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12:01 AM
Fuck this day.
@cole you should fuck it by drinking a lot
@RyJones I'd love to.
We're down to three sysadmins now at work.
@cole I'm at about that stage too.
also, I hope your trip to where ever you went was fucked and you had like three flat tires
One quit a month ago, another is going to be out for a bit now because he broke his leg and was in surgery last night.
Sooooo - he's probably going to be out for 6-8 weeks
12:05 AM
@cole yeah
So that leaves me with the Unix admin and the other sysadmin who's worthless.
and also means I'll be playing Domino and VMware admin too.
Run and find your next job as fast as you can.
Yeah def.
@cole Rebuild everything the right way while nobody's around to complain about changes!
@freiheit I wish.
My workload is already too much.
So 3 sysadmins for 6000 users and 87 sites.
12:15 AM
@cole Retire all the things that create workload
Meanwhile we just deployed fucking 30-40 new servers.
@cole With Windows 2000?
No 2008 r2
I could flip a table.
Well, it's a start.
@cole I guess aggressively retiring that table is a start ...
12:18 AM
I'm just going to keep looking for a new job.
This is just retarded
@freiheit Sure, I'll have a couple of Sram groups available
12:47 AM
@cole I don't understand how that's even remotely possible
@Wesley yeah - 1 unix (only) admin, me and the sysadmin II guy who's useless and can barely rack a server properly and never comes to work.
I wish cgroups could be anthropomorphized because if it could, I'd kick its teeth right the fuck down its throat.
@cole Never comes to work and gets paid nonetheless? Nice.
@Wesley bff's with my boss.
@cole Totally blowing him.
Blowjobs For Friends?
Blowjobs For Free!
That's what that means in their context I bet.
I just requested a half day on Tuesday to go to my interview for the software company w/ the naturally speaking dragon.
12:50 AM
@cole Oh that's cool. What's the position exactly?
Generalist sysadmin?
Sr Systems Engineer
Tier 4 support - no on-call.
I'd be working on the same team as my boss from NTAP
So I already have an in.
Wow nice!
Frack I had no idea they were so big.
12,000 employees?
1.8 billion in revenue?
Frickin' frack!
Yep lol.
And hopefully more than three sysadmins.
Oh yeah lol
way more and multiple teams
This role is more implementation and design than support.
The role is a JOAT kind of role, but someone with a strong Windows skill set.
I applied for a shit ton of jobs today.
12:55 AM
Good good.
Try to find a place that doesn't expect you to juggle cats. =)
yeah seriously
1:43 AM
Hm, maybe you shouldn't use xfinitywifi after all...
@MichaelHampton Saw that yesterday. First they want to prevent you from using the internet... Now this.
@MichaelHampton: you should tunnel everything on public wifi anyway.
@JourneymanGeek Of course
@JourneymanGeek naw it's totally secure
1:48 AM
(eh, I have one of our nationwide free wifi points in LOS but outside signal range. I ought to use it to test a woktenna)
1:58 AM
> Comcast has multiple layers of security "based on industry best practices" to keep out hackers wanting to exploit the Xfinity network
Pull the other one...
"Multiple layers of security" probably means MAC address filtering and changing the default password from 'admin' to '@dm1n'
@Wesley: and a sign saying NO HAXXORING
@JourneymanGeek PLZ
with a KTHX
2:23 AM
Saying "I did this and got this result" should never produce a downvote. That insinuates that you are downvoting because you think the person is stupid. That was just an example of one way in which I was trying to make use of the supposed "answer." The comments with that variable gave some data but no useful way to use it. I did not know that it is a variable in PowerShell, and nobody said that it was - the closest thing was that a couple people mentioned checking PowerShell version too, which is something I was not looking for. — Loduwijk 6 hours ago
^ I get what he's saying, but really? You're a c/c++ lover and didn't understand why PowerShell was throwing your "variable" back at your face?
Maybe I'm just surlier than normal.
I need some tea.
There has to be a time where "FOAD" is an acceptable response to people.
3:02 AM
I don't even understand the question...and it doesn't have any downvotes.
@Wesley To meta!
@MarkHenderson Rub my back.
@Wesley What are you my wife?
@MarkHenderson No. I'll sex you.
Tip your veal!
3:16 AM
@Wesley thanks
I deserve it. I'm finding old routines in our system and increasing their speed by orders of magnitude
This system started out on a btrieve database and is now on SQL 2008 R2 and moving to 2014 and yet we're still using btrieve-compatible datatypes
@MarkHenderson I'm getting hammered with edge cases that require me to learn things I don't know, in minutes, while angry people fill up the support inbox.
Hour 12 and counting...
@Wesley I just ignore my inbox on days like today
Fuck em
@MarkHenderson Wish I could. =/
I'm on a roll, don't you dare interrupt me
I currently have 41 unread emails ;)
@MarkHenderson Currently 43 active tickets. >_<
3:19 AM
@Wesley: you should dump it on your off hours guy ;p
And by 43 I meant 44.
@JourneymanGeek He's coming on board next week.
@JourneymanGeek Next time, man. Next time.
Bang out some shell scripts, work with LXC containers, and maybe back something with a prominent Key/Value store or NoSQL
ProHint: Use Redis for something. :P
3:21 AM
I'm applying for a few things at the moment
(facebook, some local places)
facebook primarily cause its datacenter, and that's something I'd love to do/learn about
@Wesley We're waiting on someone to accept a job offer with us. I super hope she does
Have you seen anything crop up concerning Amazon's Singapore presence @JourneymanGeek
@MarkHenderson I immediately regretted saying that.
And if she does men will officially be outnumbered by women in our company, which has gotta be rare for a tech company
3:22 AM
@Wesley not yet, no
@Wesley lol she is going to make all of our work loads much lighter
@MarkHenderson Biting my tongue and remembering that this is publicly searchable.
@Wesley You? Regret something inappropriate? Never!
Who are you and what did you do with Wesley?
@MarkHenderson I dunno, I'm getting more worried about public perception of locker room humor. It's one thing on a private IRC channel, but sometimes I worry about ten years in the future when I'm running for public office or something. :D
@Wesley Please if this is all you've done then you'll be cleaner than most of them
No dead hookers in your car boot?
3:25 AM
Clearly he is tired and emotional ;p
@JourneymanGeek lol we had a morning TV host who was "tired and emotional" on air after getting wasted at an awards after party the night before
They took him off air for 3 or 4 weeks or so and everyone was all "Whyyyyy?"
only the brits. They have a gift for never saying what they exactly mean
@MarkHenderson No, they're still moving.
3:32 AM
@Wesley: that's probably the soy sauce, salt and flaying.
@JourneymanGeek #justJapaneseThings
I think I've become immune to caffeine
Pots of coffee and caffeine pills do nothing.
I need to start using meth.
oh no
@ewwhite You got a meth hookup?
@Wesley total White-people drug... not my thing.
3:35 AM
@ewwhite What kinda uppers you got for me?
@Skyhawk Gimme meths plz.
@Wesley What's the square root of 1138?
@Skyhawk Ramen noodles.
@Wesley Dude. Don't make phallic references like that. You'll regret it when you run for public office.
@Skyhawk Funny how kissing babies was once a sign of a trustworthy politician, and now it's a death sentence (almost literally).
How far society has fallen.
If I were a baby, the last person I'd want kissing me would be some herped-up politician.
3:49 AM
@Skyhawk Licks scalp
4:03 AM
I want to poop in a paper cup and throw it at someone.
You would not believe the amount of times that seemingly intelligent adults suggest that if their odd, unreasonable, and late-night demands are not addresses that they'll negatively blog about it.
1 hour later…
5:10 AM
@Wesley that would be all of it?
@JourneymanGeek People that hold very high ranks seem to think that what amounts to blackmail and extortion will get them better service.
I imagine what they must have been like as kids:
"Give me what I want!!"
Mom: "What do you say?"
"Give me what I want... bitchass whore or I'll tell dad that you kissed his best friend at the last Christmas party!"
5:28 AM
I'm pretty sure you need to be a barely functioning sociopath to hit management in some places ;p
5:49 AM
Erry day I'm dumber.
It's bed time when @Iain shows up.
That sounded way wronger than I wanted.
6:09 AM
@RyJones unfortunately he will not be in my army, but in the one of team security.
I need more people for my army, especially in bellevue
What help does this guy want serverfault.com/questions/627743/linode-charged-a-startup-347 everyone to boycott Linode ?
@Iain wtf is wrong with people
His server got attacked by malware. Not linodes problem. Their server went over their allocation because of this. Not linodes problem. He's a startup? Again not Linodes problem.
They can't be bothered to secure the server correctly, and read their fine print?
They deliberately asked Linode to lift the block on the server, which I assume has then caused the overage
@MarkHenderson No idea what they expect
A pony and the nobel peace prize, I suppose
Dear $Deities how do some people even get to sit in front of a computer serverfault.com/questions/627719/crontab-is-not-working
There is so much fail there I wouldn't know where to start
7:11 AM
evenin' all
@Wesley that guy that you posted the comment from earlier? He's a CS Student at one of the NY state party schools. you can take his opinion with a grain of salt and a case of cheap beer.
Hello! I have a problem!
I have folder in SVN. This folder has been changed.
This folder has been changed without SVN.
@Iain: funny part is how he can get crontab -e right and crontab -l wrong.
I want again add folder in SVN. But previously i want delete folder from SVN. How to make it?
7:26 AM
@frops: Take a look at the channel topic please.
@JourneymanGeek Sorry!
@frops rm -rf. And use git.
Friends don't let friends use SVN.
I wouldn't wish svn on my enemies.
7:47 AM
dear $DEITY I am tired today. I really don't like Mondays
@JennyD Did you perchance end up with one of those extra-strength Mondays that last all week?
@Magellan Something like that. Thursdays are the worst kind of Mondays
at the risk of TMI, I had so bad cramping that I woke up during the night and had to take a double dose of painkillers to get back to sleep. I am wrecked.
ugh. =(
Wife approves of that Far Side comic.
ok. I better go to bed before the babies wake up again.
laterz all.
sleep well!
8:44 AM
Rant alert ON:
Q: why the hell I need to MANUALLY install 48 weblogics? A: Because $CLIENT puppet is STILL 2.7.19 and my code won't work there
rant alert OFF
thanks guys, feel better now
@dawud you're welcome
8:47 AM
@dawud pleasure
@dawud I had fun with serverfault.com/a/512009/9517 recently
@Iain @JennyD I really appreciate your support.
@Iain @Iain because of the Depenguinator, I guess
@dawud I ended up using install from grub, a random CentOS mirror and a local http server for the kickstart file
@Iain Yeah, the snake server was never a great option anyway. It works, but, as you said, it's unmaintained
I have a colleague who writes like this on Lync (every line a new message):
I forgot
in the ticket
to add
a value
this is driving me insane
this is
driving me
surely ?
8:56 AM
at least here it doesn't do this visual notification for every line. Lync flashes and makes a sound for every line...
@dawud between that and Aaron's answer I got what I needed and can now reinstall CentOS as long as I can boot my own Kernel
9:17 AM
Been roped into going to a Datacentre to rack and configure 4x top spec NetScalers
Feeling somewhat out of my depth
@faker so did I, until I told him ten times to write more on one sentence
he now obeys
@faker Yes
Annoys me
When there is a delay and you have to watch that "John is typing message"
just never respond directly, and disable any notification..
if they need an answer immediately they call, for everything else, 5min waiting is fine :)
@DennisNolte generally notifications are OK and useful. If I could, I would disable notifications only for him
another weird trend is that people only write "Hi" and wait until I respond back with "Hi" and only then start to write their question.
9:25 AM
@faker guess i am glad my nagios does use another system than the one we use for communcation :) no notification on other users but for important stuff ^^
9:46 AM
@Magellan We have CVS. And we're trying to move everything to SVN.
And here I am using git-svn cause I cbf dealing with that crap anymore.
App1: "upgrade your working copy to 1.8!"
App2: "wtf this working copy is corrupt" (doesn't support 1.8)
10:05 AM
@Dan At Least It's Not Using A Capital Letter At The Start Of Every Word. That Shit Drives Me Up The Goddam Wall.
10:19 AM
My NetScalers may (or may not be) in fucking Hungary
is that where they're meant to be ?
@Iain Nope, they're meant to be in Central London
@Dan Fucking Hungary isn't a neighbourhood in London?
The DC refused delivery yesterday, so the idea was that they'd be delivered today at around 10:00am (And the network guy wasn't available, so I got roped to come down)
@MichaelHampton Well, I guess this is London, so maybe!
@MichaelHampton Fucking is in Austria, not Hungary....
10:24 AM
@JourneymanGeek I'm pretty sure Fucking is all over the world.
@MichaelHampton What do you know about NUMA?
@ewwhite Not that much?
Hmm... read this.
Q: Set default numa policy to "interleave" system wide

BeeOnRopeI know it is possible to set the numa mode to "interleave" (see NB below) for a specific process using numactrl --interleave, but I'd like to know if it is possible to make this the system wide default (aka change the "system policy"). For example, if there a kernel boot flag to achieve this? NB...

@ewwhite I smell premature optimization... He shouldn't have to do this.
10:31 AM
he didn't specify OS
Or, rather, premature un optimization!
so I use numad...
but it seems everyone else looking to do what he does uses a wrapper script
10:54 AM
anywho, I'm done with that question.
1 hour later…
12:08 PM
Java says I have an update, but clicking "install" does nothing. Hm.
screw it and use Ninite.
@NathanC Ninite installs apps for you in the background. No clicking next. We say NO to toolbars or other junk.
Also, is it just me or did the chat's font change to be...smaller...
Were you holding down Ctrl while moving your mouse wheel?
12:11 PM
@MichaelHampton Zoom is at 100%, so no. The actual font changed
Not here it didn't.
sometimes, I really hate people
'Use an FTP client such as FileZilla to log into this site with your credentials and...'
and now they want a link to said client :S
Seriously considering a lmgtfy response
12:19 PM
@Bob Or you know, use Windows.
@cole What, Windows' builtin FTP?
Does that shit even work?
@Bob Yep, it does. ftp://ftpsitehere in Explorer
Lol. Neither does filezilla
I tend to favour cyberduck
@NathanC I know how to open it; I just vaguely recall it being some nightmarish horror :P
12:23 PM
I wouldn't say it's the best since you can't see the actual commands, but it's good in a pinch if you don't have a client
Then again, I use SFTP a majority of the time...the only time I ever use FTP is to download drivers and stuff
I tend to use SCP these days.
Which cyberduck also supports :p
=> OpenSSH scp or PuTTY pscp
12:37 PM
what the fuck sourceforge
what is this download accelerator bullshit
Another way to serve you ads
12:53 PM
@Bob yeah, use Ninite. Even for one program it's worth it to avoid the crapware.
It's a 15mb download I can wait for it you fuckers.
1:06 PM
@Basil sup
@Bob why are you still using sourcefraud?
@DennisKaarsemaker because filezilla, which I will be abandoning shortly at this rate.
Has anyone done much with Windows Forms?
@cole Define
1:20 PM
oh, I think I may have just figured it out.
@cole Maaaaaaaybe? :P
I did!
@cole What ya doing?
GUI for a Powershell script to enable RDP
for the help desk
1:21 PM
@cole :)
This is exciting
I kinda want to ask why they need a GUI, but the answer is pretty obvious too -_-
What, does it just take a computer name (or IP)?
And here I was hoping it was at least moderately complicated. A proper excuse :P
Need to fix it a bit but yeah
it works
1:29 PM
urk. Creative Cloud updater just restarted Explorer without warning...
terrible, terrible day
@Bob adobe at its finest, "we now restart your pc .." bam gone.. no questions asked.. fuck them.
I need to stop using dozens of unsaved Notepad instances to hold everything
@Bob Sticky notes!
1:51 PM
well, just use one of them, and do some free lines between..
i tend to have the same issue.
360° picture of my office :)
damn nice
@DennisKaarsemaker not bad... it's a step up from my bathroom, where I do most of my work
(toilet programming)
Are there any VEEEEEAM users online?
@ewwhite is that a new online dating app?
@DennisKaarsemaker the more often you talk the more often i actually think of applying for one of the offered jobs you have.
1:56 PM
@DennisNolte we are the borg, you will be assimilated!
@DennisNolte That whole relocating requirement is tough...
Though we can't possibly hire another Dennis in production.
@DennisKaarsemaker noone needs to know!
@ewwhite what exactly do you mean, i used to live ~150km or so near his location (if i did unstand it correctly that amsterdam is the work location)
@DennisNolte oh, for people like me... If @DennisKaarsemaker ever wanted me to work with him, I'd have to MOVE.
@DennisNolte he wants to work for me, but doesn't want to move from bankrupt chicago to thriving seattle/bellevue
1:59 PM
@DennisKaarsemaker ah i see.
@ewwhite we use it here.
@DennisKaarsemaker You couldn't pay me enough :)
But yeah, bankrupt Chicago....
Oh I could. But I don't want to :)
@tombull89 do you know much about backup proxies?
@DennisKaarsemaker hey, I made the decision to become stupider and focus on produce work
@ewwhite nope - not yet. We currently backup to disk in our server room but we'll be backing up to our sister school which as far as I know involves backup proxies. That's gonna be next year tho.
2:01 PM
I guess I'm trying to determine backup proxy requirements...
the remote site I wish to use only has a Windows DC available
and I think it would be quick to just install there
going for it... I know @mdmarra would cringe
Can anyone here get to: ams.usda.gov/commoditypurchasing ?
2:18 PM
@ewwhite I can send an HTTP request, but response times out
Well, the US Department of Agriculture must not care enough.
ooh, now getting connection reset by peer
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.
@DennisKaarsemaker same here.
They should move to The CLOUD
Looks like we're going to be unblocking Pinterest here...is this going to be a bad idea? I, personally, don't use Pinterest, so have no idea what's likely to be on it or not.
2:21 PM
@tombull89 I don't see the problem
I also don't see the point of the site... but I don't think people spend TOO much time there
I can dig up usage reports from my produce sites to see how much time people spend on pinterest, if you're curious
Same, don't really see the point of it, just wanted to make sure there was nothing that flagged right up.
2:47 PM
I'm considering buying a PC for me at home. Like not a Mac. I feel dirty :/
Yeah, I'd feel like that too if I ran a mac
funny enough I'm looking at components on ebay...my housemates want to play the SIMS 4 and their laptop's aren't good enough.
@DennisNolte the bigger problem is the "unsaved" part :P
Had to manually delete 20 voicemails from someone's verizon phone...no visual voicemail. "Message erased, next message" is now stuck in my head
@NathanC I'd probably head to OneNote first. Sticky Notes is weird...
Also rather notorious for corruption, IIRC
2:56 PM
@Bob Yeah, I hate having to pay a bribe just to get my note back
@Bob autosave in some todo folder, and after powercycle/freeze/updates you have it autostarted + loaded with that file?
@DennisNolte Notepad? Autosave? :P
@Bob btw: if it is not saved directly it it was not worth saving anyway.

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