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1:40 PM
When SE2.0 rooms were migrated from chat.MSO to chat.SE, were all sites migrated? Or were some just created here and the old room not migrated?
@rchern - AFAIK, we migrated anything with non-trivial content - i.e. more than a few posts. They may have become hidden through inactivity, though.
Are you looking for anything specific?
Note: unless I missed a few, I also added "migrated to..." links when moving them
OT: you may also be pleased to here I (today) re-attached most of the old messages from the migration process... more badges all around.
I know I had something starred in the cooking room, and I don't see the star, nor do I see the message when I search the transcript. So I was thinking it might have been said in the chat.MSO flavor of the room and that didn't get migrated.
So, nothing important, just curious.
Ah; in the very first migrations, stars were not preserved :(
but a little birdie tells me that @3f0eac82-1801-410d-b334-234c18ddeeeb - er, I mean @Rebecca; oh dammit! @rchern - should be due a cooking badge anytime soon.
1:56 PM
I can't even see the message searching the transcript though.
Heh, I don't really care about the talkative badge, just found it odd I can't find the message.
care enough for me to look around in the database? hint: I'll need more context than "the message"
How bored are you?
busy busy busy - but about to stop for some food and family-time
If I could get the transcript search to accept an empty words parameter and just give me everything I've said in the room that'd be helpful. Hey, feature request! q:
It was something like "how'd you do that? you're like a chat ninja"...or something. I'm pretty sure ninja was in it. But yeah, it really is just my curiosity, not a priority by any means.
Ohhh wait.
Hmm, nope. Searching yossarian didn't work either.
Meh, don't worry about it lol.
Well I found a hit... the one above this one...
How about "Ha! No, it did not. Clearly I have not risen to moderator-ninja status yet. ):" ?
(in the lounge)
2:11 PM
Nah. Don't worry about it. It really isn't important, by any loose definition of important.
The only other 3 refreference I can find back on meta are in:
old feedback beta
Teachers' Lounge
The Tavern (General)
anyway; ttfn

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