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2:26 AM
@LukeSawczak When you say participial adjective, would being yellow be an example of it? Or the verb to be is just a state that involves no participation and therefore doesn't fit the rule?
2:49 AM
@Feelew That would indeed be an example; I mean the term purely grammatically, actual participation be damned. ;) But I think I should have said participle in any case... "Consider it as being yellow" is okay, if less likely than "Consider it (to be) yellow." Here's a nice little paragraph with "I consider it as being incomplete", and in the very next one "You consider it exceedingly desirable", so both are okay.
(and that vicinity also has "consider + noun" and "consider + to be + adjective"! A veritable cornucopia of considerations.)
14 hours later…
4:26 PM
@Feelew Also, it finally occurred to me that "considered as" is a very likely mistake given "considéré comme". If I were translating that, my rule of thumb would be to delete "as". A good example is the second paragraph in the Science and Technology section here. The first two sentences both have "considered as", which fit snugly in with the other gallicisms in the article. :)
5:12 PM
@LukeSawczak Thanks Luke. I'll try to get my head around this one: the French speaker in me shows when I consider something as [adjective]. I didn't know. Just as I was proud to finally have managed to turn lights on and off every time instead of opening and closing them!
5 hours later…
10:42 PM
@Feelew Those wonderful faux amis. Reminds me of a girl in a university French class who had shown some admirable levelheadedness, prompting me to say, "Tu es si sensible !" Her reply: "You know that means 'sensitive', not 'sensible', right?" I hadn't known... but later on, she wryly added, "You know... I am also /sɑ̃sibl/." :)

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