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8:34 PM
Empty room. Or not anymore.
room topic changed to Gogh Development: Discussion of Gogh (no tags)
@Vihan: Don't forget to update to match the main
@ZachGates Do you mean to merge the upstream?
Forgot the word upstream for a second lol
What's your branch patch-1?
It's master I don't know where patch-1 came from
Do you have a list of commands?
Not the code page, what every command does.
Frames page
@Vihan: you used : for your function, right?
I couldn't think of anything better
No, I like it
Should I make a reverse operator r or something more interesting?
r is fine, because it's a stack command
I'm about to start working on greater-than and less-than
8:52 PM
oh, r is being used for root. I'll make it R
Oh yeah haha. R is good too
Reverse entire stack or TOS?
entire stack
Oh, use $ instead or ɼ. either one
oh okay
In,, I have:
def _reverse(self):
is self an array?
Let me know what you come up with. There's an easy one-liner :P
8:59 PM
I got this but it doesn't work :(
def _reverse(self):
Use list.reverse(self)
Should work
what does the argument self do?
self is just a reference to the instance
list.reverse(self) calls the method reverse (from the class list) on the instance
Also, name the function _revstack or something like that
oh okay
Does it work?
9:05 PM
is there a way for explicit out?
Why did you add a semicolon to lol
And yep, the o flag
that does implicit out
Yep. Outputs the TOS on exit
@ZachGates I was just testing if Git Plus was correctly detecting changes
Could you remove it so I can merge :P
9:07 PM
should be updated
Sweet; will merge
I don't know how to add it but my feature-request is an operator which outputs the TOS so I can output the TOS midway through the program
Go to the Issues page
Click "New Issue", write your feature-req and add the tag "enhancement" (its under "Labels" on the right)
I can't add tags as I'm not the owner/contributor
OK I'll add the tag
Added you as a collaborator, actually
you should be able to now
9:14 PM
yup, added the tag
Added and closed issue
Oh, don't forget the ¡ operator
Output & exit
9:36 PM
A: Implement a Truth-Machine

DowngoatGogh, 8 bytes {1ƤØ}$:0 Run this in the command line like: $ ./gogh nio '{1ƤØ}$:0' <input>

first gogh program \o/
Love it
You could also use swap instead of reverse
I got it to 7 bytes: ÷{ƤØ}®:
I need to fix a bug
You can shorten your answer to {ƤØ}?x¡ after I fix it
Fixed it
9:51 PM
oooohh, nice
If the args don't match the type, they get pushed back onto the stack
I guess I just forgot the repush in the source lol
the ¡ at the end doesn't seem to be necessary with implicit out
yep, you're right
6 bytes
can't type lol
10:07 PM
Implemented greater-than and less-than
@Vihan: Note than in your answer you say "If input is falsy", where the operator is actually "if STOS is falsy"
You tied the Hexagony answer, haha
@ZachGates fixed
I think we might actually be able to win some challenges with Gogh
With some more built-ins Gogh could become pretty competitive
There's plenty more operators to fill
What's next?
I'll be back later tonight. Cya then

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