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10:49 AM
@zyabin101 What fiction games"
@Bálint I have Z-machine and Glulx games. The Z-machine titles are "The Dreamhold", "Adventure", "Disenchantment Bay" and both "When in Rome" titles.
There is only one Glulx title I have right now - "Adventure".
Which do you want to play?
"When in Rome"
Ah, there are two "When in Rome" titles: "When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste" and "When in Rome 2: Far from Home".
Which do you want to play?
The frst then
@Bálint Okay.
"Excuse me. You in the fedora," says a female voice, behind you. "Excuse me, is it really too difficult to keep your dog leashed?"

"Yes," you say, turning. "I haven't got a dog."

The source of the aggravation is ten feet back on the path: hair between brown and honey, a Marilyn figure, and one of those tipped-up noses that makes a girl look always just a little annoyed.

There is also a short red animal worrying at her skirt.

"Whatever you call it, it obviously shouldn't be out unleashed."

"It isn't mine, and I don't know what it is." You and the girl look at the creature again. In the 
 When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste
 A Puzzle Game in Five Brief Episodes
            by Emily Short
"Do you think it might be an escaped monkey?" you ask. There is a rip of stitches coming free: as a matter of theoretical interest, you wonder what the girl will do if the beast manages to tear off her skirt.

"I don't know!" she exclaims, swatting it with her handbag. "But it's--"

There's a flash of red arms. "It took my bag!" she exclaims, blinking, as the thing runs off for the shelter of the nearest bridge. "Your dog took my handbag!"

You open your mouth to deny involvement, but she doesn't wait to hear it; instead she strips off her shoes and goes running after the thing. You watch h
*** When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste ***
A Puzzle Game in Five Brief Episodes by Emily Short
Release 2 / Serial number 060503 / Inform 7 build 3K27 (I6/v6.30 lib 6/10N)
Central Park Underpass
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

As you step under the bridge, the girl shrieks.

Before you have time to work out what this is about, something warm and strong drops on your head and shoulders. The animal. Its legs grip you firmly, pinning you so that you cannot move easily; its arms are around your throat.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.
@Bálint What's next? (You should be able to call for help in this game.)
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.

The girl hovers nervously near a trash can.
What's next?
10:57 AM
I try to hit the creature's head.
Central Park Underpass
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.

The girl hovers nervously near a trash can.

>examine creature
You cannot see it at all, of course, since it's on your back and shoulders. Nor are there any handy surfaces in which to observe yourself. You will just have to rely on the girl to tell you what is going on.
What's next?
I try to hit the creature
>hit creature
Your arms are pinned by the creature on your back and shoulders, which prevents you from being much use.

"Lovely," says the girl. "It's eating my letter from the employment office."

"Did it say anything important?"

"Only if I ever want to escape my current boss."

The desperate grip on your throat slackens somewhat.

I fall on my back
@Bálint That's not a verb I recognize.
>fall on back
That's not a verb I recognize.

11:01 AM
 > Introduction to When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste
   Instructions for Play
   Contacting the Author
Choose one, or quit.
Okay, back to the game.
Central Park Underpass
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.

The girl hovers nervously near a trash can.

I lie down
@Bálint I didn't understand that sentence.
>lie down
I didn't understand that sentence.

What's next?
11:05 AM
I bite the creature
@Bálint That's not a verb I recognize.
>bite creature
That's not a verb I recognize.

(I should probably get an introductory postcard with some story.)
shake off creature
@Bálint That's not a verb I recognize.
>shake off creature
That's not a verb I recognize.

(Next time you do this, I call for help.)
Call for help
>call girl
(the girl)
Your arms are pinned by the creature on your back and shoulders, which prevents you from being much use.

The creature flings aside the handbag.

The girl reacquires the handbag, looking satisfied. "Well, at least that's taken care of." You stare at her indignantly as small but strong fingers grip your throat.

11:10 AM
Call for help
What's next?
 > Introduction to When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste
   Instructions for Play
   Contacting the Author
Choose one.
Or did you mean literally call for help?
Instructions to play
 > About Interactive Fiction
   What to do with >
   Getting Started
   Rooms and Travel
   Controlling the Game
   How the World is Assembled
   If You Get Stuck
Controlling the game
There are a few simple commands for controlling the game itself. These are:

SAVE saves a snapshot of the game as it is now.
RESTORE puts the game back to a previous saved state. You may keep as many saved games as you like.
RESTART puts the game back to the way it was at the beginning.
QUIT ends the game.
   About Interactive Fiction
   What to do with >
   Getting Started
   Rooms and Travel
 > Controlling the Game
   How the World is Assembled
   If You Get Stuck
11:12 AM
If you get stuck
 > Explore
   Read carefully
   Be creative
Okay, back to the game.
Central Park Underpass
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.

The girl hovers nervously near a trash can.

Call girl
>call girl
(the girl)
You try, but the more you struggle, the tighter the creature holds.

"It's waving at me," she says, glancing past you at the thing on your back. "It keeps gnashing its teeth and pointing to its belly."

"Must be ulcers," you remark.

"You think?"

"Could you find something more to feed it, please?" you say. "Maybe it could be lured away with snacks."
Hmm... snacks.
Ah! Inventory! I should be able to find snacks!
You can hardly go through your pockets while pinned like this, though in fact you doubt you have anything useful anyway.

The girl circles you, considering the situation. "It's very strong," she comments unhelpfully.

Well, I tried to.
Look around for snacks.
Central Park Underpass
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.

The girl hovers nervously near a trash can.

"Maybe it's not hostile," says the girl. "Maybe it comes in peace, and its message is just misunderstood."

"It seems to be trying to kill me," you point out, in a hoarse voice.
No snacks found.
What's next?
11:18 AM
ran into a tree
@Bálint You can't see any such thing.
>run into tree
You can't see any such thing.

(This is hard, am I missing something?)
We can always call for help.
Well, let's read some of it.
The first thing you want to do when starting a game is acquaint yourself with your surroundings and get a sense of your goal. To this end, you should read the introductory text carefully. Sometimes it contains clues. You will also want to look at the room you are in. Notice where the exits from the room are, and what objects are described here. If any of these seem interesting, you may want to EXAMINE them.

You might also want to examine yourself (EXAMINE ME) to see whether the author has left you any clues about your character. TAKE INVENTORY will tell you what you're carrying, as well.
At any given time, you are in a specific location, or room. When you go into a room, the game will print a description of what you can see there. This description will contain two vital kinds of information: things in the room you can interact with or take, and a list of exits, or ways out. If you want to see the description again, you may just type LOOK.

When you want to leave a location and go to another one, you may communicate this to the game using compass directions: eg, GO NORTH. For simplicity's sake, you are allowed to omit the word GO, and to abbreviate the compass directions. So
Oh, the Frotz timer shows 27 minutes already.
And we hardly did any progress.
Throughout the game there will be assorted objects that you can do things with. Most importantly, you may TAKE or GET items, and (when you are tired of them) DROP them again. INVENTORY (abbreviated I) will list the items you are currently holding.

There are usually assorted things you may do with these objects. OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, EAT, LOCK, and UNLOCK are especially common.
Occasionally, you will find that the game does not recognize the name of an object even though it has been described as being in the room with you. If this is the case, the object is just there for scenery, and you may 
11:21 AM
Then examine trash can
>examine trash can
Your arms are pinned by the creature on your back and shoulders, which prevents you from being much use.

Somewhere several hundred yards down the path there is a siren and flashing lights: the police and fire department do still exist, even if they are falling down on the job of containing mysterious red animals just at the moment.

Let's look what we have, my arms are pinned, so I can't take, drop or eat anything
And can't take inventory either.
You can hardly go through your pockets while pinned like this, though in fact you doubt you have anything useful anyway.

The girl pummels the creature with her shoes in the attempt to dislodge it.

It becomes more agitated, squeezing your windpipe to the point of pain. "Maybe that isn't a good idea," you squeak.

We have a trash can, a road, and a (obviously useless) girl around us
@Bálint I don't think the girl is useless.
11:24 AM
Examine me
>examine me
You are feeling a little wilted in the heat.

What's next?
@Bálint Can't go this way.
You try walking, but the creature squeezes your throat convulsively, so that you think you will strangle. Spots appear in your eyes. You stop, and the pressure eases.

"Okay," you whisper hoarsely. "Not going anywhere, then."

Central Park Underpass
The path you were on takes a dip and passes under the road above. At this time of the evening, it's dark down here, even though the rest of the park is still in the pale, lucid stage of twilight.

Your fedora lies on the ground next to a trampled newspaper, where it was knocked off in the scuffle.

The girl hovers nervously near a trash can.

Hey @Paul! We're playing "When in Rome: Accounting for Taste".
Want to, with us?
11:29 AM
@zyabin101 Playing is a strong term for it
I was expecting a box of sand, though this is more amusing nevertheless.
But I be gone anyway.
I'm sure we can do something with the trash can
I'm opposite of that.
Our arms are pinned by the creature on the back and shoulders.
This prevents us from being much use.
11:32 AM
We don't have too many things to though, a fedora, a newspaper, a girl, a creature
run into wall
I did three tries for that. The result is obviously harmful.
>run into north wall
You must name something more substantial.

>run into northern wall
You can't see any such thing.

>run into wall
Which do you mean, the north, the northeast, the northwest, the south, the southeast, the southwest, the east or the west?

You must name something more substantial.

The squeeze on your throat is beginning to make you feel dizzy.

The girl tries to pull the animal off you again, but it is causing more harm than help.

In real life I would just fall on my back, and shake the creature off
But in the game, falling on your back is not a verb it recognizes.
I seriously can'f guess anything, let's try a another game
So, quit?
11:40 AM
Save game before quitting?
Are you sure you want to quit?
11:42 AM
Then, what now?
Wish to play another game?
Why not
I have Z-machine and Glulx games. The Z-machine titles are "The Dreamhold", "Adventure", "Disenchantment Bay" and both "When in Rome" titles.
There is only one Glulx title I have right now - "Adventure".
Let's do the z machine adventure
The history contains no saved games.
@Bálint Okay.
Welcome to Adventure!
(Please type HELP for instructions and information.)

The Interactive Original
By Will Crowther (1976) and Don Woods (1977)
Reconstructed in three steps by:
Donald Ekman, David M. Baggett (1993) and Graham Nelson (1994)
[In memoriam Stephen Bishop (1820?-1857): GN]

Release 9 / Serial number 060321 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S

At End Of Road
You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.
@Bálint What's next? (You may call for help in this game.)
11:44 AM
Go in

Inside Building
You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring.

There are some keys on the ground here.

There is tasty food here.

There is a shiny brass lamp nearby.

There is an empty bottle here.

Also, there's a scoring system. Your score right now is 36.
Take keys
@Bálint Taken.
Eat food
>take keys

The max is 350 points, but the last point is awarded by never saving the game and undoing any action.
>eat food
(first taking the tasty food)

Mmm! It's tasty! gives some tasty food to @Bálint
11:47 AM
take bottle
@Bálint Taken.
>take bottle

This reminds me of those loot rooms from skyrim
take lamP
But there is no loot other than (maybe) useful items.
>take lamp


Inside Building
You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring.

11:49 AM
Go out

At End Of Road

Go in forest
@Bálint That's not something you can enter.
But you can go in some direction where the forest is.

In Forest

11:51 AM

In Forest
You are in open forest near both a valley and a road.

@Bálint Already done.

At End Of Road

That reminds me of an infinite road.
Going north from a road, then north again goes back to the road?
Maybe we went too north
@Bálint Heh.
11:53 AM

In Forest
You are in open forest, with a deep valley to one side.

Finally, something interesting!

In A Valley
You are in a valley in the forest beside a stream tumbling along a rocky bed.

Take rock
@Bálint That's hardly portable.
Even two men, one a child and one a grown-up (or a child, idk), can't easily take the rock.
11:54 AM
Eat water
>take rock
That's hardly portable.

@Bálint Water can't be eaten.
>drink water
You have taken a drink from the stream. The water tastes strongly of minerals, but is not unpleasant. It is extremely cold.


At Slit In Streambed
At your feet all the water of the stream splashes into a 2-inch slit in the rock. Downstream the streambed is bare rock.

Hmm, we should have taken some water from the stream in the bottle.
Lemme go back.

In A Valley

>put water in bottle
The bottle is now full of water.


At Slit In Streambed

What's next?
What's next? >_>
12:13 PM
@Bálint I just saved the game and lost you "the last point" D:
12:31 PM
@Bálint are you there?
@zyabin101 Sorry, I had a black out
It was actually artificial, but the company just forgot to mentiom
@Bálint Ah.
So, continuing playing Adventure?
I saved the game while you were away, though that costed you "the last point".
@Bálint continuing playing Adventure?
1:34 PM
@zyabin101 No, I can't, have have things to do now :P
3 hours later…
4:38 PM
Interesting that chat.stackoverflow.com when one-boxed links to stackoverflow.com
Handy - thanks

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