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3:23 AM
Does anyone know of a name for the cognitive bias where you think you're wrong just because everyone around you has a different opinion?
Like "either I'm the only sane person here, or I'm the insane person and everyone else is fine"
Hmm... "conformity bias" isn't bad...
6 hours later…
9:09 AM
@NReilingh impostor syndrome?
10 hours later…
7:00 PM
Impostor syndrome is something very different - its feeling like you don't deserve your accomplishments and you are a big fraud. People who have impostor syndrome attribute their success and accomplishments to external factors such as luck, timing, or convincing others they are more competent than they are. I think the key to impostor syndrome is a persistent fear you will be found out to be a fraud. The more they are praised the more they feel like they don't deserve it.
I have impostor syndrome if you didn't notice.
I told my boss during my performance review "if I exceed expectations then your expectations must be very, very low" and I truly believe it and feel that way no matter how much logic or evidence tells me otherwise. However, I do not believe that I am wrong just because everyone else around me has a different opinion. Not in the slightest.

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