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12:35 AM
Does anyone knows of a good example of a "Contact us" popup/form/popover that the user can use when they need help?
The button that I made is hard to see and I don't want to block their view if they don't need help.
@AmmarAhmed Are you talking about a form that is requested or pops up automagically?
@RedRiderX I don't want it to pop up automagicly. I want the user to be able to contact us if they are stuck.
right now I have a button that they can click on. But I think it is hard to see
The best I saw before were screens that randomly popped up like the ones asking for surveys and such.
so you want a way to make it easier to find but you don't want it to get in the way if the user doesn't need help?
@AmmarAhmed Randomly popping up sounds like a bad strategy.
@DanHulme yep. If I am being confusing here then we can step back. What is the best way to get the user to contact us if they need help?
12:40 AM
Have you thought about making the "call to action" for getting help more prominent based on some characteristic of their interaction?
I don't want them to just leave the site. I want to know that they are stuck somewhere and contact me for help.
Like, if they fill out the form 5 times and still don't get it, make the contact us button more prominent.
For example
I am looking up Call for Action now
@AmmarAhmed Oh that's just a fancy term for "click here"
Something that tells the user to do something
I think the shortest fix that I can do now is having that screen open when the user first log in. They can close it and keep doing what they want, but at least they would know it exists.
12:45 AM
@AmmarAhmed Diverting a user's attention from what they came there to do is a slippery slope.
A little more context might help with giving advice though
Are they filling out a form? Following a set of instructions?
1:37 AM
@RedRiderX sorry I had to reboot.
@RedRiderX for the context. It is a SaaS app. We offer a trial where the users can use the app. We are just starting up and we call the people who sign up to make sure they are ok.. we are trying to change that.
1:58 AM
@AmmarAhmed You could send friendly periodical emails perhaps, if they sign up for that.
@AmmarAhmed But you are more thinking about them having any trouble at all?
If it's an app of sorts, I'd make sure that some kind of help feature is always accessible.
But as for pushing it infront of a user...
I'm not sure anyone has done that successfully.
(successfully being not annoying the user unnecessarily)
It might be worth a question on the site, if you can't find anything similar.

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