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10:14 PM
Hi! I'm new here and have been getting a lot of help, but haven't been of much help to others. Since there are so many questions about plant identification (including my own), I'm wondering if there are websites or apps (I use an iPad) where you people find all this great information about so many plants!
@Sue It helps to know what kind of plant it is first. But there's several plant identification guides available online. plants.usda.gov/java
That's USDA so not much help for plants outside of the US.
I've been able to use google image search for a few things I've looked up. Or at least find a plant/animal within the same family and go from there.
11:01 PM
Thanks @Matt S. I'll check those out!
11:22 PM
@Sue I have it all in my metal encyclopedia. Well - not all, Occasionally I google keywords that describe the plant/location, but mostly from memory...
And welcome to the site! I've liked your contributions so far, great job!

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