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3:03 AM
Alan, thanks for contacting me
Hi Todd. I just looked back at the question that Stefano linked to. Is it possible to do what he suggested: namely, compile your tree as a separate file and then include the image instead?
I'm not sure how to do that?
I have a hard deadline tomorrow night... I was hoping that LuaLaTeX would just convert easily, but not so much.
So is it just this tree that causes the problem? I.e., if you comment out the tree your whole diss compiles properly with XeLaTeX?
that's correct.
Ok. So hang on a second.
@ToddAO I can't get your tree to compile by itself. Can you make a minimal document of article class which just contains that tree and whatever packages needed to make it work?
3:13 AM
sure. give me a minute.
I haven't been able to get it to compile, but looking at the error messages, it seems that the tree was just too wide to fit on the page. I'm working now to trim it down to only the central parts. It's still not compiling, but the error messages have changed
@Todd: Ok, here's a solution:
% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, baseline=(current bounding box.north)]
[.TopicP \qroof{yezi}.AdvP
[.Topic' {Topic}
[.TopicP \qroof{Aliat Rehbere}.DP \textsubscript{\textsc{subj}}
[.Topic' {Topic}
[.TopicP  \qroof{shapik}.DP \textsubscript{\textsc{obj}}
[.Topic' {Topic}
    [.AgrP {t\textsubscript{\textsc{subj}}}
        [.Agr' \qroof{=ov}.Agr
First thing to do is to try just copying my version of your tree into your document and see if that actually works. (Just the tikzpicture part).
@ToddAO If that doesn't work, then compile the whole document I posted as a separate file and then use \includegraphics to insert the PDF into your document.
3:29 AM
same error
*** ERROE *** DVI stack exceded limit
@ToddAO Ok (that's just with inserting the tree itself, right?)
right. just the tikzpicture environment
I also took your code as is and tried to compile in a separate file and got the same error
It compiles fine for me.
it's really odd. it acts like it's compiling, and it returns no errors, but it doesn't produce a PDF. I'm suing MikTex, with TeX studio as my editor
Ok so here's a version you can use:
If you are loading a particular font, you may need to add the appropriate \setmainfont command to the code.
@ToddAO Have fun suing free software. :) I'm using TeX Live on a Mac...
@ToddAO You can download the compiled PDF and then use \includegraphics as before to include it in your actual document.
3:37 AM
thanks so much. I appreciate your help.
@ToddAO Did that work?
It compiles on ShareLatex, if that's what you mean
@ToddAO No, what I mean is now save the compiled file and then use \includegraphics to insert it in your diss at the right spot.
@ToddAO and then compile your whole diss again.
yes, it worked. thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
Ok. Great. I'll leave that ShareLaTeX project around for a while, or you can make your own account and copy it.
3:47 AM
groovy. thanks.
@ToddAO I think that we should just close your question as a duplicate of the other one or you could simply delete it altogether.
I'll delete it. thanks.
Ok. I'm glad we sorted this out.
Have a good evening.
you, too.

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