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5:47 AM
I had the idea to make a VirtualBox VM with Ubuntu 12.04 including all LaTeX related software, so that people which need a proper LaTeX environment can just use it.
A: Downsides of using \par instead of two new lines

David StonebanksI get this with Opera instead of demonstration of setInterval function that the author intended {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par ...

That's not TeX! That's RTF! Ha ha, I needed MINUTES to figure that out. Shame on me.
2 hours later…
7:37 AM
Q: Nailing it up on your Community Bulletin Board

Shog9 As some of you may have noticed, there's a new feature creeping its way across Stack Exchange: The Community Bulletin box is a tool for the community to promote events and initiatives that are important to them. On-site activities like tag cleanup events, chat events, and weekly topic conte...

Picked this up from the email for the mod-only chat tomorrow. The chat is very late, so I may have to read-up on it after the fact. I guess @StefanKottwitz and @MartinScharrer will also find it a bit late - not ideal for Europeans :-(
Doesn't seem to be available to us yet
1 hour later…
9:04 AM
@PauloCereda: Good Morning: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/53914/…
@JosephWright: Welcome to DANTE ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Thanks
2 hours later…
10:46 AM
Is this one on topic?
Q: What is the best Font with less empty Space (ultra fat)

EmailI search a good looking font which has small empty space, means the characters are full and nearly quadratic. Or in other words, if you draw a rectangle or quadre around a letter, nearly 80 % should be filled with the character, only small empty space. The best i got so far is Frutiger Ultra bo...

I've suggested graphicdesign
@egreg Same here
@egreg I don't think so. Well, I should say I think it is really off topic
@egreg I think it is off-topic.
@JosephWright Migrate?
@egreg Looks like the general feeling: will do
11:08 AM
@MarcoDaniel awww! <3
@PauloCereda You can write an answer ;-)
11:25 AM
@MarcoDaniel I'm scared of C#. :)
@PauloCereda The op doesn't require C# :-) Your are shy :-)
@PauloCereda just pretend it's java retag the question as arara and start out on the quest for the first arara gold badge.
@PauloCereda If I can answer tikz questions you can answer c# ones.
Oh great, a chat full of TeX users!
How can I create a custom verbatim environment?
(gray background)
@PatrickGundlach verbatim package?
or just stick one of the framed environments around a normal verbatim @MarcoDaniel's would work I think?
fancyvrb has some cool stuff. :)
11:32 AM
fancyvrb looks nice. Hopefully tex4ht can handle this as well...
@DavidCarlisle Works. Use \surroundwithmdframed :-)
@MarcoDaniel ah but have you written the tex4ht customisation for mdframed yet?
and latexml for that matter, oh and mathjax, and latex2html, and...
@DavidCarlisle No. :-( Up to know I had no reasons.
@DavidCarlisle I'll mention Mono (Unix version of Microsoft C# compiler). :P
@MartinScharrer: I think there is a small bug in \standalone. If you compile the following example with --shell-escape I get the error Package minted Error: You must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag.. This will happens if I use the option convert
11:42 AM
@MarcoDaniel Mmm, could be that the sub-process doesn't get the shell-escape flag itself.
But I thought I added that. I check it out.
12:00 PM
@MarcoDaniel The problem is, that I use a rather old TeX installation
@PatrickGundlach If you want to use only a gray background the package framed will be the most recommend.
Should I remove the first sentence ;-)
@MarcoDaniel You should indeed. :-)
12:16 PM
@lockstep Done
Why is there no TeX Live logo? I'm making an "Update TeXLive" shortcut for Ubuntu and need a logo!
Must ... not ... provide ... biblatex ... answer ...
Q: How to cite two references and include their pages with natbib?

user44967\cite[p.~11]{Author1:2003a} This inserts the number of page only for one author like "(Author1, 2003, p. 11)" However, I would like something like "(Author1, 2003, p. 11, Author2, 2003, p. 22)" Any idea?

@PauloCereda: Do you want to make one?
@Jake why did you delete it? I hope I didn't offend you... I think it's a nice one too.
One more vote needed to close:
Q: How to get lines with dots in the table of contents for sections?

RezaWhen I use \tableofcontents, It uses ... as a filler between title and page number for subsections, How I can force it to fill space between title of sections and page numbers as well?

12:30 PM
@lockstep >If there was room for another tag, obsolete would be appropriate.
why? I don't have influence on the environment.
And I've never heard that any of those environments (framed, color, verbatim) and tex4ht are obsolete.
@percusse: Oh, no no, not offended at all. But my approach was really not the right one for this problem. You should post an answer with the rectangle option.
I think I was just still in the text depth text height mode from tex.stackexchange.com/a/53936/2552
@PatrickGundlach In my understanding, the tag can/should also be used for problems related to not-up-to-date installations.
12:51 PM
@MartinScharrer We used one for the community ad, and I used one here, made from original image, perhaps from the DVD or website: texblog.net/latex-archive/german/texlive-2011-de
@Jake I got that already. Also I'm trying to recover from the hangover of Queen's day. ;)
I feel more or less like this today
@StefanKottwitz Thanks. I remembered that, but they are to big for my purposes.
I now made one myself using TikZ.
1:06 PM
Does anyone know how to change lstlisting style that it looks like verbatim (the listings package) - the default style has this uah theme (ugly as hell)
@PatrickGundlach basicstyle=\ttfamily
I always use that.
@MartinScharrer And also columns=fullflexible
@egreg Indeed.
from amazon - requiring an update too ;-)
1:16 PM
@MartinScharrer Logo? I can think of something. What's the size? :)
@PauloCereda It's an icon for the Ubuntu sidebar.
See my try a few lines above.
Should represent the updating process of TeX Live.
@MartinScharrer can you turn your comment into an answer? I give you the template:


\lstnewenvironment{code}{\lstset{backgroundcolor=\color{verbgray},frame=single,     framerule=0pt,basicstyle=\ttfamily,columns=fullflexible}}{}

\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{.9, .9, .9}


for i:=maxint to 0 do begin
j:=square(root(i)); end;

@PatrickGundlach Feel free to post it yourself.
1:47 PM
Embarrassing: two self answers on my question. Makes me look like a jerk, doesn't it?
@PatrickGundlach Why don't you merge them?
@egreg They are two completely different approaches.
@PatrickGundlach So what?
@egreg I don't see a reason to merge two different approaches just to look better (to make me look less like a jerk)
I just find it a bit embarrassing that I have used some time on a problem and found two different approaches shortly after. One of course with help of Martin.
Sounds a bit like "hey I know something and I'd like to tell you what".
@PatrickGundlach There are scores of answers showing different approaches.
1:58 PM
@egreg not sure I understand that comment correctly.
@PatrickGundlach On the site there are many answers that tackle a problem with different techniques, usually showing pros and cons for each one.
2:16 PM
Is it possible that Windows isn't case sensitive in relation to picture names? For example I have a picture pic.png. If I write \includegraphics{pic} it will work. But If I write \includegraphics{Pic} it will not work. (Linux). How does it be in Windows?
The same with folders.
2:42 PM
@MarcoDaniel Both work in W7, image files and folders.
@TorbjørnT Thanks.
3:16 PM
Duplicate as per OP's comment
Q: Separating adjacent footnote labels

brianjdQ: What is the normal way of handling adjacent footnote labels? Do people normally go with the first case below? I don't care for the first case. It makes footnotes one and two look like one footnote labeled 12. I tried fixing this and came up with my hack below. Q: There has to be a better ...

@MarcoDaniel surprising the number of reports we got of \usepackage{ARRAY} giving warnings from \ProvidesPackage that the wrong file found. in latex 2.09 loading styles with the wrong case just silently worked on case insensitive file systems, in 2e the package loads (because that's the way it is) but the check on providespackage warns if the name is not correct) not so easy to add a check for \includegraphics
@DavidCarlisle I'll write an answer to the C# question. And it has XML. :)
@PauloCereda Do you know also how to program in C#? Cool!
@egreg or he could just cross compile the java: ikvm.net
@egreg I know a few lines. :)
@DavidCarlisle Ouch, IKVM already gave me headaches. :P
The language specification is quite nice. I use Mono.
4:16 PM
the conference will focus on recreational uses of TeX
A: Compile Tex inside Microsoft C#.net

Paulo CeredaSo we meet again, C#. :) It's not so easy for to provide an answer, but I'll try. Most of the time, we end up with complex documents which might require several runs in order to reach a steady state. So, it's likely you'll need more than one run to get the correct output. If you stick with the...

Wow, long answer is long.
@JosephWright Yay! Procrastination. :P
@PauloCereda Run until there is no [??] found in the .pdf :P
@percusse Indeed. :) There's probably another condition of runs < 20, so the command won't run forever. :)
In case of an invalid reference, of course. :)
@PauloCereda if run>20 and stillthecase([??]) makeup(something) end
@percusse LOL it would be epic. :D
4:28 PM
@PauloCereda I can smell the kantbibsum package
@percusse LOL!
Once I thought of writing a Lua code to check for invalid images. For valid images, they would be correctly displayed. For invalid ones, the following image would be displayed:
The image is not found.
^^ caption. :D
@PauloCereda That's fantastic.... We should really make a kantsavedthedoc package. egs.edu/library/immanuel-kant/bibliography He has enough bibliographical items
then testing the files would be super cool thanks to Kant himself
@percusse Wow, epic! :D
it would be something like \documentclass{article}\usepackage{kantfillit}\begin{document}\end{document}
or should I say ikantfillit ?
LaTeX3-powered, I guess? :)
4:36 PM
@PauloCereda for sure heheh
Fedora 18 name...
Spherical Cow
Better than Polar Cow at least
@PauloCereda I knew about spherical horses. :) It's from a joke. A very rich man wants to grew richer and so tells some groups of scientists to develop a system for winning at horse races.
1. The group of engineers claims to have a system that guesses correctly 3/4 of the times. The rich man dismisses them.
2. The group of mathematicians develops a system that always wins, but the existence of the solution depends on the axiom of choice, so the solution is actually not computable. The rich man dismisses them.
3. The group of physicists develops a system that wins in 99% of the races. The rich man pays them and starts using the system. However, it doesn't win even once. So the group is called for explanations. "Easy," says the group boss, "for simplicity we assumed that horses have spherical symmetry."
@egreg LOL!
We can't have C# questions here, or Jon Skeet will be attracted to TeX.sx! If I'm not mistaken, he's in the team of the C# 4.0 specification.
5:14 PM
@egreg: I liked your solution to typesetting coordinates, and thought (well for my case), that it would be useful to be able to specify which bracket to use so modified it as
\NewDocumentCommand{\coord}{s O{} O{(} O{)} m}
{\left#3\coord_print:n {#5}\right#4}
{\mathopen{#2#3}\coord_print:n {#5}\mathclose{#2#4}}
Now I can use it as:


Good idea/Bad idea?
@PeterGrill Three optional arguments => keyval time?
Yeah, I guess I should learn that (before expl3 syntax) -- probably use pgfkeys myself.
@PeterGrill There is the built-in l3keys system in LaTeX3
@PeterGrill What is #2 for?
5:29 PM
@JosephWright Hmmm.. You guys are determined to get me to learn expl3. And I have tried sooooo hard to avoid it, but have feeling that it may be inevitable.
@PeterGrill You don't have to :-)
#2 was left over from egreg's solution where your provide a manual size specification: \coord[\Big]{0,1,2,3,4}
@PeterGrill My approach would be something like
\keys_define:nn { coords }
    left-bracket  .tl_set:N = \l_coords_left_bracket_tl ,
    right-bracket .tl_set:N = \l_coords_right_bracket_tl ,
    size          .tl_set:N = \l_coords_size_tl
\NewDocumentCommand { \coord } { s o m }
    \IfNoValueF {#2}
      { \keys_set:nn { coords } {#2} }
    \IfBooleanTF #1
        \left \l_coords_left_bracket_tl
          \coord_print:n {#3}
        \right \l_coords_right_bracket_tl
        \mathopen { \l_coords_size_tl \l_coords_left_bracket_tl }
@JosephWright I agree: proliferation of optional arguments is dangerous.
@JosephWright Hmmm.. I get:
LaTeX error: "keys/key-unknown"
! The key 'coords/left-bracket.tl_set:N' is unknown and is being ignored.
$\coord[left-bracket={\lbrack}, right-bracket={\rbrack}]{\dfrac{1}{2},2}$
5:40 PM
@PeterGrill Sorry, I'd made a couple of typos
\keys_set:nn replaced by \keys_define:nn should fix it
I think you should post the fixed version as a solution to typesetting coordinates
@JosephWright Replace both occurrences of \keys_set:nn?
Friends, I've been curious about this for some time: is it ok if I ask a question about how a document can't never reach a steady state?
@PauloCereda I think there is one already on exactly that
@PauloCereda I think there is a similar question already.
@PeterGrill No, just the first one
5:46 PM
@TorbjørnT, @PeterGrill: really? Oops. :)
@JosephWright Ok, will fix. But noticed that the default settings are missing.
We discussed the pgfkeys approach of using only one function for creating and setting keys, but the feeling was that separate processes was clearer
@PeterGrill It was only meant to be a starter :-)
@JosephWright Yeah, I know, all part of this conspiracy to get me to learns expl3. :-)
@PeterGrill I can do a pgfkeys version if you want
Q: Document requiring infinitely many compiler passes?

Federico PoloniIt is an unfortunate reality that one must compile a LaTeX file several times in order to get all labels and citations correct. As far as I know, one should go on compiling as long as TeX warns that that "labels may have changed", and two or three passes may not be enough. Is it possible to writ...

5:49 PM
@TorbjørnT Thanks a lot! :)
@JosephWright I'm ok with my version. I only posted it here in case egreg thought it was a good thing to add to his solution. Not sure if it warrants a separate answer without the keys working thought.
@TorbjørnT How did you find it! I gave up on the search on TeX.SE and was on google looking but even then could not find it. It seems that "infinitely" is the key word required to find it.
@PeterGrill Searched for "stabilizes" I think, having looked around a little at first.
@PeterGrill Go forth!
@TorbjørnT Yeah. given that it is so hard to search, perhaps there is an opportunity to start TeXoogle.com for searching TeX.Se. Anyone interested in joining me? We could make hundreds and hundred of dollars, until the whole world upgraded to TeX.. :-)
@egreg Well not if you think having three optional parameters is too much.. If you want to add it to yours that would be fine.
6:50 PM
I suggest to close this one as "not a real question" (overly broad):
Q: How can I configure TeX Editors?

RezaThere are a lot of build/program options in editors. I am really confused when I should use each one and how. For example, I can use the xepersian package with default settings of TeXmaker and TeXnicCenter 2, but I cannot configure WinShell and TeXworks to build xepersian documents. Can you ple...

Update: Or maybe not. I missed the last sentence, which makes the question acceptable.
@Jake: Are you able to make any sense of "I tried to get autoallineamento of the type AA. AA I didn't want an alienation of the type A A A A " at tex.stackexchange.com/questions/53970/…
7:06 PM
@PeterGrill I think he means to align 2x2 instead of 4x1
It seems some translation from Spanish.
@PauloCereda: I now created a Virtual Box machine with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and TeX Live plus a lot LaTeX related material. The idea is that people can download it and have a working LaTeX system right away. However, with all the software I installed it is 9.4GB in size :-(
@MartinScharrer Yay! How much memory does Ubuntu require?
@PauloCereda You mean hard drive space?
@MartinScharrer allocated RAM. :)
7:13 PM
@PauloCereda I gave it 1GB there. No idea what the minimum is.
@MartinScharrer Cool. :)
@MartinScharrer I've gone for 1 Gb for Ubuntu too, using Parallels, with 2 Gb for Windows 7 and the balance on my system (5 Gb) for the native OS
@PeterGrill It's from Italian, judging from the labels.
7:33 PM
@egreg: \tableofcontents\section{ aaa \protect\foo\protect!ddd\protect! bbb } :-)
XPath, XPath, XPath, my kingdom for a navigator!
@PauloCereda ?
@DavidCarlisle I'm writing a parser. :P
I'm trying to improve my answer with XPath. :P
:442661 I never actually used the .net xpath api (almost all my xpath is in xslt via saxon's java implementation) (including generating all our c# code:-)
@DavidCarlisle Cool! Via IKVM?
7:55 PM
@DavidCarlisle Yeah!
Hello everyone. I have a trivial question.
In my file, I have the following \pagestyle{myheadings}, probably inherited from some old template. As far as I can tell, it does not do anything. I don't know what myheadings is, but afaik it does not exist. If it did, what should it be? Anyway. my reason for asking is that it breaks fancyhdr. Ie before it, the lines
\rhead{some stuff}
do not work. After it, they do.
I don't know if this is worth posting on the site or not...
@PauloCereda no:-) I just knew of ikvm as that is how the saxon .net implementation is built, compiling the java sources
8:12 PM
@DavidCarlisle Ah. :) I tried to port a compiler a friend of mine wrote in Java to .net via IKVM. The generated assembly was far from usable, so I gave up. :) But it's been 3 years since I tried something with it.
8:43 PM
Uh-oh. :P
8:53 PM
@Werner, @MartinScharrer: Can you also address the second part as to when can I use \widthof directly. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54015/…
An honest letter from a frustrated author: coe.iup.edu/grbieger/Classes/CURR982/Frustrated_author.pdf
No offense to anyone but I've always expected to see the computer scientists handling ...ehm... the computer much better. But some questions are just solved by copy/paste from the manual.
Too localized, as the OP isn't likely to provide a MWE (see last comment):
Q: Undefined control sequence \glossarytoctitle using amsbook

coguUsing the amsbook class and the glossaries package, I receive an error "! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \glossarytoctitle" if I change the fontsize from default (in my case, to 12pt) or the linespread (in my case, to 1.5 or 2). The error occurs on the line of \printglossaries. ...

@Ariel Wow!!! So, do you know if it got accepted after that?
@Ariel I love the part of clubbing baby seals. :P
9:08 PM
@PeterGrill The calc package redefines \setcounter, \addtocounter, \setlength, and \addtolength to benefit from the extended syntax. Only in their arguments \widthof and the similar commands receive the meaning for doing computations; outside them they are equivalent to \ignorespaces.
@egreg Well, then that explains why it has been ok to use \widthof directly sometimes. I think that would be a very useful information to anyone who came across that question.
@PeterGrill I'll write my previous line as a comment to Werner's answer.
9:25 PM
@PeterGrill there wasn't really a chance of it working with \kern (or \hskip) but you might reasonably have expected it to work with \hspace, most places in 2e (when converting from 2.09) we used \setlength internally rather than using primitive \dimen@=#1 assignments, but neither the 2e kernel nor calc.sty defines hspace to do \setlength\dimen@{#1}\hskip\dimen@ instead of \hskip#1
@DavidCarlisle I had the \hspace version in my MWE originally but then since the same error was being reported, I took it out. This is really part of a xy1y2 problem, so perhaps better to use \hspace instead of kern at the y2 problem: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54023/…
@PeterGrill Here is a weird result :)

\pgfmathsetlength\KernAmount{\pgfmathresult pt}

%x~\KernA~y  \verb|\kernA: \widthof| ??
Interesting, not sure why the width() from pgf would not produce identical results? Might be due to the double quotes?
@PeterGrill well yes any macro you could probably define so that it picked up calc syntax if calc is loaded this is why tabular p-columns, minipage etc all acquire calc functionality, but redefining tex primitives like kern is harder (and guaranteed to break something)
@PeterGrill Using this \pgfmathsetlength\KernAmount{+\pgfmathresult pt} gives the correct result. Strange indeed...
9:41 PM
I feel like I'm in one of those three way conversations where the other participants are talking Welsh...
@DavidCarlisle Ok, now it is making even more sense. You should add that to the answer soemwhere. This expands on egreg's comment
@DavidCarlisle :-) Once again that might be because people assume I know what I am talking about when it comes to LaTeX due to my rep.
This may be an odd question, but does MacTeX normally include ps2pdf?
@PeterGrill No it's because I probably know more welsh than tikz but not enough to hold a conversation in either
@percusse Yep, do you know what the + does?
@DavidCarlisle Ok, well the converse applies to me. Hey, wait a minute, our conversation has nothing to do with tikz??
@PeterGrill Yes probably @DavidCarlisle can chime in with his fluent Welsh for the following quote from the manual :
\pgfmathsetlength\mydimen{1cm} % parsed : slower.
\pgfmathsetlength\mydimen{+1cm} % not parsed : much faster.
*...To overcome this, the following feature is implemented: when
no mathematical operations are required, an expression can be preceded by +. This will bypass the parsing
process and the assignment will be orders of magnitude faster.*
9:47 PM
@PeterGrill tikz, pgf, whatever:-)
@PeterGrill No idea, but it is so accurate! :)
@DavidCarlisle Ok, I missed that connection to the comments by percusssee...
@DavidCarlisle One day I'll see you writing TikZ macros on this site... I swear! Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn llyswennod... TThat's a Welsh oath I found online :)
@percusse My hovercraft is full of eels ..
according to google translate
@percusse I tried to run your file and got Package PGF Math Error: Unknown function `width'. am I too out of date?
@DavidCarlisle Epic phrasebook. :P
9:54 PM
@DavidCarlisle That should work but I don't know what went wrong. I'm using PGF 2.10
I have a tl2010 randomly updated in bits, I might update that bit I suppose...
Phase 1: Completed....
@PauloCereda @DavidCarlisle I feel like I should compile all your epic starred quips and put them into something like this tex.stackexchange.com/a/24719/8890 with the decorated letters and totally sweet rules. would be a perfect project for procrastination.
10:25 PM
@JosephWright It usually installs Ghostscript; my ps2pdf is /usr/local/bin/ps2pdf
10:42 PM
Is there any reason why an underscore would show up as a blank in a table? I am using the underscore package.
@FaheemMitha No. An example is needed
@percusse We'll ask @@Brent.Longborough
11:14 PM
@egreg "My font is full of serifs"
Or, perhaps, "My tikzpicture is full of lines and dots"
>>> "Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn llyswennod"[::-1]
'donnewsyll nwall ny dafnerfoh yf eaM'
Not any luck reversing it too. :P
11:36 PM
One more vote needed to close:
Q: Undefined control sequence \glossarytoctitle using amsbook

coguUsing the amsbook class and the glossaries package, I receive an error "! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \glossarytoctitle" if I change the fontsize from default (in my case, to 12pt) or the linespread (in my case, to 1.5 or 2). The error occurs on the line of \printglossaries. ...

@lockstep Uh-oh, I already voted it. :(
@egreg : It's Ok. Turns out it was something someone else did. Not my fault.
Are there any general recommendations on the site for avoiding line overflow? Other than sticking in line breaks, that is.
Specific text: "With the Debian and Ubuntu default client authentication configuration
located at \sourcefile{/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf}, SNPpy
will run without modification. For other Linux distributions, changes
may be necessary."
The /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf overflows.
I'm currently handling such things with a // immediately before the offending text, but that doesn't seem very elegant.
@FaheemMitha Instead of \sourcefile use \path from the url package, which will break after slashes.
Good night all.
11:52 PM
@egreg : Thanks.
@egreg Good night! :)

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