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10:39 AM
Q: batch file sends email when zipping fails

Vaibhav Veralkarplease check the code and suggest any changes to be done.... i am successfully able to zip the logs and delete them as well but when i delete the zip file i dsnt get the backup in my mail id.... @echo off rem Findout Month, Year and Date FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do s...

4 hours later…
2:58 PM
Q: See chat post history diff when hovering above pencil icon

user1306322Is there an addon for SE chat that allows to see edited message history with highlighted differences? If not, I suppose it could work like this: Hover the cursor above a chat post that has been edited; Edit history appears with highlighted differences. It could look something like this:


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