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4:26 PM
Or there are days like today: I need to build a house. First, invent metallurgy so I can make nails. Second, build a sawmill so I can have boards to nail together. ... crazy eyes
@BobCross - But don't you need to do the metallurgy for the saw blade as well? Then you'll need to develop a way to transmit power to the saw? Maybe you can fly a kite with a key attached to discover how electricity works? If you are going to do it, let's do it whole hog, I tell yah!
You laugh. I'm simulating frigging everything in the planned inventory because surprise! this shit's expensive! No, you don't get your own [thing] to test with! Grump.
5:07 PM
@BobCross - I have no clue what the heck you're getting at so I'll let you live in your world, lol! I have no desire to come and visit, it sounds like :D
2 hours later…
7:07 PM
Jack Ryan: Who's giving the briefing?
Admiral Greer: You are.

Guess which role I play in this scene for Hunt for Red October. :-)

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