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1:02 PM
Q: Companies and addresses MySQL

Mr. BearI've got a database with 2 tables. companies addresses These are my tables. Adresses adress_id adress_adress adress_adressnumber adress_zipcode adress_city adress_postbus adress_country adress_building adress_unit Companies company_id company_name company_adress_id company_postadress_id...

If you are looking to get both Addresses i.e. Company PostAddress and Company Address, you could do it by doing union or simple OR in the join using union SELECT * FROM Companies AS c JOIN Adresses AS a ON (c.company_adress_id = a.adress_id) union SELECT * FROM Companies AS c JOIN Adresses AS a ON (c.company_postadress_id = a.adress_id) using simple OR in JOIN SELECT * FROM Companies AS c JOIN Adresses AS a ON (c.company_adress_id = a.adress_id) or (c.company_postadress_id = a.adress_id)
Thanks @MarshallMathers but it now says that i've got an error in my MySQL query. SELECT * FROM Companies AS c JOIN Adresses AS a ON (c.company_adress_id = a.adress_id) union SELECT * FROM Companies AS c JOIN Adresses AS a ON (c.company_postadress_id = a.adress_id) using simple OR in JOIN SELECT * FROM Companies AS c JOIN Adresses AS a ON (c.company_adress_id = a.adress_id) or (c.company_postadress_id = a.adress_id)
could you please do the table structure dump on those two tables? i did test it using the CREATE TABLE Adresses` ( adress_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, memeh varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (adress_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;` and CREATE TABLE Companies` ( company_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, company_adress_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, company_postadress_id int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (company_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ` it worked with these structure
Here's a dump for these tables.
it was to do with case of the table names, changing the case sorts the syntax problem. SELECT * FROM companies AS c JOIN adresses AS a ON ( c.company_adress_id = a.adress_id ) UNION SELECT * FROM companies AS c JOIN adresses AS a ON ( c.company_postadress_id = a.adress_id ) OR SELECT * FROM companies AS c JOIN adresses AS a ON (c.company_adress_id = a.adress_id) or (c.company_postadress_id = a.adress_id)
1:02 PM
I've got a result now yes. But its not how i want i yet. Because i want the 2 results combined in 1 result.
I've moved it to a chat.
Hello Mr. Bear, do you have any dataset to test for ?
Yes. Here it is.
Want i want is a combined result with postal and normal
Maby, i dont know, its possible to add a postal_..
Im not a fully pro with mysql and its results
if you not looking for really efficient query . there is an easy way.

adresses a1
a1.adress_id = c.company_adress_id
) AS CompanyAddress,
adresses a2
a2.adress_id = c.company_postadress_id
) AS CompanyPostalAddress

companies c
that does what you need.
if you think thats correct i will add that as an answer
1:18 PM
Okay. It does work but i miss alot of info. Like street and stuff
Let me test a little
When i try to add more fields it doesn't work
But maby im doing it wrong?
it wont ..
you might want to concat the fields
I have a company and and this company can have 2 diffrent addresses
So iput it all in a diffrent table
the addresses table
And now i want to fetch the company + the 2 addresses
Maby you have a better solution for me
concat_ws(', ',adress_adress, adress_adressnumber, adress_city)
adresses a1
a1.adress_id = c.company_adress_id
) AS CompanyAddress,
concat_ws(', ',adress_adress, adress_adressnumber, adress_city)
adresses a2
a2.adress_id = c.company_postadress_id
) AS CompanyPostalAddress

companies c
It does work yes
But its not the ideal situation that i like haha
Is there another way of storing everything in the database?
And not the way i do it
yes sure , hold on i ll write you a table structure that will support it ..
1:30 PM
Okay awesome. Because i think i have a wrong approach.
And how long are you doing MySQL? Because you're like a pro
CREATE TABLE `companies` (
`company_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`company_name` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
PRIMARY KEY (`company_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

CREATE TABLE `adresses` (
`adress_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`adress_adress` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_adressnumber` varchar(5) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_zipcode` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_city` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
check that out ..
i have rmeoved the keys
but you can add yourself on need
select * from companies c
INNER JOIN adresses a1 on c.company_id = a1.company_id and a1.addresss_role = 1
INNER JOIN adresses a2 on c.company_id = a2.company_id and a2.addresss_role = 2
Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server : 59 _ Root
Source Server Version : 50620
Source Host : localhost:3306
Source Database : variant

Target Server Type : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50620
File Encoding : 65001

Date: 2014-11-20 13:36:39


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for adresses
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `adresses` (
`adress_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
Okay so only remove the foreign_keys?
no no .... change them to suit you .. like adresses.company_id could be FK to companies
Okay i've run the whole sql
wait and let me check it
Can you give me the full sql?
I threw away my DB because it complained about all things
Or is it the last one
Okay it works now. But... it just says: error and doesn't give me any records back
I think its about the AND and a1.addresss_role = 1 part
Where do you get the 1 and 2 from? Because i don't know the id's yet
I do have your database setup now
2:04 PM
if you look on the the table column

`addresss_role` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Role 1 for company may be and 2 for comapny postal, feel free',
Ah i see it yes. Still it doesn't work. But ill try and make it work.
For now thanks for the help!
This is my full database.
I hope its correct now
if you have used the last sql i sent , this should give you what you wanted in the beginning..

select * from companies c
INNER JOIN adresses a1 on c.company_id = a1.company_id and a1.addresss_role = 1
INNER JOIN adresses a2 on c.company_id = a2.company_id and a2.addresss_role = 2
Strange because it doen't :(
2:20 PM
haha hold on .. i ran the same query it worked for me . i m checking your paste bin
i see now why it was not working for you .. its because the adresses table did not have any company id

use this instead :-

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for adresses
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `adresses` (
`adress_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`adress_adress` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_adressnumber` varchar(5) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_zipcode` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_city` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`adress_postbus` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
Okay i get a result now
[0] => stdClass Object
[company_id] => 1
[company_name] => LEMON Internetbureau
[company_adress_id] => 1
[company_postadress_id] => 3
[adress_id] => 3
[adress_adress] => Busken Huetpad
[adress_adressnumber] => 2
[adress_zipcode] => 2624 XC
[adress_city] => Delft
[adress_postbus] =>
[adress_country] => Nederland
[adress_building] =>
[adress_unit] =>
[addresss_role] => 2
This is my result
you not using this sql ?

select * from companies c
INNER JOIN adresses a1 on c.company_id = a1.company_id and a1.addresss_role = 1
INNER JOIN adresses a2 on c.company_id = a2.company_id and a2.addresss_role = 2 ?
Yes i need to join 1 more i think dont i?
yes you do ..with a1.addresss_role = 1 means 1 type of address and a2.addresss_role = 2 means another type of address
Ill try to make the last join myself
3:09 PM
I dont know whats going wrong but he overwrites the data
QUERY: select * from companies c
INNER JOIN adresses a1 on c.company_id = a1.company_id and a1.addresss_role = 1
INNER JOIN adresses a2 on c.company_id = a2.company_id and a2.addresss_role = 2

[0] => stdClass Object
[company_id] => 1
[company_name] => LEMON Internetbureau
[company_adress_id] => 1
[company_postadress_id] => 3
[adress_id] => 3
[adress_adress] => Busken Huetpad
[adress_adressnumber] => 2
[adress_zipcode] => 2624 XC
[adress_city] => Delft
[adress_postbus] =>
[adress_country] => Nederland
QUERY: select * from companies c
INNER JOIN adresses a1 on c.company_id = a1.company_id and a1.addresss_role = 1

[0] => stdClass Object
[company_id] => 1
[company_name] => LEMON Internetbureau
[company_adress_id] => 1
[company_postadress_id] => 3
[adress_id] => 1
[adress_adress] => Prof. Henketstraat
[adress_adressnumber] => 67
[adress_zipcode] => 2628 KL
[adress_city] => Delft
[adress_postbus] =>
[adress_country] => Nederland
[adress_building] =>
[adress_unit] =>
[addresss_role] => 1
I really don't know what to do
Mate, send me your whole DB dump . i will add the select query at the end
Thats my complete DB
with the same database and same query i m getting the complete resultset, i think its your way of extracting data from php or to simply use specific column names like below:-

a1.adress_adress AS company_adress_adress,
a2.adress_adress AS postal_adress_adress,

a1.adress_adressnumber as company_adress_adressnumber,
a2.adress_adressnumber as postal_adress_adressnumber,

a1.adress_adressnumber as company_adress_adressnumber,
a2.adress_adressnumber as postal_adress_adressnumber

I use mysqli::fetch_object
because the 2 column names would be same thats why i think ...just have named column in the select instead of select *****
select *
3:25 PM
In phpmyadmin i get the good values
But in PHP i dont get the correct results
yes .. i understand :) ... write the SQL for all fields in both tables as

a1.adress_adress AS company_adress_adress,
a2.adress_adress AS postal_adress_adress,

a1.adress_adressnumber as company_adress_adressnumber,
a2.adress_adressnumber as postal_adress_adressnumber,

a1.adress_adressnumber as company_adress_adressnumber,
a2.adress_adressnumber as postal_adress_adressnumber
Okay now it works i think
But this way, is a little inefficient isn't it?
no, its the best way ..
if you think of performance add index :-
Okay. Well extremely thank
* thanks
I wouldn't have get it without you. But i do understand whats going on with all this
ALTER TABLE `adresses`
ADD INDEX `ind_company_role` (`company_id`, `addresss_role`) USING BTREE
that will speeeeeeeed your query
if you understand whats going then thats good :)
3:32 PM
Okay but that does that last one mean?
Because i dont know that command
The query broke my database now... it doesn't show anything anymore in the rsults now
Nah sorry it was my fault
It works. I forgot a comma...

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