - its possible, but I don't think it is a Sorbus
but as I can't think what else it might be, no point in ruffling feathers and saying so in public...
@stormy I;d never have commented under that thread again, unless I had apositive ID, once Brenn got involved, and for all I know, he's right - I'm just not convinced
9:22 PM
but, if there was a sorbus there, and it was cut down some years ago, its entirely possible these are shooting off the rootstock - which is why I asked if something had been cut down in the first place - doesn't make sense so many would grow in such a small area if they weren't coming off a rootstock
@stormy but when I asked, was told nothing had been cut down there, whether it was sorbus, whitebeam or anything else
@stormy by the way, I looked up Trey Gowdy hmmm, well, all I can say is, he's lost my vote instantly because he's what you call over there a 'pro lifer' and we call here anti abortion. Not to mention he's a republican - if I lived in the States, I'd undoubtedly be a dove, or a democrat voter - here, I vote Liberal Democrat, can't stand the Tories, which I'm guessing would be the equivalent of your Republicans.
Not to mention he wants to remove checks and balances in place to do with climate change - I know you don't believe in climate change, but I do... so Trey and I are certainly and induspitablly absolutely NOT of like mind!
Even if I didn't believe in climate change, I still believe in cutting pollution and keeping the environment healthy... but Trey does not, apparently

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