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1:21 AM
@JeffreyLin Yeah, I plan to be a busy busy bee slurping up these pools into drums.
Actually, wait a second ...
So yeah, we'll be powering our bases off cheap child labor from The Philippines.
I'm hoping to find a larger lake or ocean of the stuff, but I doubt it
1:54 AM
Did someone say make a frame quarry pump?
8:48 AM
So my daughter had some friends over, I went AFK to get some snacks for them, and I hear OMG YOUR DAD IS A MINECRAFT GURU ZOMG THIS IS AWESOME!! ... I was in @KevinvanderVelden's base .... :/
3 hours later…
11:45 AM
@TimPost nice :p
1 hour later…
1:09 PM
@TimPost To be fair, his first floor is pretty cool...
4:52 PM
Hello.. Does anybody mind if I join the server? (IGN: aytimothy)
@aytimothy Sure, I can whitelist you, sec
@aytimothy Done. Welcome to our very strange world :)
Only 99% likely to kill you!
I should probably put a linkbook to the workshop at spawn. That would be polite and all
I'm ordering my AE system to build me 98 capacitors...
This might take a while
98 sounds like a good number. 97 could be simply disastrous and 99 would be presumptuous and show-offy. I approve.
5:07 PM
It's a 7 by 14 square
To fit the other 7 by 14 square
Something tells me you're up to something with pink slime if you're storing that kind of power
I'll need to digg a hole down to bedrock then for the lasers
Also the pink slime has been nerfed! You need 9 pink slimes for a single precharger =[
Wait, you're telling me pink slime is used for magical space ores from lasers?
PowerCrystals, u so weird
5:36 PM
Looking forward to join you guys :) | Logging in about 12 hours.
Some people build floors out of stone. @KevinvanderVelden uses capacitor banks.
How many blocks high are you going with that thing?
@TimPost one, probably
Maybe go one down (there's a hollow floor beneath it)
It's still building those 98 btw, that's the original set, the one I'm currently building will go in the hole beside it
Okay, so now we know what would happen if Tesla played minecraft.
@aytimothy There's now a small cobble hut right at spawn, with a linkbook to age 3 in it. That leads to a community workshop. You'll see a diamond chest under a pig, help yourself to whatever you want from it (it's a community chest), and any of the machines including the AE system (and contents within) found in the basement of that building.
Just exit using any of the portals behind it, my base is the closest one to spawn (about 200 blocks north), @Jochem's is about 150 north, then east a bit.
5:52 PM
Mine (TBYourdoom/Vandammetje) is floating over the ocean so probably not a good idea
That base isn't floating, that base is waiting.
6:08 PM
I like how I can have the capacity of @KevinvanderVelden's power system in ~20 blocks.
@JeffreyLin really? how much storage do you have
@JeffreyLin I don't believe you.
Okay.. @TimPost I'm confused with the modpack at hand; do I use the DW20 modpack plus the extra mods or do I install the modpack plus extras found on the site?
Install the 1.7.10 DW20 modpack and then those linked on the site
@aytimothy I need to update the site. It's the DW20 modpack with the extra mods
The extra mods are linked in this room's description
6:14 PM
Direwolf20 pack plus extra mods
Thanks for clearing the confusion.
Version 1.0.2
And I think there's one mod missing from the extras actually. I'm a horrible web person
Oh, yes, plus extra mods and also thaumic NEI
Wait.. Hangon.. @Unionhawk the Direwolf20 ModPack v1.0.2 runs 1.6.4 and the server is 1.7.10. Are you sure that's the right version?
6:21 PM
No it doesn't. The 1.7.10 pack, version 1.0.2
It doesn't help that they didn't like, increment the major version number for this pack.
@KevinvanderVelden Well, after I use up all the resonant ender I have. Which will happen shortly. You should have about 1B RF through, am I correct?
@JeffreyLin just about right now
yep, about twenty blocks should be able to replicate that.
So at 5M per, you should need 200 for that amount. Interesting.
6:36 PM
Mine however provide nearly a million RF per tick
Resonant ones are tricky to do that with =p
@aytimothy Yeah, it's the latest version for 1.7.10
I really need to update the info page on the server. Tomorrow-ish.
I now have a fully enclosed, nicely capped, well-lit pretty much explosion proof base :) \o/
@KevinvanderVelden That might be overkill for my everyday usage
Plus, you can only transport 10k/t.
Is that what the extra utilities hyper transfer node is capable of?
@JeffreyLin 20 per cable
6:48 PM
@KevinvanderVelden What's the output limit on a capacitor that size?
I think he said 1m/t
@TimPost almost a million
If you link the two capacitors together, it might be better than two separate.
FYI, while ramming my head against the wall trying to get Loren's age 'kid-ified' stable and awesome, I cheated in a bunch of notebooks. My writing desk is stocked, feel free to copy whatever
I would have preferred to not do that but I also wanted to get her age done before wondering how I'll collect my social security
You won't technically be able to get it stable because Mystcraft
Just, any age with standard stone generation will be unstable, at least a little bit
6:55 PM
I did actually, you just have to remember a bunch of things (weather, lighting, directions, etc) If you have all of those things, there's no debuffs / instability
I think you can do a command to turn off instability per world.
But you're probably end-game before you find all of those pages (at least ones you want in your age) so I say pthbbbbbbb to instability.
And yeah, there's an op command to set instability to false, which I ended up using on my last try
Also, can you check TPS?
we hemorrhage ticks on a good day, something wrong?
Mobs just seem slow, seems to be that way since Thursday.
6:59 PM
Plus it was a pain to tear walls down this way.
I'm seeing more block lag than usual too
@TimPost Oh, I like that. Now I can finally complete my collection of pages
I'll fill up some ink vials
Not me, my base currently doesn't have anything resource-hungry.
@Vandammetje There's stacks of paper and ink at the ready, have at it :)
7:05 PM
@TimPost Awesome, thanks! =D
@JeffreyLin You know what it is? The server hasn't been restarted in a while because it hasn't crashed because I found the root of (what we thought) was that IC2 thing
@JeffreyLin Yep, it was the power converter mod (I forget what it was called), I took it out
No one was using it, all of us used the rednet power conduits for RF -> IC2
So then you might need a restart script.
you could also use Extra Utilities.
7:08 PM
I'd be open to that, but I'd want a smart one.
@JeffreyLin Or you need chickens.
@TimPost enetbridge
@JeffreyLin Extra utilities does EU->RF, not the reverse
I am really happy with my base now. I know, small achievement, woohoo got a roof, it was just a very expensive one to finally finish :)
Also, what can I put into the piggy in the workshop?
I don't quite know what it does, I just found it and .. well .. put it there because it's easy to say "The stuff under the pig is free" :)
I think it gives easy access to donate to open blocks if you put something from open blocks in there
@JeffreyLin Yeah, that's what it does. You get to say "Thanks for making this [specific thing]" as you click the donate button, if you put something from open blocks in it
7:20 PM
Does it eat the thing?
I ... would imagine not.
It just lets you open or copy a URL based on the block you put in (just tried it)
Where does the link go to?
To the donate thing for open blocks
(said pig is from open blocks, I found it in a dungeon)
7:23 PM
@Vandammetje Thanks for the snowballs!
There's a linkbook to age 11 in the workshop
It's .. interesting.
What's age 11?
All the pyrotheium you can eat
along with a super flat world full of basically everything from the overworld and the twilight forest
I've been doing a lot of mystcraft stuff today
re-starting the server
Wow, yeah, last crash report was 3 days ago, looks like that did it.
No crashes for 3 days! A new record
immediately proceeds to crash the server
Well, I was going to get into witchery next, but the more I looked at witchery, the more I said 'meh'. I think I'll do some more on TC, and rebuild the tower of power I had in 1.7.2
@JeffreyLin Yeah, that was it, block lag is now 1/2 of what it was after restart. I'll look into something that greps the latest MC log and restarts when it starts bleeding ticks
That also means finally fixing that init script, which I've been putting off because it's going to be painful, but it needs to be done.
1 hour later…
9:03 PM
@TimPost Preferably it would restart when there's nobody online, I think Minecraft uses the GameSpy4 prococol or something.
9:23 PM
Client crash, huh
java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
	at net.minecraft.client.network.NetHandlerPlayClient.func_147281_a(NetHandlerPlayClient.java:744)
	at net.minecraft.network.play.server.S0FPacketSpawnMob.func_148833_a(SourceFile:97)
	at net.minecraft.network.play.server.S0FPacketSpawnMob.func_148833_a(SourceFile:15)
	at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:212)
	at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78765_e(PlayerControllerMP.java:273)
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1591)
I blame @KevinvanderVelden
9:40 PM
So it is your fault?
No, there is no mention of lasers in your crash
So then what's the problem?
Nothing, I have achieved more lasers
That was the extent of the message
*my problem
9:44 PM
Something crashed
I don't suppose you can move me to age three or something.
I can, log in and I can tp you, hopefully before you crash again
10:00 PM
So it seems like the culprit is using linkbooks/portals.

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