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4:43 AM
@Sue Sorry I missed you. I was busy all evening. Sounds like you got the advice you needed though.
Thanks @Shalvenay
18 hours later…
10:22 PM
@NiallC. Never be sorry, I always appreciate you, and get more attention than I expect, so thanks. I definitely got great advice and it was so kind of Shalvenay to step in. I had no idea what a great community this is. Plus I just checked the graph and you have awesome stats!
More than 23 questions and 103,582 visits a day! Wow!
@Shalvenay Just wanted to thank you again, and give a quick report. It felt so good knowing exactly the right questions to ask Mike (contractor) this morning. He used flex duct, but called it "hard flex" rather than "soft or wimply" flex. He did reduce the size from 6" to 4" in order to fit our soffit and not have to go into the attic.
He said you were right about the makeup air which is why he had planned on cutting the bottom of the door. The people before us had laid a new floor on top of the old and used a threshold, which the door bumps up against tightly. He's going to start by cutting about an inch off the bottom, and if we're still having a problem, he'll adjust other things.
He did repeat that condensation on the windows and walls is perfectly safe, as long as the fan takes care of it right away. I hope that's true!
Thanks again for your kindness. There was no need for you to be at my beck and call! We don't do many of our own projects, but I'm definitely going to check out this site while I'm here :)

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