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9:54 PM
@TARDISMaker I will test timeouts for server requests tomorrow and possibly launch another intsance in the US. The missing exit 'button' is bugging me also, I will add it with the next update. thanks for your feedback.
@stacker Okay, sounds good!
@TARDISMaker Tardis is also a game is it already playable?
@stacker Not quite sure what you mean
Or are you asking if the game is playable?
Is this an animation you do: community.cgcookie.com/t/glados-from-portal-2/1379 (you've linked this in your profile). was not sure and thought you started a game.
@stacker It's not an animation or a game, just a project I was working on a little while ago
The model is from a game though
I've basically abandoned it at this point though
I should probably convince someone who's good at texturing to texture it for me
10:10 PM
@TARDISMaker I see, as I started a 3 years ago with blender for the game here I only use a few textures, this can be pretty time consuming but also rewarding to get the skills.
@stacker Yes, definately
I'm pretty good with cycles at least
I just can't paint a texture
What kind of texture your are looking for? I overused a single texture I created after reading this blenderartists.org/forum/… it looks very different on different UVs and tilings size.
@stacker I basically want something that resembles the original model from the game, except more detailed
Basically built for cycles to give the maximum amount of realism
@TARDISMaker I is probably hard to reproduce results of highly specialized professionals. Uv sculpting is useful to fake details. gg o/
10:30 PM
@stacker Definately
My main advantage is that mine doesn't have to be optimized for a game

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