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2:13 PM
Q: Combine two .bvh files with their animation in one .bvh file

user1460166I have two .bvh files one of them is a human skeleton armature and the other is for an external moving object which in reality is "attached to the body". For example imagine a man holding his office bag with his arm, so the human.bvh will be carrying the data of the human body skeleton, while bag...

link fixed sorry for that :)
Made motion paths of hands/arm and "bag". Not sure how they fit together.
@user2859 but can I connect them together to be one armature and export them as a single bvh.?
@user2859 yes, what I want is to connect the hand bone of the skeleton with the bone of the bag then make them one armature, but each has its own animation. Is that possible?
As I said, it is technically possible, but there is too little information how the tracks fit together right now.
Isn't it possible to overcome this with grabbing using 'G'?
2:13 PM
As a unrelated site note, if you just want to animate the bag, you could try rigid body physics.
But I can't do this without physics engine? As one of my aims is not using it and instead combine it with the human armature as one bvh where each one of them has its own animation
@user2859 could you share with me the blend file of using physics you did the video please? :) it seems pretty cool and if you could make a quick video how you did it then that would be perfect! And I would be really thankful. I really appreciate your kind assistance and support
blend available, basic instructions included.
Thank you very much! much appreciate it. Will check it and let you know!
can we chat please?
I've done the steps but the bag keeps falling
I don't know what is the purpose of Cylinder.Upperleg.RigidBody and Cylinder.Lowerleg.RigidBody?
That are collision shapes to avoid the bag from penetrating the leg.
oh okay
thank you
and why the bag keeps falling?
and what is the purpose of Cube.Hand.RigidBody?
2:20 PM
@user1460166 its to build a rigid body constraint. You need at least two rigid bodies to glue them together.
oh okay
so you glued the bag to it so that it doesn't fall?
well that is one part of the constraint. it depends on the type. i've choosen generic spring, so i had to lock the location too
so could you please have a look at my file at tell me what's wrong?
Will take a while
2:30 PM
no worries
so free the bake
in the rigid body world settings
when I do bake is this bakes everything?
or just things related to the selected object?
2:31 PM
bake all dynamics bakes everything for rigid bodies
its global
second thing
so i did free bake
your bag mesh is not aligned with the objects center
that is a problem
2:33 PM
because the collsion hull is calculated from the objects alignement and center
so how to fix this?
first select the bag
then, object -> transform -> origin to geometry
in the 3dview header
2:35 PM
another thing is, that you rotated the mesh instead of the object
go to edit mode
select all vertices and rotate them back
to be horizontal?
they need to be aligned with the green wired box
yep pretty much to align with the objects axis
usually adding a new cube would be easier but just so you know what is wrong
actually this was my problem
another thing
like I added a new cube for the bag and then made a translation to place it on top of the new bone
then added the new small cube
2:38 PM
you forgot to enable the location and angle limits. Tick the buttons with X,Y, Z for all except spring
and translated it to the joint of the wrist
but I did all that manually
you can do that, but not in edit mode
it will mess up your collision shapes for simple shapes
mesh and convex hull are exceptions
but they are computationally more expensive and less stable
basically rotate and translate in object mode, always apply scale, but never rotation and translation
oh okay
I always apply all
then choose all the three
that's bad in this case, because that will align the collision shape with the world axis
the collisions shape is the green wired stuff
if it doesn't line up with your object, that is generally wrong
but how to line it up perfectly?
2:46 PM
well, in this case it's just a cuboid
so you can select every face and scale it along the world axis closest to its normal
is generally hard to fix, because applied transforms are destructive
I will delete it now quickly and do it again
usually you want collision shapes only for simulation as a placeholder for more complex objects.
I did all it over again
will send you the file to have a look
1 sec
I baked all dynamics
but the bag is making funny rotations not smooth like yours
3:05 PM
Yep, though the imported bvh seems to jitter a lot
so the problem is in the bvh file?
I think the funny rotation part can be solved by aligning the constraint object straight below each other.
I don't know how
I already did it
they are pretty close right now
but then when I set parent the cube became very very small and rotated
3:08 PM
if you drag the bag, you should see a dotted line
I do
shouldn't be parented
the line should be straight in frame 1
aligned with the z axis
what do you mean by that?
sorry for being amateur
I'm just new to blender
no worries
take your time
3:13 PM
best go to orthographic view
front view and side view, both aligned to the z axis
how to make this "front view and side view, both aligned to the z axis"?
sorry, i meant the objects should be aligned, so that the constraint line is straight along the z axis. So go to front view, align to the axis, go to right view, align there again.
about the jitter, well you could use the curve simplify, like i showed in the video.
I don't know how to align an object to an axis
do you mean just rotate manually?
and you are talking about the green box object right?
yes, but not only
see the image above
the orange line from top to bottom
the dotted line is parallel to it
oh okay
mine is inclined
3:25 PM
it's to set the simulation in a valid state
how to make it straight?
the constraint?
this dotted line
just transform the bag right?
you could use "mainpulate center points"
where is that?
3:27 PM
select the upper cube, shift s, cursor to selection and scale 0
and then
select the bag and click that?
or what?
Select the upper cube
Shift S
Cursor to Selection
Yeah I did that
scale 0 ?
this will make it disappear right?
3:34 PM
you need to select the bag also
and choose the right direction!
e.g. in right view
S Y 0
but scaling to 0 will make the object dimension disappear
I think I'm miunderstanding what you are saying
sorry for that :/
my fault
I'm trying to learn
They can not disappear when you have "manipulate centers points" enabled
this only works in object and pose mode
talking about object mode here
and no worries
I did it
thank you :)
Can I ask you where are you from?
germany, i know, my english sucks
no not at all
yours is excellent
that's great
I was in Germany last Jan
went to couple of cities
but mainly in Hamburg
Anyway, I was just asking as I wanted to send you a postcard gift or something from here for your kind assistance
3:53 PM
there is still on problem with this simple setup.
it doesn't distribute torsion right now.
for that you would need to build a more complex setup
i'm thinking about it
4:18 PM
please let me know if you have any other thing
and thanks again for your kind assistance
ok found something
you could guide the bag with another spring constraint
this time no limits but springs enabled
4:44 PM
will upload the file
4:58 PM
before and after activating the guide, blend file
the bvh jitters but the physics looks stable.. so just a little cleanup and it should be good.

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