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12:00 AM
Night ben
Oh, and I'll probably be dreaming of throwing darts at you tonight @WesleyDavid :-)
Glad to cause you some consternation. ;)
@WesleyDavid do you have any stackexchange userscripts installed ?
No I do not. Haven't looked into that like I should have.
Any recommendations?
the most useful one that I have is StackOverflow Switch Comments and preview - it puts the preview of what you are typing above the edit box
12:07 AM
@Ben I'm in the same boat, I've just submitted my answer but I fear the tiredness and glass of wine may mean I have to edit it in the morning!
Does this link 502 for anyone? userscripts.org/scripts/show/71948
yep, does for me
actually the whole site is 502ing atm
Aha! So I'm not going crazy. Or if I am, that's not one of the evidences.
12:20 AM
Night all
sleep well
And we're back to 502s galore. =|
Not to mention, not all of these scripts work in Chrome. >:-|
12:41 AM
Time to call it a good day of work and go home.
I don't suppose that anyone knows if it is possible to do a base64 encode in a spreadsheet in Google docs?
We had been using GeoTrust for all of our certs for a long time, and will be switching over to InCommon very soon. Wow cheaper.
And I will back up kenny's comment about startssl. I started using them for personal stuff and have been pretty happy.
1:32 AM
Win Server Security: Why do members of a group not get access when the Group has permission?
2:15 AM
@Russ, sorry?
@Russ Members of a group do get permissions when the group has access. Check the members effective permissions. Perhaps another group they belong to has deny permissions on it.
Also see your question. Did you logout/login after modifying group membership?
2:34 AM
There is nothing that will make my eyes glaze over and my mind start questioning my profession of choice like file system permissions issues.
3:16 AM
@WesleyDavid Just wait to until you realize you need to change the uids of 45 users across a hundred systems.
That's the bee's.
10 hours later…
1:02 PM
rm -rf /
1:30 PM
rm -rf /
del /S /Q .
del /S /Q
tee hee :)
2:12 PM
@pauska allot = assign
2 hours later…
4:21 PM
rm -rf /
can you read this??
Stupid rm -rf / thingy
Yeah, what you write comes in chat :)
@Ben That's a completely useless "feature"
Several of the sites have these easter eggs
Hi! :)
Wonder if anyone rm -rf /ed a server because of this.
4:22 PM
Hi @Nyuszika7H
2 hours later…
6:00 PM
@Flavius - people will come to your question in time (you only posted it 10 minutes ago after all). Bear in mind it is the weekend, so not everybody is going to be around
@Iain Bad grammar or does amazon actually call it that?
Heh, ok, it's actually a verb.. didnt know that :o
@pauska I have rarely heard it used in that tense, but yeah. Allocate might have been more obvious.
I think it is okay to point out a question in here -- shows you are around to answer any more questions people might have in here.
But it is true we tend to be a little slow on the weekends :-)
it's not common usage
6:14 PM
It is pretty common when talking about time or resources. "I am going to allot two team members for 3 days for that"
Usually hear it in speech more though I think
Posted by Kyle Brandt on January 22nd, 2011

As a system administrator participating on Server Fault has made me better at what I do and it has also been fun. Here’s why.

In many tech companies the IT department is pretty small. Even in the bigger ones you get more specialized admins, say a team of two network admins, a Unix guy with a beard and a Windows lady. That means when you have ideas that you want to bounce off of people or questions that you have, there is only a small group of people you can go to, and even then an even smaller chance that they will know what you are talking about. …

Need a comma in that first sentence :-)
6:30 PM
@KyleBrandt I wonder if that is a regional thing. I will often hear allot used in the past tense (allotted), but in my experience allocate is preferred for present tense.
@packs: Oh I missed your previous comment -- yes, I agree.
6:58 PM
So. You're going to propagate the bearded Unix guy, but also push the lady Windows admin. Hmmm.
7:27 PM
I'd like to have a lady Windows admin. Actually, no I wouldn't. I don't need anymore unstable things that I can barely manage.
@WesleyDavid Either, you're married, or you never will be. It's hard to tell from that statement :)
Just trying to be at least a little gender conscious :-)
One of our Windows admins is a lady. She's the one we always trust to Get The Job Done (tm)
@packs Ummm... can there be a third option? Please??
@WesleyDavid After 7 blissful years, my official answer is 'No Comment'
7:32 PM
How very diplomatic @packs!
@Ben Yes dear.
Also don't forget one of our Mods is a Windows lady :-)
I heart Kara.<3 <3 <3
Ooops, I accidentally hit Star :-)
She was an influencing factor in me sticking around this site in the early days.
7:34 PM
Hey @WesleyDavid. You have a little something on your nose
@packs It's remnants of a rainbow.
8:22 PM
@WesleyDavid so what's the deadline on that 10k challenge again? I suspect I'm going to fall waaaay short :)
@JonAngliss NYE, 2011
enough time to go hide somewhere :)
I'm a little behind myself.
Philip Hollenback is kicking some major booty though.
three weeks and he's already got 2K new points
I hate him.
No kidding ;)
I need to see if some giving developer type would be willing to possible code something for me to keep watch on all the participants stats.
8:28 PM
shouldn't be too hard
You're speaking to someone for whom coding involves using the special ring that he fished out of a box of Captain Crunch.
Maybe I can get Jeff Atwood to retweet about it and get some people interested.
they got rid of their nice text method of generating flair, so it requires just a little more work, but shouldn't be too bad
fortunately they made the site with nice tags everywhere
gah, my sed-foo is broken today
@JonAngliss You're doing great as far as points is concerned. Ahead of the curve, I think
8:37 PM
curl -s serverfault.com/users/9770/wesleydavid | grep 'class="summarycount"' | sed -e 's|[^0-9]||g'
oh thanks chatty program for shrinking the URL
that extracts your points from your status pag
replace the URL for other users
rather dirty... probably an easier way if serverfault has some kind of API
Then stuff the points in a DB of some kind, even if just XML, and chart the graph
@WesleyDavid it sounds like a perfect thing for the Stack Exchange API
@WesleyDavid already thinking of that ;) and bashing something together
8:58 PM
replace the echo name|score with whatever you want, ie, db insert lines
put in the time stamp too, and you can do nice graphs
9:37 PM
/me bangs his head against the desk
er... oops
9:48 PM
I dare say somebody smarter will come up with a nicer way of doing it
Heh, I am fiddling with a PHP script as we speak :-) The API is being weird though (though it's more likely my code!)
there's an API? damnit
I did say that earlier :P
ahh, missed that bit
1 hour ago, by Ben
@WesleyDavid it sounds like a perfect thing for the Stack Exchange API
OK, I didn't @ you, but still :P
9:52 PM
yea, just missed it
API would be a better way, you can back-date the score stuff, and fill in the missing parts
It returns JSON, so I made a call with my browser, saved the JSON in notepad and made a local page that outputs that JSON (so I can call that rather than the real API). It works fine on my locally served JSON, but not the real API JSON. How very annoying!
mine's just dirty curl|grep|sed combo, throwing in a mysqlimport at the end :)
meh, whatever works for you :)
php works nicely for me most of the time :)
Same here - been doing it for longer than I care to remember
9:56 PM
same :) now the API has me curious
see api.serverfault.com for some documentation
It's pretty neat
Yup, reading it now
10:14 PM
Aha! The JSON is gzip'ed when it comes from SF - that was my problem
In case that trips you up @JonAngliss
that'd certainly mess things up :)
Yeah, when echoing it to the page, I got a whole load of garbage
You know you've been doing this too long when you see garbage like that and think "I bet that's gzip'ed"
@WesleyDavid if you want something you can run from a cron job each day, I've whipped something up for you
Just add the users Server Fault user id into the participants table and it'll do the rest
@Ben much nicer... good code :)
10:23 PM
Why thank you
interesting, I thought you needed an API key, at least there is a signup page for one too
You need an API key if you're doing ridiculous numbers of requests per day
Since I get all the users in one request, it only counts as a single request
@ben you alwasy need an api key we don't like rediculous number of requests per day even if you have one
also , if you are writing your own code ... for the love of all that is holy set a UA, even better one that identifies the app
10:25 PM
Hopefully this 1 request per day won't be too much for the SF servers :)
haha nah
Alright, I'll add a UA just for you :)
we do ban IPs based on hits/day and they get less leeway if they don't have a UA
or a bad one
:) excellent
btw watchu working on (says the guy too lazy to scroll up)
@Zypher score tracker for @WesleyDavid 10k challenge
Something so @WesleyDavid can get some daily stats for his 10k challenge
10:27 PM
oh nice
i thought about working on something like that
but err i have very little free time ... damn an interesting job
Yeah, I wanted to do something with the API but I never had a real reason to - so this seemed a perfect way to kill a few hours
ok i guess i'll scroll up and see what's going on
I seriously overdid it with that kinect exercising thing yesterday. My legs haven't felt like this since I used to be fit and someone bet me I couldn't run 2 half marathons in a week...
@RobertMoir but that's a good thing
i still remember when I chose to walk down the 26 flights of stairs at work when they where having elevator issues
that hurt for like 3 days
10:31 PM
I went horse riding last night after a 2 week break and can really feel it
@zypher it would be a good thing if i stopped short of overdoing it yesterday so I could actually walk without swearing like a sailor today
hahah ... fair enough :)
horse riding... never tried that, sounds fun though
but yeah i can imagine you feeling it today
@ben what language you using for the script?
@Zypher It's PHP
10:32 PM
it is - I enjoy it - it's quite good exercise too
swimming is one of the most unforgiving exercises though, you don't realise how hard you worked until you try and get out of the water
i never thought about it that way Iain, but now that I have i can imagine it is
I swim a 2-4 timesa week
ah sweet
I probably over-did the fitness thing back then but I hate being so unfit now compared to how I was :-(
I used to do judo, boxing and russian wrestling but damaged my back quite badly and had to stop
I'm mad i missed out on like the whole biking season this year
10:34 PM
@WesleyDavid the code is now here and SQL is here
in the last 3 years I have put some effort into battling middle aged spread and I'm winning :)
gives me hope i might then :-)
what are you scripting for Ben?
It's so Wesley can get some daily stats for his 10k challenge
@Zypher on or off road biking ?
biking is another good exercise
10:36 PM
Thought I'd kill a few hours and play with the API
@Iain I do both, but i've transitioned to mostly on road, my bad knee has alot of issues with off road biking these days
yeah i guess that would be a bit rough
yea, funny part is on road biking REALLY helps it
i suppose you're moving it without jarring it that way
yep and strengthening the muscles to support it
10:37 PM
that too
I have a road bike - I love it - already done ~150 miles this year
yea i've got what i've turned into a hybrid ... i used to do mostly off road so bought a mountain bike
10:38 PM
but gradually it's shifted
i'm going to try and save up for a nice road bike for this summer
now i'm determined to get at least a bit fitter, bad back or not, i'm trying to figure out what i can and cannot do...
the swimming sounds like a winner, used to enjoy that
@RobertMoir get a recumbant bike
I have a hybrid for wetter weather and a roadie
that might be worth a go, thanks Zypher
swimming is great -low impact
10:39 PM
yea, i'm kinda stuck i normally try to get to the gym during the winter, but the imending move to nyc and the year or two year contracts they make you sign up for blocked that
and now i've put off the move uhg
but i'm walking more since i'm in NYC so much sooo ... not horrible
@zypher - got your eye on a particular roadie ?
that sounds like a bit of a shame
walking is a good exercise too
its also a great way to unwind after a trying day
or to chew over a problem
ohh ... i was looking in August ... lemmie see if I can remmeber the model i really liked
Oh, I thought that this was a chat room about active directory :)
10:41 PM
AD has been discussed here before
and will be in the future
it makes a nice change
It was on the same page as my question, I thought it was linked, by some magical tagging or something
i don't think we're that smart here yet
10:42 PM
I better go patent that quickly
the site i mean... I know I'm not that smart at all, never mind yet
i have to go fix my brother's home computer tomorrow
on the upside he's cooking me a birthday dinner
damnit ... this is gonna bug me ... they have thier HQ around me
who ?
oh man ... i forget damn my memory big brand name though
10:48 PM
AHH Connondale
they're nice bikes
the specialized tarmacs a v nice
10:52 PM
yea, although i'm gonna get used to NYC biking before thowing down a couple grand on a new bike ... i kill my 6 year old bike on those roads ehh ... i kill a 2k brand new bike i'd cry
not a bad idea
indeed - for city biking a fixie might be best
stupidest biking hting I ever did was trying the 40 mile loop of the livestrong challenge with mountain bike tires
that hurt, until i manged to bend the rim and break two spokes on the return trip
oops not a lot of fun there then
nah that hurt for days after
but it was fun
10:56 PM
all that buzz you can hear your effort being wasted
i should think it hurt, yeh
yea ... i didn't even notice just htought i was getting tired and that was why it was harder to go ... until someone pointed out my break pad was rubbing
and then you woke up the day after with a similar problem to me and my kinect over-doing it
yes exactally
feel the burn
10:58 PM
and smile
yep ... and then realize i drive a manual ...
and getting to work is gonna suck on monday :)
the only way to drive
so true, but honeslty i'll be happier when i move to NYC and not drive at all !
do you not like driving? I don't
uh i mean I don't mind driving
ehh ... some days i love it ... other days i hate it ... i think it's more the concept that i can't get somewhere without driving i hate
11:03 PM
fair enough
that and all th crap that goes with cars, loan payments, insurance, yearling inspection and registration, blah blah blah
well driving is bloody expensive thats true
well i'm off to bed
cya folks
yea ... i'm 4 years into a 6 year loan and starting to kick myself for bying new
g'nigh @RobertMoir
11:05 PM
I've never bought new - usually get them @ 12-24 months - someone else takes the big depreciation hit
yea ... I was young and just HAD TO HAVE the new shiney
when I was young I couldn't afford new
yea, I kinda skipped a few of those growing up stages whent from a part time job in high school that payed 13$/hour to my first real job part time @19 and then transitioned to full time @23 and then upward from there
sometimes i think about just going and getting a crappy part time job on the weekends just to see what it was like to work like that
although having the ability to say FU i'm out kinda defeats that purpose

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