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The parents among you will get a particular kick out of this I think.
2:22 AM
@WorldEngineer That's hilarious. Whoever put that together did a very, very good job on capturing Scarry's work there.
@GlenH7 I can't even take it. I loved Scarry's work as a kid (and watched the cartoon much later in life than I think it was intended, and loved that too) so this is just one of the best things ever :P
The bitter irony came through nicely on several of those
And I love that's reasonably easy to catch up on the transcript these days
5:17 AM
@GlenH7 real life sucks
7 hours later…
12:39 PM
@Ampt Indeed it can. Indeed.
3:17 PM
Thanks. It's weighing on me, I have to admit. OTOH, I'm trying to stay hopeful and keep a positive outlook.
That is fortunately one aspect I haven't had to worry much about at all. To which I'm eternally grateful.
That's really good to hear. These days you never know what your company will do in those kinds of situations...
Yeah.... not going to lie, that sounds downright awful
I asked about being able to keep coaching the soccer team at the same time and got a "we'll see where you are at that point." So I kind of got the feeling he was hedging his answers. :-(
3:33 PM
wow... I'm really sorry man.
Let me just ask: Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
Woah, I didn't know you were a cyborg
but that will presumably fix it once and for all?
@Ampt That's the hope, yes
Wow, that's crazy
It was unpleasant enough having it done on me
no reason to watch it happen to other people
Most of the videos I saw came out of the asia-pacific region. Kinda scary....
oh man, you're gonna give me anxiety just talking about it
yeah, I went through like 3-4 bottles of the drops over the course of 3-4 months
10 drops x3 times daily
3:41 PM
Some of them left me wondering how folk could go on for that long with that amount of crud in there....
@Ampt oh yuck. That must've felt like crap.
but it was just my ear, no IV line needed
yeah, my ear was pretty much useless at that point
it was awkward talking on the phone because I'm one of those people who switches sides a lot because I fidget, and I couldn't use one side, so it would go over there, I would take like 10 seconds to realize whats wrong, then go back and have to ask them to repeat what they just said
Rant: I really wish our indoor soccer league would hurry up with posting the rest of the schedule. I know we're going to have conflicts with outdoor and the sooner I know then the easier it is to reschedule things. <sigh>
you play or manage?
Coach for my son's team.
3:46 PM
ah, that's awesome
my dad tried but I always sucked at sports lol
That's what I've been trying to think through lately
A lot of it comes down to drive within the player. And I'm trying to figure out ways to help spark that within the players.
eh, sometimes you just gotta find the right sport
I got in to Tae Kwon Do and took to it like a fish to water
ended up doing it for 7 years until I went to college
All karate is good karate. :-) That's a saying from one of my old senseis.
@Ampt So how is life as the UX design architect extraordinaire?
3:57 PM
Without knowing the particulars, it's hard to venture a guess. But it may be more over-arching than you realize. But by that, it's important to remember that there aren't greener pastures, just different challenges.
I spent way too long worrying about "oh, this next step will be better" instead of focusing on what I could within the particular role I had at the time. A lot of that was maturity too.
Several life events along the way were responsible for shaping how I view things now.
I mean there are good parts of the role, like having authority and responsibility for large projects, but I'm not doing any code or directly managing anything
That's fairly typical for the world you're in, I'm afraid.
so I want a way to the world where that happens haha
4:00 PM
The hardest part of business app development is eliciting requirements from the users
and I'm young (and stupid) enough to make it happen
What you're doing now can make you a master at that aspect
The technical portion of the development actually becomes quite straightforward once you know what needs to be built
But I certainly understand and support the need to keep the technical skills whetted.
spigot looks like they could use more developers... :-)
4:06 PM
apt-get why can't you just read my mind and update the things I want?
hahaha speaking of spigot I've recently gotten back into MC/mods
playing a technic world now
I need to get the server up to 1.8.1. The kids have been playing a lot of local lan games instead. But their computers can't really keep up that well.
4:26 PM
why don't you get them better computers dad
'Cause I'm cruel and make them suffer with their own server instead...
4:51 PM
@ManeatingKoala - the short version of that is you'll likely run into problems. Most utilities have that information locked up behind their outage management system (OMS). OMS's tend to be very proprietary and not so great for public queries. That said, you can dig into the source for the web page and see if there's anything exposed that way.
5:18 PM
All these (removed) make it very difficult to follow the conversation.
2 hours later…
6:56 PM
@MichaelT: Damn you and that elevator challenge.
7:13 PM
@GlenH7 unless you have to read the (removed)...
8:27 PM
Some stuff doesn't belong in a searchable transcript.... :-D
9:10 PM
True that!

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