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3:31 PM
Monica Cellio has unfrozen this room.
@MonicaCellio Just curious: why unfreeze?
@IsaacMoses you were still in the room and sh'loshim is not yet concluded, so I thought it might still be helpful to you. (And I think as a room owner you can't unfreeze yourself.)
If you'd rather it be frozen, I can put it back.
3:57 PM
@MonicaCellio Oh, thanks. I'm not always so careful about where I leave my "presence." I don't mind either way, but I'm not using this room myself, any more.
@IsaacMoses oh, ok. Thanks for explaining. I'll just leave it alone then, and it will auto-freeze again later.
4:19 PM
@MonicaCellio Thanks.
FTR, if chas veshalom anyone else has a need for a room like this, they should feel free to use it. Let me know, and I'll hand over ownership.

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