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12:12 AM
@egreg this.
@1010011010 I should have been more precise.
I'm trying to solve this problem.
\def\x{section\thesection}, then \expandafter all tokens until you hit the \value{currentlevel}
Calling it a night. Bye everybody
@1010011010 I do not understand this.
7 hours later…
7:45 AM
@egreg no big deal, this team had been predicted not to make it to play-off, and the victory over Finland was extra-ordinary! Now we only need to beat the US in the small final :)
1 hour later…
9:14 AM
@DanielSank that is the default behaviour
9:50 AM
@DavidCarlisle I was writing "never noticed this behaviour" in a comment then removed it from the final "draft" and now you say that. lol
@DavidCarlisle Why no commas after a command like \GAD if the space is in the macro definition? Does it break something?
@Alenanno The issue with \TeX has macros is very well known.
@Alenanno Somebody, who I won't mention the name of, tried to solve it with a package I won't mention the name of.
@egreg Oh You-Know-Who
So it was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
@Alenanno I'm waiting for a keen remark from I-know-who.
@egreg Good morning @egreg.
10:05 AM
@egreg someone in a rush to get Italian coffee this morning
@DavidCarlisle Ahah
10:19 AM
@DavidCarlisle I expected something keener. Good morning!
@egreg you must have been thinking of some-one-else
10:46 AM
Hello!! I want to write a CV but I am facing some difficulties.
At the beginning I have written the following code:
I think I have a cold. :(
pastebin.com/n4JJawBD @DavidCarlisle
But a part of the result is the following:
The usepackages at the beginning were already at the template. Do I maybe have to delete some of them?? @DavidCarlisle
@MaryStar Please comment out loading the font, i don't have it, and try again. Are there changes?
Which comment should I comment out? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar \setmainfont[...]{Fontin.otf}
@MaryStar What is the actual language the CV should be typeset in?
11:25 AM
greek @Johannes_B
@MaryStar The font coming with the template (if you found the same git rep i did) does not support greek. Try the default, or any other font containing greek.
What is the purpose of font?? @Johannes_B
In metal typesetting, a font is a particular size, weight and style of a typeface. Each font was a matched set of type, one piece (called a "sort") for each glyph, and a typeface comprised a range of fonts that shared an overall design. In modern usage, with the advent of digital typography, "font" is frequently synonymous with "typeface", although the two terms do not necessarily mean the same thing. In particular, the use of "vector" or "outline" fonts means that different sizes of a typeface can be dynamically generated from one design. Each style may still be in a separate "font file"—f...
How could I use an other font containg greek?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar The lines you have been commenting out, replace them with a single \usepackage{libertine}
11:37 AM
So, instead of "\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin}" should I write "\usepackage{libertine}" ?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Yes.
@MaryStar You will need to delete the auxiliary file (aux).
@Johannes_B Do you mean the following?? Or have I forgotten to delete some command??
%A Few Useful Packages
%\usepackage{fontspec} %for loading fonts
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip} %other packages for formatting
\usepackage[big]{layaureo} %better formatting of the A4 page
% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **
\usepackage{supertabular} %for Grades
\usepackage{titlesec} %custom \section
I still don't get the right result... @Johannes_B
@MaryStar did you delete the aux file?
You mean the files about the fonts, right? Yes, I have deleted them... @Johannes_B
@MaryStar if your main document is called cv.tex, then there will be a file cv.aux that got corrupted with the other font and needs to be deleted to start over.
@MaryStar Alternatively, open your cv with texworks, which was installed with the other LaTeX stuff. In the upper left corner, click on file and then Remove aux files.
11:52 AM
The documant is called cv.tex.
Under this name there were the following:


I have deleted them. Did you mean these ones?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Please use texworks to remove the aux files, you deleted font-files, which isn't bad. But texworks will delete the right files ;-)
@MaryStar You need to delete file cv.tex
I copied the commands and pasted it in a new file. Is that what I should do?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar That will do just fine as well :-)
I still get some errors and it cannot be compiled... @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Which errors? Wait, you are compiling with XeLaTeX, right?
12:02 PM
I use www.sharelatex.com. @Johannes_B
\usepackage{fontspec}%<-- remove completely
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip}%<- remove the first two packages
@MaryStar ^^^^^^
@MaryStar I don't know how to tell shareLaTeX to use XeLaTeX, so we just switch to normal pdfLaTeX.
I get the following errors:
dist/tex/xelatex/xunicode/xunicode.sty,line 113
LaTex Error:***this package currently works only with XeTeX***
You are not using XeTeX, so we are exiting cleanly!
Continuing may lead to 'unavailable font metrics'

dist/tex/latex/xltxtra/xltxtra.sty,line 26
XeTeX is required to compile this document.

dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.sty,line 43
Fatal fontspec error:"cannot-use-pdftex"
The fontspec package requires either XeTeX or LuaTeX to function.
Removing the packages:
I get the following result:
@MaryStar Take a deep breath, don't hurry. The second line should look like \usepackage{url,parskip}
@MaryStar Are you using github.com/fayimora/cv as your base? I don't have your document, and i don't speak any greek. Please use the cv.tex as found in the linked repository. Let's go from there to use real greek.
12:55 PM
@MaryStar Helvetica supports Greek if you want.
But it's Sans Serif
Is this an usepackage?? @Alenanno
@MaryStar No it's a font, like Times New Roman.
or Baskerville, etc
I'm looking at your code
@Johannes_B I use this template: sharelatex.com/project/5558910eae547c326a2e351d
@MaryStar I would need to sign up for this it seems, and i don't want to.
@MaryStar But if the template is supported by them, then they will run it with XeLaTeX, i think. Right now i think, the reason is at a completely different place.
It a an example code. Should I send to you the commands?? @Johannes_B
1:04 PM
@MaryStar I think we nee somebody also working with shareLaTeX to rule out any trouble on this side.
The example code is the following: pastebin.com/tc0FS91v @Johannes_B
@MaryStar That works just fine using XeLaTeX.
So, what is the problem with my code?? Is it that I write in greek?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar I don't know. Test the example first. Does it work? Great. So now, lets slowly add stuff so that i know what is going on.
The example works fine... @Johannes_B
1:14 PM
@MaryStar Not to confuse you guys, but must you use xelatex? I managed to typeset some greek using pdflatex.
@MaryStar Right now, i feel like hitting at a Piñata. Right now, you cannot get me useful information. Lets move slowly to greek.
@Alenanno The template succesfully compiles. I think right now, using XeLaTeX is the easiest way.
@Johannes_B Ok :)
But I wanted to hear her response
@MaryStar Delete the the \setmainfont command, that is line 23 to 28.
What are "xelatex" and "pdflatex"?? Usepackages?? @Alenanno
@MaryStar Typesetting engines.
1:19 PM
@MaryStar No, different TeX programs (engines) for making output
A ok... How can we use them?? Is there a specific command?? @Alenanno @JosephWright
You can change this in the Editor you use to typeset Latex. What are you using?
@MaryStar As @Johannes_B has said, I'd leave the engine choice alone at present and build up from a known working example
@Johannes_B Do I have to delete also the command "\usepackage{libertine}" that you said before that I should add, or is this ok??
@MaryStar My feeling is you have a font problem somewhere, but that can only be worked out if we take things stepwise
1:20 PM
Ok... @JosephWright
@MaryStar You just have sent me an example file. Use that one. There is no greek at all. We really have to go step wise. There is no libertine in it, at least not yet.
What exactly is libertine?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar It is a font containing greek glyphs.
@MaryStar Arial is a font, Times new Roman is a font.
1:36 PM
I'm sick. /sob
@PauloCereda I can see that. Yesterday you were yellow, today you're white.
@Alenanno o.O
@PauloCereda Oh dear
@PauloCereda Chicken broth with ginger.
@PauloCereda Weather is too cold? :P Take care!
@Johannes_B I suggest "latte e grappa"
1:50 PM
@egreg Grappa? Alcohol?
@egreg Google says, that this is a white liquer tasting like chocolate?
@Johannes_B Of course! The ancient remedy is a big cup with half hot milk and half grappa. Well, maybe not half, but a robust dose nonetheless.
@Johannes_B Nothing to do with chocolate. Tasting more like fire, I'd say.
@egreg That will really know you out. Sleeping is the safest way to get well again.
2:06 PM
There is the following error:

Corrupted NFSS tables.
wrong@fontshape ...message {Corrupted NFSS tables} error@fontshape else let f...

1.41 \begin{document}


What does this mean??
@MaryStar Did you just use greek letters?
I mainly use greek letters, but some words are in english... That's why I used the usepackage: "\usepackage[english,greek]{babel}"

Is this correct?? @Johannes_B
2:19 PM
@PauloCereda O_o
@MaryStar I wanted to guide you step by step to using greek words. There should be no babel at this point.
@MaryStar Can we just start over?
So, should I delete the line "\usepackage[english,greek]{babel}" ?? @Johannes_B
No, we need to start from the beginning, with a new file/project.
2:35 PM
@MaryStar Now, where are we?
So, I created a new file... What usepackages should I use?? @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Use the template you linked earlier.
Without any modifications.
@MaryStar Got it? Does it compile? Do you see the output?
It does compile and the output is correct... @Johannes_B
2:44 PM
@MaryStar Remove lines 23 - 28, now the look of the cv should change a little bit.
I did it... It looks a little bit different... @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Where you just deleted, input \usepackage{libertine}
The output should change a bit once more.
Yes, it does. @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Please delete line 61 \font\fb=''[cmr10]''
Ok... @Johannes_B
2:51 PM
@MaryStar Now enter the following after \begin{document}: To LaTeX (προφέρεται 'λάτεχ')[1] είναι μια γλώσσα δημιουργίας εγγράφων συνδεδεμένο με το σύστημα
It is printed correctly, before the name. @Johannes_B
@MaryStar Nice. Done. We got it.
@MaryStar If you need to get hyphenation, please add the following:
@MaryStar Please note, that polyglossia is substituting babel. Babel does seriously break some stuff here. Do not load babel ;-)
@egreg It is, in fact. :) I was exposed to a really cold and wet weather yesterday, so I woke up with a sore throat. :(
@Johannes_B ooh
@JosephWright I will be fine, hopefully. :)
3:08 PM
Thank you very much!!!! Now it compiles!!! :-) @Johannes_B

I have also an other question... At some points the sentences are too long and at the right side of the page some words are cut. Is there a command I could use to avoid this??
@MaryStar Just checked, you can use babel, you just have to do it after loading libertine. Do you see any hyphenation?
I found it... That happens at the part that was in tabular. I deleted the command \begin{tabular} and now the words are splitted so that they fit in the page... @Johannes_B
4:02 PM
This is actually peculiar: i.stack.imgur.com/qNdpP.png
why are there so many variables at the top end of the page, but almost none at the bottom? Why is there no \footsep, or \footheight
@1010011010 because pages fill from the top
@DavidCarlisle are there packages that define these dimensions?
@1010011010 which dimensions?
footsep and so on?
@1010011010 not as far as I know, what would they do, they would just force the page to be over-constrained wouldn't they? If \pageheight is known and the space for the header and \textheight are known, the space for the footer is just what is left, if you defined a \dimen for it you'd just have to check everything added up correctly
4:11 PM
@DavidCarlisle is \headheight=\footheight or something?
@1010011010 I don't know what you mean, as I say, the space for the footer is determined by the size of the page.
At this point I must admit that I don't know what I myself mean... the alignment is all messed up and I simply can't figure out why
1 hour later…
5:40 PM
@yo' Is it true, that this is prohibited? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/245374/…
6:02 PM
Would it be silly if I asked a question for this:
How to align the text superscripts:
\vbox to 0pt{\hbox{%\LARGE

@1010011010 Overfull \vbox (8.14003pt too high) detected at line 9
@DavidCarlisle Yeah I did a fantastic job at that...
@1010011010 what do you mean by align here? did you intend them to over-print each other?
@clemens @Werner Do you also see that annoying spam in the FB LaTeX group?
@DavidCarlisle Still working on further perfecting the marginpar thing annnnnd yeah, I'm at the point where I would want to align the text superscripts. It would have to work for arbitrary font size though, and I'm not sure where to start...
I don't even know where the 8.14pt came from
No dimension I could think of adds up to that number
6:14 PM
@1010011010 you have a vbox to 0pt with stuff in it, that's bound to be overfull
@DavidCarlisle Fair. But why is it overfull by 8.14 pt?
@1010011010 that's the size of its content:
Overfull \vbox (8.14003pt too high) detected at line 9

..\hbox(4.51111+0.0)x4.48613, shifted -3.62892
...\OT1/cmr/m/n/7 1
..\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 s
..\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 t
..\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 u
..\OT1/cmr/m/n/10  (ligature ff)
@DavidCarlisle \fontcharht\font`f?
Nope, doesn't seem to be it
Oh wait I read past that hbox thing
@1010011010 the size is dominated by the superscript 1 so \fontcharht isn't going to tell you much. see above, it's the height of 1 (4.51111pt) raised by 3.62892pt
@Johannes_B yes. I already flagged it. I've little hope that it helps, though...
6:24 PM
@DavidCarlisle Where can I find info on the 3.62892 point?
@clemens Flagged it as well.
the height by which the mbox is raised from ^
@Johannes_B I believe the group admins would be able to delete the posts but the admins there don't seem to have an active interest in the group (whoever they are)
@1010011010 appendix G of texbook, but easiest is just to read the log as above.
@clemens I simply blocked that user. I won't have any more annoying stuff by him.
6:51 PM
Is there any tikz expert around here?
I am desperately trying to draw a fading arc, but it does not work... : tex.stackexchange.com/questions/245361/…
1 hour later…
8:10 PM
Good maen
8:30 PM
@ChristianHupfer Hi! :)
@ChristianHupfer: how's the game?
@PauloCereda: Well, I've played it now for some hours... it lacks some ... ambiente. Oblivion was better, in my point of view, but I am still at the beginning, so it might improve... by the way, I should play it again in a few minutes:-P
@ChristianHupfer The Witcher 3? :)
@PauloCereda: No, Skyrim... I've only played The Witcher part 1, I think.
@ChristianHupfer Oh I know, I just mentioned if you would like to try The Witcher 3.
A: A risk when using tex.sx.com

Paulo CeredaPetr. I am Paulo. You probably saw a wacky duck avatar hanging out in the site, that's me. I will try to answer your questions the best I can. Do your activities at TeX.SE steal too much time from your real life? I wish I had a real life. :) Seriously though, I wouldn't say TeX.sx steals mu...

@PauloCereda: Well, There's Pentecost Schoolbreak in a week, plenty of time (17 days :D)
8:45 PM
@DavidCarlisle Well, that's madness. \ifcase it is:-)
@ChristianHupfer ooh
@1010011010 what's madness?
@DavidCarlisle Sparta? :)
@PauloCereda Oh my, PauloCereda.... You whistleblower, leaking @DavidCarlisle's secret about vim ;-)
@ChristianHupfer shh :)
8:55 PM
@DavidCarlisle I don't see a point in coding something that will absolutely evaluate to the algorithm described in TeX book appendix g
@1010011010 why would you?
@PauloCereda too late
@DavidCarlisle I need the value for something and it would be nice to somehow extract the values for the general case, i.e. set up some macro that will output the exact same thing based on the value picked for font size... but yeah I think that it's not useful to spend another couple of days just to get that little bit of alignment right
@1010011010 I can't think why you'd ever want to calculate that, the issue only came up as vbox to 0pt seems to be being misused (i say seem as I'm not sure what you intended)
@1010011010 you don't need to calculate (or even know) that height, you just need to make to baseline of the first row of the marginpar align with the baseline in the main text.
@PauloCereda: I've the impression that the waste of time mentioned in the OP is restricted to the fact that most of us LaTeX and not PlainTeX etc. ;-) Of course TeX.SX is purely, funny procastination time :D (well, the most of it)
@ChristianHupfer Procrastination.sx :)
9:02 PM
@PauloCereda: We should continue this discussion ... on another day.. I will procastinate with Skyrim now :D
@ChristianHupfer Good game. :)
@PauloCereda: Thanks.. have a nice time here, till tomorrow (in a general meaning... )
@DavidCarlisle As you said earlier \pdfsavepos sets the anchor at the current baseline. There are two baselines, one in the main text where \marginpar is issued, and a baseline in the marginpar column. If I \vskip a distance from the top of the page to the baseline of where I issued \marginpar, then the baseline of the \marginpar won't align with the body text... You used \headsep in your original answer to address it, but that won't work for anything out of the ordinary
I'd say that the marginpar is perfectly aligned: the top of the marginpar is aligned with the bottom of the baseline where the \marginpar command is issued. Bit of a shame....
@1010011010 they will align if you put the alignment point of the marginpar in the right place, but using `vspace to 0pt you hide all the internal structure so make alignment impossible, you want vbox not vtop and you just want to take note of the height (or set it to 0)
@DavidCarlisle The example earlier was just to show the issue more clearly, I still have most of your original code in place:
\expandafter\ifx\csname sp@foot-\the\c@page\endcsname\relax%
  \csname sp@foot-\the\c@page\endcsname%
  \smash{\raise\footskip\vbox to \textheight{\hsize\marginparwidth%
  \expandafter\ifx\csname mpars-page-\the\c@page\endcsname\relax
      \ifnum\@mpcount<\csname mpars-page-\the\c@page\endcsname
9:27 PM
@1010011010 I don't see the connection (and I'm not really debugging your code) but the misalignment in your earlier example seemed to be mostly due to the 0pt box usage, and there is no equivalent code there.
@DavidCarlisle The point I was trying to make is, when you take two points, x being the top end of the text column and y being the baseline of any line in the text column, then \vskip<x-y>\box<contents> will spawn the box with an alignment where the top of the box aligns with the bottom of the baseline of the line.. or at least it seems that way... I'm just using the \box command, nothing \vtop or related
@1010011010 yes but you just need to make sure the baseline of the box you are adding is at the point you want to align, so the baseline of its top row, so you need vtop not vbox, then you just need to reduce your vskip by that box's height or equivalently set its height to zero, Which is exactly what I said above:-)
9:49 PM
@Johannes_B I did the same... flagging it.
10:07 PM
@DavidCarlisle I suspect you're referring to the position in the text column?
Or footer, or whatever
Or whatever the command is... I don't generally use \vtop
@1010011010 if you are not saving the margin note with vtop then you are doing it wrong, it has to be vtop as you want to align on the baseline of its first row.
10:34 PM
How to use Tikz in a0 size poster? Is the coordinate the same as A4 paper?
10:53 PM
Is it possible to write this in latex ?
11:16 PM
@barznjy \cancelto from cancel package
@DavidCarlisle This is during \setbox right?
@1010011010 probably, yes
Can't seem to provide any baseline to typeset the marginpar column, probably because the baseline is no longer known during \output... fantastic moment to call it a night:-)
11:33 PM
@DavidCarlisle Thank you

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