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5:30 PM
But you can see him donning a mask, only being himself around people he trusts, like Sarah and Mrs. S.
Sarah-As-Rachel interrogating Allison-As-Sarah made me super happy.
That one was great.
it's also awesome how Sarah is "better at" impersonating other clones than the other clones are.
she plays Sarah-playing-Rachel as doing a better job than she plays Allison-As-Sarah
Also, Sarah-as-Allison-as-Donny during roleplay in rehab.
how does she not just win all the awards, again?
5:31 PM
Beats me.
I think Sarah has impersonated all her sisters now.
@Keen and I agree that the opening credits should just be like "Tatiana Maslany ... other actor ... Tatiana Maslany ... other actor ... Tatiana Maslany ... other actor ... "
Although Helena only in passing.
And she should get awards both for lead and support.
what was the scene in S2 where she crashed a party as Cosima? Wasn't she playing two characters in that scene too?
@MichaelEdenfield A Dyad party. IIRC, that was Sarah as Cosima.
I also really liked the over the top opening scene of S3.
5:34 PM
yeah, I thought she was playing Cosmia around another clone.
but I think Sarah was playing Cosima to Delphine.
and Tatiana Maslany does "Cosmia" different than "Sarah as Cosima" which is different than "Sarah"
The sister that grew most on me was Helena. I thought her a annoying distraction at first.
Helena's hilarious.
especially when she calls Felix her sister.
But she's absolutely pivotal now. And one tough cookie.
and I know we're not supposed to like them but I don't get the same "this guy is awesome" vibe off the Castor clone guy
5:36 PM
part of it is some of the clones they have him play just seem way over the top
Perhaps because the Castor clones are more alike.
like "he's not good enough to pull off just three normal people, give him some psychos."
crazy naked yoga guy and crazy moustache guy don't seem very alike to me, aside from being crazy
I've maintained for a while now that where there's a Castor, there should be a Pollux.
My money's on Paul, but Felix being one would be the most fun, I think.
And I can't wait to learn more about Mrs. S.
@SQB The dudes kinda got screwed what with men not wearing makeup or having long hair.
I'm still in the dark about what she knew about Project Leda.
5:39 PM
Admittedly, they could have used wigs.
I dunno, I think they consider Leda and Castor to be the balance there.
@MichaelEdenfield probably. But it would be cool.
otherwise it would be project castor and project Clytemnestra?
project Helen sounds too boring
what happened to tony?
seems like he should be brought in given the upped danger
And we still don't know what clones were involved in the Helsinki incident.
5:41 PM
did they not say it was leda clones?
Not sure.
or did I just assume since Dyad was involved
i got the impression that it was leda clones, but i dont think they actually said it
@Keen it's the classic nature vs nurture debate.
given the amount of compartmentalization, rachel probably didnt know about castor
5:42 PM
@phantom42 a question for the main site, perhaps?
ok, so this confused me about that episode, and I haven't gone back to try to figure it out.
@SQB I thought those were the dead European clones from S1.
Wasn't Delphine worried that Rachel would find out about Helsinki?
but delphine was being played entirely
@Keen no. those were all killed by Helena for the Prolethenas. Helsinki was something Dyad did and the impression was it was more than a few clones
5:44 PM
The Leda clones were raised separately and have very different characters, while the Castor clones were raised together and are mostly interchangeable.
right, but how did she know about Helsinki and not know that Rachel was involved?
@MichaelEdenfield Ah crap.
Except that Delphine turned out to be higher up than she seemed to be.
well, in most normal situations, you'd think, "hey, rachel would be a bitch to her sisters, but maybe not order their complete extermination"
@SQB I thought she got promoted end of last season?
5:45 PM
First, with Cosima, but later on again.
I don't know, it seemed as if she had a prior connection to Topside.
She got promoted, but she adapted rather quickly, as shown by her interrogation of Rachel.
rachel chose her to replace herself, but i think that was part of rachel's plan
but she did get transferred after that
so i have no clue
related: the orphan black wikia sucks.
On what episode are you all? S3E5 yet?
@SQB I got the impression that she knew more about Topside than she let on... but she also spent time with the Topside lady after her promotion, and that's where she got more of her information.
Not E5 yet.
s3e4 is the latest one on amazon prime
I'm up to date, whatever that is.
5:48 PM
A new episode hit Dutch Netflix every Sunday.
yeah i think they air on saturdays here
@SQB wait... is E5 even aired yet?
The wikia worked for me during the first season, but was useless beyond that.
wikipedia says e5 airs on the 16th
Dutch Netflix is my only source.
5:49 PM
@SQB yeah, some of the info is like a season behind
Wow. That means our lag is way less than what I thought it was.
im more impressed that you're getting it via netflix while it's still airing
6:20 PM
Back to Orphan Black, whatever happened to the tank of embryos Helena left at Felix's apartment? His apartment is a mess and Kira hid it in her tent, but even then, shouldn't it have been found by now?
IIRC, it's still there...
that place is a wreck
Waiting to be discovered and miraculously cure all clones?
and i think kira had it in a blanket fort
oh. whoops. missed that you said that too
but rudy was searching the place. just did a bad job.
Yeah, but Kira is off to Iceland with Mrs S. for now. Shouldn't Felix come around to cleaning his apartment by now?
6:25 PM
every time i see kira, i think she's the pepsi girl from the 90s
he has to clean up the blood and brains first, i imagine.
I want to say something about Rudy searching the place, but it's a terrible spoiler of you haven't seen that episode.
i think we're all caught up here
i know keen and i are. @MichaelEdenfield?
no but I'll just ignore it.
I'm a week behind all my stuff.
Well, considering where Rudy was when Kira saw him, he really should have found the tank.
Kira is just one on a long list of people of which we just know more will be revealed.
Along with Mrs S.
@SQB i think she may have had multiple tents? the one where rudy was in looked like it was sort of in the middle of the floor. the one where she was messing with the tent looked like it was next to the wall.
gracie is like... 15, right?
anyone else creeped out by her getting married?
(oh, and the whole pregnancy thing)
6:35 PM
Wait, are you talking about Orphan Black?
I'm only in the beginning of season 2.
@phantom42 Yeah, but I think that's on purpose. She was essentially raised in a cult. Her storyline is meant to be a disturbing one.
@Keen but she was married by a minister/whatever outside of the cult
@lisardggY better stop reading, then.
maybe we should move to a separate room
@SQB I'm squinting to avoid any line that doesn't start with my name. :)
6:39 PM
Maybe we should.
What's that bar called that Sarah and Felix hang out in?
@phantom42 But we don't have the technology to clone chat rooms!
Would be a good name for a room.
@Keen I heard that she gets abducted by the FBI in the final episode. Then she's revealed to be an alien. Sorry about the spoilers.
@SQB damn. they just mentioned it recently too
@phantom42 Yeah, what I'm saying is her motives and purposes began from a warped place. That she didn't make 'normal' decisions afterwards is just a natural extension of that.
@Keen i get it from her perspective. less from random minister's. like "hey, you're 15, sure, i'll marry you guys!"
@SQB bobby's bar
i don't know if they actually mentioned the name other than to say "bobby's bar"
@phantom42 Well, she is preggers. Maybe the minister's a bit more lenient when that's involved, even if it's gross.
@phantom42 - Hehe. The wikia says "booby's bar"...
(I can't recall if she was showing at that point)
I'm so mature.
6:44 PM
@Keen nope. mother estimates that helena is only about a week or so along.
@phantom42 I was about to post the same link. Impressive list.
@SQB think you meant richard. i posted a link to bobby's entry.
Can we create a new room called Bobby's Bar to talk about Orphan Black? And move related conversation to it to avoid spoilers for those who aren't caught up yet?
19 messages moved from Mos Eisley
10 messages moved from Mos Eisley
21 messages moved from Mos Eisley
My wife accuses me of liking Orphan Black because of having the hots for Tatiana.
6:53 PM
82 messages moved from Mos Eisley
@SQB "nope. felix."
I counter with her having the hots for David Duchovny - she's watching Californication right now.
I'll use that one next time.
it's those assless chaps
Yeah. Most likely.
Show off hands: who else is glad they dropped the whole "Neolution" thread, especially Oliver and his tail?
Reminded me too much of furries.
Anyone read the comics yet?
I think there's only two or three so far.
7:01 PM
There are comics?
@SQB It's a modern TV show, there's always comics. :3
tie ins dealing with pre-show stuff
i think it's supposed to be one issue per sister.
I'd like to go back and rewatch the first season, knowing wait I know now about characters like Paul and Mrs S.
@SQB In S2, Paul and Mark interact in a way that no longer makes sense, with the Castor retcon.
The AV Club recap of a recent episode pointed this out.
did they say how long cosima and the others had been self-aware, or where their little rhyme key came from?
7:09 PM
@Keen which episode?
Oh wait, the scene in the bar with Helena.
With Mark's boyscouts wisecrack.
@SQB That's the one.
Although I'd have to rewatch that scene, it may be that Paul knew but that Mark, having been away from his brothers for some time, didn't know.
Of course, Paul had been infiltrated in Dyad for some time as well. Perhaps he didn't know the Castors until he was pulled out.
He may have known about them, but not what they looked like.
7:24 PM
@SQB He says in S3 'I've served with them'.
No way does that fit into the S2/S3 timeline.
maybe he means he served with one (or two) without knowing it was a clone?
M gonna rewatch that episode as soon as the kids have gone to bed.
But I think Paul knowing but Mark not knowing could make sense.
although IMO Mark's entire S2 arc doesn't fit well with the impression we get off Castor
Yeah, but Mark is a rogue Castor.
And judging by how he removed his tattoo, he seemed pretty serious about leaving the Castor bunch.
true but he wasn't hard to find. and paul didn't exactly turn him in.
7:32 PM
Couldn't at least one of the Castors have been called Jimmy?
@MichaelEdenfield I'm pretty sure that Paul's been running the Castor group. He's clearly a higher up in S3.
But he hadn't gone rogue by then.
Mark was deep under cover, just like Paul was, but Mark went rogue after Helena's escape.
I say again, the way he removed his tattoo showed he was serious.
Then at some point, he decided to go back to his brothers.
Not sure why he abandoned Gracie.
But now he hopes to use Sarah as an offering to be accepted again.
was anyone else within earshot of them in the bar? maybe they were just trying not to blow each other's cover?
Not a likely explanation, because they were taking about their missions - Paul was trying to take Sarah, while Mark was after Helena.
I wonder, is Mrs S. actually Susan Duncan?
She did meet Ethan somewhere in late S2.
And maybe he didn't want to blow her cover.
With Susan not being Ethan's wife, but rather his sister.
7:47 PM
@SQB yeah but wasn't mrs. s. hanging around outside the bar at that point? she would know about Leda but not Castor, right? Or am I mixing that up with some other time she was with Paul?
That would leave room for Ethan being the original for the Castors and Mrs S. the original for the Leda's.
i can't keep track of who actually knew what about which project, which probably qualifies me to write for the show :)
Did you happen to write for Lost?
yes. the smoke monster was all me.
spoiler: the smoke monster was the pilot of the plane!
That would explain why Sarah's surrogate mother was afraid of her and gave Sarah the picture of the Duncans.
7:52 PM
@MichaelEdenfield wasnt the pilot matt parkman?
How much of Susan Duncan do we see in Rachel's childhood movies?
you can clearly see her face in the one in the park
I'm gonna rewatch it with the assumption that she is.
Although I have to admit, the first time we saw the photograph, I thought so too.
So it won't be that different. I just have to retain that idea.
I thought the pilot was Trey Parker. Or was it Matt Stone?
@SQB What?! It was the amazing Greg Grunberg.
8:10 PM
Is the first episode of a series about aviators, a pilot pilot?
Was anyone else annoyed at what seemed like a product placement, with the dating app for Cosima?
yes. i hate when shows do blatent product placement.
Also, note to self: get clone phone ringtone.
I'm glad they don't do that kind of crap on Arrow
I really disliked some of the product placement in later episodes of Fringe.
"No Walter, that's how people pay now, with their phone."
And after Nissan took over from Ford.
nothing will ever beat the product placement on Season 1 of Heros.
8:20 PM
@SQB No, because I'm pretty sure it was a fictitious app.
Okay. It really came across as product placement to me.
I don't know if that makes it better, or worse.
It just looked so out of place.
The other explanation would be that the writers really had no clue what to do with Cosima.
It's how it would be discussed in reality, IMO. I know I've seen almost that exactly plot line in several other shows. Usually they just refer to it broadly as 'online dating' instead of a specific app, but people now use specific apps, so referring to a specific app makes sense.
I don't know that the writers know what they're doing this season with most of the Leda clones. It's kinda sad.
Well, Rachel is out of commission for now, Allison is off on her quest to sell drugs and win elections (I was really expecting Vic in that car), Helena's captured, Sarah was looking for her but is now captured as well, so that only leaves Cosima without anything to do.
Except, of course, deciphering Ethan's book, finding the tank with the embryos, and saving all of the clones.
Helena and Sarah seen to have remarkable healing powers and Kira even more so. I'd like to learn more about that as well.
But I have a feeling we will, eventually.
8:37 PM
@MichaelEdenfield I don't know. The second season's "you got me the rogue?!" was pretty awesome. made doubly awesome by it getting stolen five minutes later.
yeah but I think that was mostly just them making fun of themselves.
cuz it never same up again.
Hiro manage to work NISSAN VERSA into literally every conversation he had for the first 2/3 of the season
well, it was extra amusing because at comic-con before season 2, they had this huge display with a nissan rogue.
it was all over the marketing materials for the show
8:56 PM
Nothing beats the blatant product placement in Knight Rider.
9:26 PM
Well, I'll be back on Sunday or Monday, when the new episode has aired.
A parting thought, is it possible to direct a feed for specific questions to a room? Like we get the SF&F questions from as well in the main room?
So we could get the questions in here, or all questions in that room, and so on.
1 hour later…
10:48 PM
@SQB yes, we can subscribe to the rss feed for the tag

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