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1:13 PM
Why do Sefardi/Mizrahi siddurim have little words after the name of Hashem. Sometimes, each letter gets the same niqud sign (e.g. pg. 214ff here )
2 hours later…
2:58 PM
m.facebook.com/… Vignettes on an interesting person I'd never heard of afair. Hy"d.
5 hours later…
7:38 PM
@Argon They represent various intentions, some Kabbalistic. The latter ones, at least, I don't understand, as I suspect is true of most people.
1 hour later…
9:08 PM
@msh210 This Shabbos, I was looking at Bei'ur Halacha on 302:9, s.v. "מותר". The Chafetz Chaim uses a Y'rushalmi in Shabbos (7:2, about laundering asbestos fabric by throwing it in the fire) to help resolve an apparent conflict between a comment by the Tif'eres Yisra'el and a mishna in Shabbos about m'labein on Shabbos. I wouldn't be surprised if this Y'rushalmi occurred to Dr. Kalikstein ז"ל as he was forced to labor in that asbestos factory.

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