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1:56 AM
I'm trying to figure out a solution for accessible and responsive design for large data tables. Has anyone done any actual user testing with assistive tech users?
Right now we have prioritized the display of a few columns by default and the other dozen is available for display via a control. We're going with a plain Jane approach of just laying out the table that is scrollable by both x and y axis if the user decided to display all columns. This can get a bit unweildy for tablets or smaller.
12 hours later…
1:51 PM
@Pdxd I was going to suggest something similar to that. Good resource
2 hours later…
3:37 PM
Cool, it does look like it meets our needs. We'll take a deeper look. I've sent that to our fed.
4 hours later…
7:47 PM
The tamagotchi thing is cute. Seems like it's in a constant state of panic though. Not enough users playing it maybe?
1 hour later…
9:06 PM
yeah it is a team event (it's possible to solo but took almost 800 turns)
everyone just needs to follow the directions here and leave the script running in another tab...

other SE members will run bots to try and get our egg to Restart as we move up the leader board so running that script is a coordinated way to fight fire with fire.

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