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1:02 AM
@kevinsky Congrats on your 3rd yearling badge.
1:12 AM
@waxeagle I pasted a link in as a test, and it showed up as the link.
That didn't work either.
@jmusser oh from your hard drive you have to upload it. Right next to the "Send" button, there is an "upload" button
@jmusser yeah, that's a link to a google images search. You have to have a direct link to an image on a webserver somewhere
@waxeagle Thanks!
I had an example too!
(that's my new desk :))
@waxeagle How muh snow do you get?
@jmusser heh, not that much :), This year we had a good bit and I think we had 2-3 multi inch events
1:19 AM
@waxeagle Don't know if I've ever seen a desk like that. Mines an ancient hardwood desk, but a little mortifying, hence no picture :)
@waxeagle Where are you located (because I'm too lazy to look at your profile)?
@jmusser yeah, that one is cardboard, designed by a guy who makes handmade cardboard furniture for a living. He made these to be mass produced and kickstarted it.
@jmusser NW GA, near Chattanooga
@waxeagle Wonder how much weight it will hold?
@jmusser The only heavy thing I've got on it right now is a monitor, and that's going to move off when I buy a wall mount for it
the PR photo had a picture of the guy laying across it, he's not a big guy, but he's not small either
@waxeagle Ah.
@waxeagle Then what is he?:)
@jmusser medium sized?
probably 5'11 170?
1:23 AM
@waxeagle That's tiny
Imagine being that small!
@jmusser lol that's may target weight! :)
(I'm currently 5'11 190/200 depending on the day
@waxeagle I'm currently 6'3 1/2 and 210-215
@waxeagle But I work out on a regular basis, cause I can't stand being out of shape.
yeah..I haven't seen the inside of a gym since college
(5 years ago)
@waxeagle Do you think gardening is generally easier in a warmer climate?
@waxeagle I work out at home.
It seems like it would be very handy to have the extended season, as compared with up north. I wonder which climate averages best for the average veggie.
These pics were taken at midnight, with the shutter left open 15 seconds. (hence the blurriness from the wind)
@jmusser considering every time I've done it, I've had trouble with fungus due to the humidity...no
@jmusser gorgeous
1:32 AM
@waxeagle Ah. I am in a very good climate (imo)
one of these days I'm actually going to keep up with the lawn for a whole summer and then I can actually let myself garden again
@stormy You can post a request on meta. I am of the same opinion.
@jmusser we were at one point working on a "needs an image" close reason
@waxeagle Is it possible for us to do something like that without a lot of hassle?
@waxeagle All about priorities. You could garden, and let the lawn become an impenetrable jungle. :)
I haven't had much time for my garden this year, so I was joking to people about growing mostly weed this year (and not to tell anyone). :D
@jmusser yeah, we have the meta questions to do it, Nial and I just need to get together and do it
@jmusser well..it's already that so....
1:43 AM
@waxeagle You could 'accidentally' take a back-hoe in there, and tear everything out (pretending it was out of control). Then you will have a good excuse for a entire yard patio, with awesome planters and raised veggie beds.
@jmusser that would be seriously expensive on an acre and a half :)
@waxeagle loans?
just kidding
@waxeagle you could get a remote controlled mower, and then people will mow your lawn just for fun (have a tournament, see who is fastest).
I actually don't know that there are any remote controlled mowers. I should invent one.
@jmusser lol
@jmusser they make a roomba style mower
@waxeagle Now I want one! Except I have way too much lawn.
@waxeagle Do you know what all the unfinished reviews are? Hope their not all close votes by me. That little number up there annoys me.
@jmusser mostly close votes, yeah
1:54 AM
@waxeagle wonder what a roomba style mower would think of a large mirror.
@jmusser lol
@jmusser same, it would spend more time on the charger than mowing probly, or I'd need a fleet of them
@waxeagle I wonder how they would do in a fleet.
I wonder how flies know where mirrors are, so they land properly. Think I'll go ask on biology.
21 hours later…
10:54 PM
@NiallC. nice touch on editing the recent spam posts. Takes a skilled hand to find a useful answer in a rant

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