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12:07 AM
I like the edits you are making
as a sign of how big a deal this isn't, it's kind of hard to find real examples for most things
3 hours later…
2:49 AM
@JoeW Will you be reposting a version of your deleted question?
cool, thanks
I don't have time tonight but I plan to get it better worded and reposted
np, I'll watch for it
2:51 AM
@Jefromi - I'll post to that question and edit the older one you pointed to based on the outcome. I think this is a question worth revisiting from time to time.
I suspect that this is one of those questions where some folks want a bright line delineating the difference between us and Arqade - but where I see only a thick grey line :/
3:26 AM
@PatLudwig yeah, clear lines tend to not work well for site scope splits
takes more argument to define one and apply it to questions than it does to just let the line be blurry
@Jefromi yep, I've grown zen to such things over the years. My preference is to respect the questioner's choice and try to help them as best we can.

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