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7:28 AM
@DickHarfield it seems quite clear that this discussion is a one way street. You want me to stop all comments on your posts (even those directed to other people that do not address your post but answer there question) whilst you continue to misrepresent my words.
I did not " acknowledge that at least your first comment was a dig at critical scholarship" I said "I will remove the first one that could be read as a dig at critical scholarship."
(2) I never said that on this answer you presented critical scholarship as being the only scholarly opinion, I asked you to stop writing in that way generally, here is one example where you present scholarship as being agreement on a matter hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/17028/… so here your answer implies that no scholars disagree with this.
(3) in regards to your accusation that I don't acknowledge other opinion, again that is clearly false, in said (and I quote) " It is sometimes presented that these two accounts cannot be properly reconciled together, but are they really contradictory?" and then I go on and spend the majority of answer dealing with the objections those who hold that opinion raise!
(4) Your assertion that I would use responding to others comments as some sort 'loophole' to crticise your posts speaks more about your machinations then it does about me
Based upon your continual misrepresenting of my words, and your refusal to meet me half way I can only conclude that you want to be treated in a way that you are not prepared to treat others in - respect is a two way street. This has been a war of your making, and I have tried to be reasonable - clearly reasonable is not what you are after. Sadly I think the best thing to do is to ignore each other entirely from here on in
So you get what you want, the freedom to have a monologue! Of course, if you were confident your answers stood up to critical assessment you would welcome dialogue but clearly that isn't the case - from here on in I will not comment on your answers period - goodbye
8:12 AM
@JonathanChell I am saddened that it has come to this, in this way. I welcome critical comments from other members because even if they strongly disagree with me, I know their comments are written with good intent. If it is of interest to you, I am sure I will be held to account by other members of the community.
Although this was not achieved by agreement, with mutual respect, we will not write comments against each other's answers. Silence is, in a way, harmony.
4 hours later…
12:07 PM
@DickHarfield it couldn't end any other way, because you don't seem to be prepared to let it - unless you just expected me to cave into your demands. Throughout our 'discussion' you have insisted on assigning pejorative motives to me whilst maintaining your own 'innocence' despite your persistent misrepresentations of me and of my words
Taking you at your word that you welcome criticism I will say this, I had hoped a compromise could be reached, but like respect compromise is a two way thing, and until you see that putting words in people mouths that substantially change the meaning or implication of their words you are being dishonest then this will always be a one way street.
I do not view this harmony but it is as much as we can expect unless you can agree to treating my words honestly and stop putting your own particular slant on them.

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