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12:33 PM
@PaulJohnson I know with my son, at 18 months he was using his left hand and left leg for everything, from drawing and eating to climbing stairs. But after a few months he switched to right, and back and forth a bit, and at 3 he's using almost solely his right for regular tasks.
Every kid is different, but I think it's important for people to know that most kids won't have a dominant hand that early.
3:12 PM
@CreationEdge I recently tried observing my neighbor little girl who's about 18 months and she uses both of her hands just like my boy but prefers the right hand to feed herself etc. It's a interesting field of study. I just saw a comment from Warren who noticed at 3 months the child had already picked what hand to use.
@CreationEdge also just to mention, as a parent I'm stunned at how they learn first. So I bet at 3 months is pretty early.

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