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3:36 AM
@HodofHod Why did you move this here? judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/17227/…
I'm not really sure what the commentor was referring to. Which sentance?
3:50 AM
@DoubleAA Arnie is referring to the next page in the gemara that Dov brings where the quote is " א"ר אלעזר שלוחי מצוה אינן ניזוקין לא בהליכתן ולא בחזירתן "
@HodofHod Ahh I see now. Thanks!
@DoubleAA No problem :D
4:18 AM
@WAF I indicated in my comment thereon how I think it could be made worthy.
2 hours later…
6:30 AM
@msh210 I was actually hoping you would map into not the other way around.
4 hours later…
10:40 AM
posted on July 01, 2012 by joshwaxman

by aliyah rishon (Bamidbar 22:2) sheni (22:13) shelishi (22:21) revii (22:39) chamishi (23:13) shishi (23:27) shevii (24:14) maftir (25:7) haftara (Micha 5:6-6:8) by perek perek 22; perek 23 ; perek 24 ; perek 25 meforshim -- מפרשים Geonim (589-1038) R' Saadia Gaon(882-942) -- see Wikipedia entry: Arabic translation of Torah,  here at Temanim.org. This is a beautiful

11 hours later…
9:18 PM
@DoubleAA Good idea. Done.
1 hour later…
10:43 PM
If someone deletes his own question, is it listed in judaism.stackexchange.com/tools ?
@ShmuelBrin Try.
1 hour later…
11:58 PM
looks like it doesnt :(

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