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2:12 PM
The club has championed LGBT rights in collaboration with Campus Pride and reforms in policing with members of the university’s NAACP chapter. They may not reflect the norm in Republican politics, but members say they are committed to staying in the party.

"If we were to jump ship now, all that does is cede that much ground to the Democrats," Mr. Kromsky said. "We think it’s more important to fight for the change we want to see rather than just to assume that it will happen."

But they aren’t the only young Republicans on the campus fighting for the party’s future. In fact, the sheer numb
Historically, campus chapters of the College Republicans, founded in 1892, have been spaces for young Republicans to band together and voice their support for candidates. According to the organization’s website, there are more than 1,800 campus chapters, and 250,000 members across the country.

Just a sophomore, Jacob Veitch was recently elected president of the College Republicans chapter here.

Mr. Veitch is poised and polished. He speaks confidently about his desire to "build coalitions" with other political groups on campus, both those that agree with the Republican agenda and those tha
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