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4:35 PM
OMGosh! That is the first time in ages that I walked away from chat, came back and found I was the last one on it!
@Beofett I think if I remember correctly, (and that is questionable because it has been a LOOOOOOOOONg time), the theory behind this difference at least is in the fact that the ethyl component, having slightly more mass and a double bond is less likely to re-bond (react) where as the methyl component would be less stable, therefore more reactive, and more likely to bond and bio-accumulate.
In any case, its all subtle differences and no matter the reason why, the tiny amounts of mercury (even if they Did accumulate) cannot be attributable alone to Autism.
There would have to be additional exposures and even then, whether mercury is in fact, a culprit is still up for more study. Seems to run in families too (to some degree) so it is definitely far more complex an ailment than single cause in my book.
4 hours later…
8:47 PM
Tempted to ask a question if it's common for a child to be able to touch their spine with their elbow.
My eldest acts like his joint are elastic.
9:05 PM
jointS, even

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