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5:07 AM
@JeffreyLin I have that, but I can't just say "build everything I need for a 21x21x21 reactor"
I'd like to be able to store everything I need for that in something I can just one-click request
1 hour later…
6:14 AM
@TimPost You'd need to find out how many different blocks there are in the reactor, and create a shapeless pattern. If there are more than 9 blocks in the 'recipe' you need subrecipes.
4:04 PM
@JeffreyLin Right, but the shapeless pattern has to actually produce something, right? So I'd have to make say ..a grass block, actually mean everything needed to build a reactor?
So I'd just have to use items that would never be in any other crafting recipe, or I'd end up accidentally making the parts to lots of other things.
Wonder if I could just rename blocks of dirt as the targets, I think it would work
Oh, yeah, and the Ender IO charge level item filter is absolutely fantastic.
Signed books. That's what I'll use as the targets. Thanks!
5:08 PM
@TimPost if the ComputerCraft ME bridge is working again you could just write a script
Calculate the amount of blocks in a hollow cube, send crafting request to AE
@Ieuan I tried that once and it blew up spectacularly, but there have been a few updates since, I'll give it another go.
Two more months, and I'll have completed the factory I need to build the main factory. That's about a thousand quarries, give or take, and at least a few weeks of the frame quarry I'm working on running.
The rest of the space is reserved for IC2 and its many, many, many machines.

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