Conversation started Nov 13, 2014 at 15:40.
Nov 13, 2014 15:40
Little less than a week ago I asked this question
Basically, every time I tried to access the admin panel I'd be logged out
It resolved itself on its own in 3 days
Now it's started happening again
Anyone have a clue as to what might cause this?
I saw it, but had no ideas... check the server time and time on your local computer. other than that hands-on debug needed really...
It has to be an extension, doesn't it?
Or are there other things I should check?
Also remove the "solution" check mark on your answer. No one will try to answer it that way.
Nov 13, 2014 15:54
Is there some sort of server timezone setting I should be checking?
WP mostly overrides time zone, check that time and date are accurate
My server's on PST and is reporting the accurate date & time for that timezone.
As far as wordpress goes, it's a little hard to check without access to the admin panel...
access the DB directly
Q: (Guide) How to add database details to your question

kaiserAs we got quite some questions dealing with migrating other CMS or custom databases to WordPress, we need a guide on how to attach the minimum needed data. Those posts have some views, but there are simply too many different systems out there to have an expert for everything. So if you want to ke...

Also rename all plugin folders and your current theme folder to switch back to default, then try again.
The options DB entry name is timezone_string iirc
Nov 13, 2014 16:11
Yup, 'America/Chicago'
That matches my timezone, but not the server's.
What should WordPress's timezone match?
it's unlikely that it is issue directly... I mean if it could have easily broken login we would be drowning in reports of such
Makes sense.
Well, then, I'm off to deactivate plugins via ssh.
Nov 13, 2014 16:34
ooh, intriguing, I can now see my site in Chrome. lol
Maybe I'll figure out what was causing that issue, too =)
Aaaaand... disabling all the plugins fixed both issues. =P
Yay! My custom plugin isn't the issue.
Nov 13, 2014 16:59
As I suspected.
It's iThemes Security. /sigh
Conversation ended Nov 13, 2014 at 16:59.