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10:27 AM
@Letharion Did it. Also, I got myself burnt
fav.me/d854eq8 - not too good for coding :(
10:43 AM
@Mołot Ouch!
Yea, 2nd degree, and JUST on the area I rest my hand when code
1 hour later…
12:01 PM
@Mołot You have to get a chx keyboard now ;)
@Letharion what? :o
Yea, that would help
drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/135682/… - is it my problem with reading, or this question is bit unclear?
@Mołot Zakładam Mołot, że jesteś z PL :P?
@KrzysztofTrzos tak, ale Letharion nie, so please use english if possible and only fall back to Polish when we can't communicate clearly in English, OK? :)
12:08 PM
@Mołot Yeah, sure. So... problem about drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/135682/…
I won't be terribly offended if I don't understand what you say ;)
And it's not like there's a ton of other people in here either.
You want to know what permission you need to give to role, so it can see links, right?
@Mołot I can't see Drupal Commerce configuration page in my custom created menu (which is set as admin menu for particulars user role).
Dobra, pytanie czy człowiek z daną rolą może zobaczyć tą stronę jak wklei odpowiednią ścieżkę wprost w pasek adresu?
Jeśli nie, to jest to kwestia uprawnień, jeśli tak - menu.
Widzi ją
I ma dostęp
Dlatego tego nie rozumiem :D
12:09 PM
Czyli to NIE jest kwestia uprawnień
Widzi też dostęp do innych, niektórych ścieżek commerce'a
jak np. admin/commerce/products
Dlatego nie łapałem pytania - pytasz o uprawnienia, ale to nie jest ich wina w tym przypadku, bo Drupal pokazuje w menu stronę, o ile uprawnienie jest OK.
Ale do admin/commerce/config bądź admin/commerce już nie :/
A: How do I call the menu_rebuild function in Drupal 7?

ValkOpen the database schema, then delete all contents of menu_links and menu_router tables with the following SQL queries: DELETE FROM menu_links; DELETE FROM menu_router; Then run http://example.com/update.php. It will call menu_rebuild(), which will populate these tables with 'fresh' data. It w...

@Letharion trick is - links to admin/commerce/products in menu are visible, but links to admin/commerce/config and admin/commerce are not. User can paste them manually to the address bar and have access, he simply does not see menu items. Any ideas?
(Custom menu, items created manually)
Any custom rendering of the menu happening?
Internals of the menu system are largely beyond me unfortunately :/
12:17 PM
For me it "just worked" if permissions was all right. Sometimes hard wipe was needed (just like I linked above), but that's all. @KrzysztofTrzos jakieś moduły wpływają na renderowanie menu? Albo może inna templatka dla niektórych stron? Cokolwiek czym mogą się różnić?
Nope, no custom rendering. This custom menu is set as admin menu for particular user role with "Administration Menu Source" module.
Have you tried the rebuild i linked?
I guess creating a new menu from scratch accessible to everyone would be a useful test to narrow the problem down, but other than that, I don't really know.
> But be aware, that it will wipe out all you custom menus which you will have to rebuild manually.
So if you try, you'll need to export menu, do wipe, and re-import it
I used menu_rebuild() function. Didn't worked.
12:21 PM
Any memecached running, maybe?
Couple of times
sometimes when my menu seems "stuck", I logout, drush cc menu and service memcached restart - helps. Kills your performance for few minutes, but helps
Unless you have form cache and sessions in memcached, then your users get angry
But then, they don't notice missing menu item anyway ;)
If that does not help, I give up for now, sorry. Will ping you if I'll have any other idea
Well... i set this user as superadmin and he saw this options. After reversing his role to old one, the menu item is gone...
Maybe it is because of some permissions...?
But... he have access to page, so... :/
How exactly does this menu item look like? can you paste a screen from it? It looks like some permission being misinterpreted
Nothing specjal....
12:29 PM
  $items['admin/commerce'] = array(
    'title' => 'Store',
    'description' => 'Administer your store.',
    'page callback' => 'system_admin_menu_block_page',
    'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'),
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'system'),
    'file' => 'system.admin.inc',
    'weight' => -7,
  $items['admin/commerce/config'] = array(
    'title' => 'Configuration',
    'description' => 'Configure settings and business rules for your store.',
    'page callback' => 'system_admin_menu_block_page',
Nothing special either
yeah... saw that...
"access administration pages" perm is set for this roles, so dk why it's not working ^^
Do you have a custom module there, to prototype things?
You asking how the custom menu was created?
I'd try hook_admin_paths() to mark these paths as non-admin ones and see.
I'm asking if you can quickly add some hook implementations
Like in the line above.
Yeah, I can. I'll check that hook... gimme a mom...
Didn't worked. Page is displayed as non-administrative but it still not available via my custom menu..
12:35 PM
Not a fix, but maybe it'll be a workaround. And if so, we'll know one bit of information more.
so it is not about access to admin pages
curiouser and curiouser
12:49 PM
@Letharion on the unrelated topic, when you create "option list", in select field, webform etc, you use "value | text to display" format for elements, right? Are there built-in functions for such configuration?
@Mołot I don't think I understand the question. Are you asking about the underlying php function that implement the UI behavior?

It's funny, one'd think the two of us knew how to produce flawless questions by now, closing so many unclear questions ;) But I don't understand your, and my question here: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/135597/how-do-i-in-code-add-new-field-values-to-a-d8-content-entity immediately got a complaint (with an upvote) that the question was unclear. >_<
@Letharion Well, that's why I asked you here. Now I know I don't know exactly how to say what I want ;)
In Webform module, when you configure select list, you see this instruction:

Key-value pairs MUST be specified as "safe_key|Some readable option". Use of only alphanumeric characters and underscores is recommended in keys. One option per line. Option groups may be specified with <Group Name>. <> can be used to insert items at the root of the menu after specifying a group.
Is it Webform specific, or something in Core Webform simply uses, and I can use, too?
@Mołot Makes sense ;)
Doesn't core use the same thing for textfields with options widgets? Or something similar. And with that I'm trying to say that I think it's in core and you can use it with or without webform.
> Doesn't core use the same thing for textfields with options widgets?

Yes, as far as I can see
I was actually looking for that particular feature in D8 this weekend, but didn't see it. Not sure if I had something turned off, or if it's been ripped out.
1:00 PM
Well, I can't find it in Drupal 7 API
I was sure it's there
but I fill blind / dumb today
To little coffee ;)
No. Too much painkillers
In theory deep 2nd degree burn is enough to go on sick leave, but I didn't want that
Ah, of course.
Well, fwiw, sick leave is useful in preventing long term illness, even if one can work.
Perhaps you are looking for:

list_field_settings_form in modules/field/modules/list/list.module
Line 79:
$description = '<p>' . t('The possible values this field can contain. Enter one value per line, in the format key|label.');
looks like it, I'll work from that
If I can't use it, I always can copy it
Exactly. :)
1:07 PM
Hydrocolloid dressing should be enough to prevent long-term problems. And it's not like you can get burns from co-workers like you can get cold ;)
Unless you work in kitchen, or with solder, or something, of course ;)
@Mołot No, of course.

In Sweden, one doesn't get paid on the first day of sick leave, but on the days following.
Norway recently decided that one should be paid from day 1. The reason was that they should show that people staying home often but briefly caused a reduction in long term illness.
So that's what I was thinking off.

Presumably it depends a lot on what the illness is though, and as you say, what line of work one is in.
@Letharion here we get paid for each day, but if illness was not caused by work or accident between one's home and work, we only get 80% of our regular wages.
Workplace accidents, accidents when going to work, and occupation illnesses - 100%
@Letharion this is supposed to discourage people from risky behaviors that leads to long-time sick leave. And it seems it works
20% of one day is not much, 20% of one month is quite something
1:22 PM
Good, I need to find a save handler, too, and I'm done ;)
@Mołot Awesome. Gonna use this new knowledge trying to work out if this works in D8 aswell later.

Have you looked at D8?
Year ago. Was too far from ready. Haven't since then
Not enough time, I became quite a busy guy ;) 6 hours of kung-fu wushu training a week, beermaking, photography, it all takes time :d
8 hours of Drupal per day, 5 days a week, was quite tnough, but we are at 7 now.
1:54 PM
@Letharion OK, got it:

[`list_allowed_values_setting_validate`](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!field!modules!list!list.module/function/list_allowed_values_setting_validate/7) as validator

[`list_extract_allowed_values`](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!field!modules!list!list.module/function/list_extract_allowed_values/7) as save handler

[`list_allowed_values_string`](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!field!modules!list!list.module/function/list_allowed_values_string/7) to prepare configuration field
@Mołot 6 hours of martial arts, cool. :) Been years since I did that, I just recently found a Kung-Fu club nearby, but they had come to far into their semester to want to take in new people. Might try again after the new year.
@Mołot Awesome. Maybe you should ask the question now, and then answer it yourself ;)
2:12 PM
@Letharion about kung-fu - I'm barely beginning. Start of my 3rd year... And now break until my hand heals. I'll consider asking and answering once I'll have my code up and running. Too soon for it now. I think I got it, but I don't know yet

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