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12:00 AM
@SašoŽivanović You can't be too slow yet. TL 2016 will use stuff posted to CTAN up to a certain date. What won't change at this point is TL 2015. So if you update TeX Live 2015 now, you have the final, frozen version. It will never change. There's now a period where they test TL 2016. During that time, updates to CTAN just sit on CTAN. They don't get picked up by TeX Live. When the build of TL 2016 is stable, they'll pick up a snapshot of what's on CTAN. That snapshot will be used to create ...
... the release version of TL 2016. That's the version you get on CD/DVD and the version used for the initial release of MacTeX (which still includes everything, I think - no net install). So it would be good if prooftrees worked with forest when the snapshot is taken. Because some people will never get releases posted to CTAN in between releases of TL and anybody who uses the hard copy as a fallback has the snapshot versions.
@SašoŽivanović If the snapshot will include Forest 2.0.3, then I will try to create a release of Prooftrees which fixes some bugs and works with 2.0.3 (i.e. is closer to the published version currently on CTAN with a few tweaks). If the snapshot will include Forest 2.1, then I will try to release a version of Prooftrees which also makes use of some of the new stuff (i.e. is closer to my current non-published version).
@SašoŽivanović tug.org/texlive The plan is here. The actual events are presumably on the mailing lists I'm not subscribed to at the moment. (They don't seem to have a low-volume announcement option.)
12:19 AM
@SašoŽivanović Thanks for the binary releases!
@cfr Confirmed justrees working with Forest 2.0.3. Thank you for all your help!
2 hours later…
2:13 AM
@cfr I don't think v2.1 will be ready in May, so please aim for compatibility with v2.0.3.
2:28 AM
@SašoŽivanović They don't usually keep to the schedule. I think the key thing is that it would be problematic if the snapshot was taken between your releasing 2.1 and my releasing something to work with 2.1. But don't count on the dates on that page as they are targets rather than deadlines, I think. That is, if Joseph or David breaks LaTeX or Windows changes something which breaks Norbert's code, then they won't make the DVDs until it is fixed. At least, that's how it worked in the past.
8 hours later…
9:59 AM
@cfr I agree, that would be the big problem. So we coordinate to release at the same time? For me, prooftrees is a great test, anyways!
6 hours later…
3:29 PM
@SašoŽivanović I think so, yes. And not so close to the deadline that one of us might fall on the other side of it! But this should be relatively straightforward since we have been known to talk to each other occasionally ;).
I don't actually think the version I'll put out for your 2.0.3 will be that different from the one currently on CTAN. But there's a bug I'd like to fix so I just need to be careful not to inadvertently post a version which needs something newer. Then I can release a newer version whenever 2.1 is ready and people can get it with tlmgr as and when, or in TL 2017 if they don't do updates.
8 hours later…
11:22 PM
@SašoŽivanović I just downloaded 2.0.3 from CTAN. I think it would be good if it automatically generated everything expected to be found in tex/latex/forest and not just some of it. That is, I'm not clear why forest-index.sty is not included in the .ins file given that it seems to be intended to end up in LaTeX's search path. On the other hand, maybe I should read the README.
@SašoŽivanović This is not exactly a bug, but out-of-the-box the combination of forked edges and folder does not give a very pleasing result. This surprised me a bit because I more-or-less assumed that folder would generally be used with forked edges. (I have to say that folder is a really, really bad name for this style. Is is directory-style but that means something completely different to me - I'd never think such a style might be named folder.)
  forked edges,
  for tree={folder, draw}

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