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where do people get these shockingly bad ideas from?!
I could build a better power strip out of parts from the local big box store :/
@Shalvenay This one is definitely from Russia or former Soviet Union. No big box stores there.
@NickAlexeev ...no hardware stores either?
@Shalvenay Not really. There are so called builder's markets (think bazaar or farmer's market). But they are few and far between.
@NickAlexeev sheesh. how do you get a receptacle to replace the one in your bedroom that broke then?
5:12 PM
For starters, there is no requirement max distance between receptacles. So, they are much further between, compared to US.
Judging from the type of bed and quality of the wall paint, I'd say that this is in a college dorm room. The watermark ProkolUz suggests that this picture is from Uzbekistan ("prikol" is a slang term for "joke").
@Shalvenay My favorite bad idea is a water heater comprised of a pair of razor blades (electrodes) connected to mains AC. The blades are held 2mm apart with matchsticks acting as spacers. The power dissipation caused by current going through the water heats the water.
@NickAlexeev zoinks
Come to think of it, I should post this picture the EE.SE chat, and make them guess.
[Don't tell them. Don't spoil it for them, okay?]
5:27 PM

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