Conversation started Dec 11, 2012 at 16:47.
Dec 11, 2012 16:47
@toscho if I am echoing same localized string as core ('Your comment is awaiting moderation.' for example) should I omit theme text domain or not?
@Rarst Don’t. Core string changes may not be in sync with your code updates.
but I suppose it won't fallback to core if it's not translated in theme yet? or will it?
Not sure I understand
Do you want a partial translation?
I am overriding core code and I want translations to come from core, since it's nothing specific to my theme
and 3.5 is being pushed out on the internal wordpress updater
Dec 11, 2012 16:54
@Rarst If core changes the string your users will get untranslated output. Not good.
@toscho good point...
but it's "users don't get translation unless I translate" versus "users get translation until possibly core changes string"
@Rarst Just. Do. It.
@kaiser just do what?
I do that with some of my code too. Place some @TODO comments for those strings.
You'll anyway go through it when updating.
Dec 11, 2012 16:56
@Rarst Then don’t override core strings.
@toscho it's not my intention, but sometimes it's all or nothing with modifying core code
sometimes is not specific enough. :) What exactly is your use case?
And 3.5 is out...
@toscho right now - comments templating, but I have few more places
I either use callback and completely control output or let WP completely control it - no middle ground
		if ( !empty($args['callback']) ) {
			call_user_func($args['callback'], $comment, $args, $depth);
There is no new string?
Dec 11, 2012 17:00
@toscho meaning?
in your code snippet – where do you replace a core string?
<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?>
		<em class="comment-awaiting-moderation"><?php _e('Your comment is awaiting moderation.') ?></em>
		<br />
<?php endif; ?>
I need to echo essentially same thing with my markup in template
Oh, okay. This is wrong.
what is?
the missing text domain
Dec 11, 2012 17:02
this is from core, not my code... but the point is I have to use domain and translate?..
they renamed even the damn HTML editor
So it will work until 3.6 - then you have to go through it again.
Conversation ended Dec 11, 2012 at 17:03.